Dr. Isabelle Gagnon is featured in a Canal Savoir episode. In her episode, Isabelle discusses the advantages that the REPAR network provides to researchers in rehabilitation in Québec. Follow this link for the episode.

Published on: 3 Aug 2015

Two members of Dr. Melissa Park’s research team (Orly Estein and Sarah Sandham) did an interview on Radio Moon about their CIHR-funded projects. Radio Moon is a program on McGill’s CKUT campus radio station and is a project of Forward House, dedicated to people living with mental health issues.

Published on: 3 Aug 2015

Prof. Marie-Ève Bolduc won Best Poster at the 8th Annual Canadian Society of Hand Therapists’ conference, for the submission, “Flow diagram to guide the assessment and identification of ROM restriction determinants.” Collaborating with Marie-Ève were Prof. Nancy Forget and Dr. Bernadette Nedelec.

Published on: 3 Aug 2015

Dr. Isabelle Gélinas has been awarded the 2016 Muriel Driver Memorial Lectureship Award from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT). This award was established by the CAOT to honor one who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession through education, research and professional practice. Isabelle will be giving her Lecture at the 2016 CAOT Conference, scheduled for Spring 2016 in Banff.

Published on: 3 Aug 2015

Dr. Nancy Mayo’s “People Behind the Science” podcast,  Episode #285, Serving Those with Disability Through Health Services and Outcomes Research (July 17 2015) has been published! Hear it on iTunes or on the People Behind the Science website.

Published on: 31 Jul 2015

Researchers from McGill University and its hospital-affiliated research institutes have been awarded $91.5 million in grants in the latest round of funding by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Classified as: Research, CIHR, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, McGill News, Foundation, Open Operating, early-career
Published on: 28 Jul 2015

Insulin has long been known as the hormone which controls the body’s sugar levels: humans who lack or are insensitive to insulin develop diabetes. Although insulin is also made and released in the brain, its effects there have remained unclear.

Classified as: brain, epilepsy, chronic pain, anxiety, insulin, anesthesia, benzodiazepines, valium, psychoactive drugs
Published on: 30 Jun 2015

Screening for genes whose risk association with breast cancer has yet to be proven is not justified and potentially harmful, argue an international team of leading geneticists and oncologists in a paper published this week in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.

Classified as: genetic testing, William Foulkes, cancer genes, genetic counselling, breast cancer susceptibility, cancer risk
Published on: 1 Jun 2015

With the arrival of spring, millions of Canadians have begun their annual ritual of sneezing and wheezing due to seasonal allergies. A research team at the Montreal Children’s Hospital from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) is bringing them hope with a potential vaccine that nudges the immune response away from developing allergies.

Classified as: immune system, Vaccine, allergies
Published on: 14 May 2015

The brain is a privileged organ in the body. So vital to life, the brain is protected from alterations elsewhere in the body by a highly regulated gateway known as the blood-brain barrier, which allows only selected molecules to pass through.

Classified as: brain, Research, Multiple Sclerosis, MS, protein, mice, animal, BBB, blood-brain barrier, sclerosis
Published on: 22 Apr 2015

Four new Canada Research Chairs have been awarded to McGill University researchers and two others have been renewed, representing a total of $6.6 million in funding over the next five to seven years for research in a range of fields related to health, medicine and engineering.

Classified as: Research, health, Canada Research Chairs, McGill News, Chevrier, David Thomas, Kamen, Lukacs, Soleimani, Susan Kahn
Published on: 9 Apr 2015

The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation, McGill University, the Université de Montréal and the Fondation du Dr Julien will establish two chairs in social pediatrics in the community, to be based in the Montreal neighbourhood of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. In a Canadian first, researchers will conduct a long-term study on social pediatrics in the community.  This clinical practice has a proven track record, thanks to its founder, Dr. Gilles Julien, who has been practicing social pediatrics in disadvantaged neighbourhoods for nearly 30 years.

Classified as: faculty of medicine, McGill News, Children’s Hospital Foundation, Dr Julien, Gilles Julien, Marcelle and Jean Coutu, Nicolas Steinmetz, social pediatrics
Published on: 26 Feb 2015

A quiet time scheduled every afternoon could improve the health of newborns and mothers in maternity wards according to researchers at McGill University.

Classified as: health, St. Mary's Hospital, babies, hospital, Maternity ward, mothers, silence, Susan Law
Published on: 19 Jan 2015


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