Students Discovering The World Through Sensory Ethnography

15 Feb 2023

Students taking ANTH 408: Sensory Ethnography have spent a semester working with the Critical Media Lab to explore the themes of sustainability, consumerism, and preservation via video and sound by...

Master of Public Policy Students Visit Parliament Hill

18 Jan 2023

In late November, early December 2022, students from the Max Bell School of Public Policy's Masters in Public Policy visited Ottawa and the House of Commons to gain firsthand knowledge from...

Learning Through Poetry: Students and Ecopoetry

18 Jan 2023

Discussions of endangered species, climate change and humanity’s impact on our environment aren’t just topics you’ll find McGill students discussing in environment or biology courses. Within McGill...

A Journey Into the World of “Pomona” At the Moyse Hall Theatre

10 Nov 2022

On November 23, McGill’s Moyse Hall will welcome audiences to attend its latest student production, “Pomona” a haunting, disorienting, and dark journey through a concrete wasteland, in search of a...

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