2005-2011 Publications

On this page, faculty publications from academic years ending in:
2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005  


From McGill 2010-2011 Annual Report.

BENNETT, G. Archaeological and historical views of the Liao (10th to 12th centuries) borderlands in northeast China. Co-authored with Naomi Standen, In: The archaeology of borderlands, edited by David Mullins, pp.80-98. Oxbow Publishers.
BISSON. M. Cordova, C., Nowell, A., Bisson, M., Ames, C., and DeWitt, R.   2011,  “Geomorphological and soil stratigraphic patterns associated with the Middle Paleolithic on the Madaba Plateau, Jordan: The case of the Ma’in Site Complex.  Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society: 41:5-36.

Bonilla-Sanchez, Y., J.C. Serio-Silva, G. Pozo-Montuy and C.A. Chapman. Does the expansion of Eucalyptus plantations signal hope or despair for black howler monkeys.  International Journal of Primatology (Early View).

Lauck, M., D.O’Connor, T. Friedrich, D. Hyeroba, A. Tumukunde, G. Weny, S.M. Lank, C.A. Chapman and T.L. Goldberg. Two novel, divergent simian hemorrhagic fever viruses in a wild Ugandan red colobus monkey discovered using unbiased direct pyroseqeuncing.  PLoS Pathogens (Early View).

Chapman, C.A., D.D. Bowman, R.R. Ghai, T.L. Goldberg, J.F. Gogarten, J.M. Rothman, D. Twinomugisha, and C. Walsh.  Protozoan parasites in group-living primates: Testing the     biological island hypothesis.  American Journal of Primatology (Early View).

Naughton, L., J. Alix-Garcia, and C.A. Chapman.  2011.  A decade of forest loss and economic growth around Kibale National Park, Uganda: Lessons for poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 108:13919–13924.

Hanya, G., P. Stevenson, M. van Noordwijk, S.T. Wong, T. Kanamori, N. Kuze, S. Aiba, C.A. Chapman, and C. van Schaik.  2011.  Seasonality in fruit availability affects frugivorous primate biomass and species richness.  Ecography 34:1009-1017.

 Rothman, J.M., D. Raubenheimer, and C.A. Chapman. 2011. Nutritional geometry: Gorillas prioritize energy in a forest with protein surpluses Biology Letters 7:847-849.

Hartter, J. S.J. Ryan, J. Southworth, and C.A. Chapman.  2011.  Landscapes as continuous entities: forest disturbance and recovery in the Albertine Rift landscape. Landscape Ecology 26:877-890.

MacKenzie, C., C.A. Chapman, and R. Sengupta.  2011.  Spatial patterns of illegal resource extraction in Kibale National Park, Uganda.  Environmental Conservation 39:8-50. extraction in Kibale National Park, Uganda.  Environmental Conservation 39:8-50.

O’Farrill, G.X., C.A. Chapman and A. Gonzalez. 2011. Origin and deposition sites influence seed germination and seedling survival of Manilkara zapota: implications for long-distance animal mediated seed dispersal.  Seed Science Research 21:305-313.

Omeja, P.A. J.S. Lwanga, J. Obua, C.A. Chapman. 2011.  Fire control as a simple means of promoting tropical forest restoration.  Tropical Conservation Science 4:287-299.

Stampone, M., J. Hartter, C.A. Chapman, S.J. Ryan.  2011.  Trends and variability in localized precipitation around Kibale National Park, Western Uganda, Africa.  Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3:14-23.

Chapman, C.A.  2011.  Professor Toshisada Nishida: An inspiration for academic research and conservation. Primates 52:397-398.
Bonnell, T.R., R. Reyna-Hurtado, and C.A. Chapman. 2011.  Post-logging recovery time is longer than expected in an East African tropical forest.  Forest Ecology and Management 261:855-864.

Omeja, P.A., C.A. Chapman, J. Obua, J.S. Lwanga, A.L. Jacob, F. Wanyama, and R. Mugenyi. 2011 Intensive tree planting facilitates tropical forest biodiversity and biomass accumulation.  Forest Ecology and Management 261:703-709.

Struhsaker, T.T., C.A. Chapman, and T.R. Pope.  2011.  Healthy baboon with no upper jaw or nose: an extreme case of adaptability in the Kibale National Park, Uganda. Primates 52:15-18.

Edited Chapter Chapter in Edited Book
Serio-Silva J.C., Y.M. Bonilla-Sanchez, G. Pozo-Montuy, R. Reyna-Hurtado and C.A. Chapman. Identifying areas for ecotourism and conservation of threatened species: The model of black howler monkey in Playas de Catazajá, Mexico. In: A. Yañez-Arancibia, R. Dávalos-Sotelo and E. Reyes (eds),

Ecological Dimension for sustainable socioeconomic development, WIT Press, Southampton, UK pp.(Submitted); Arroyo-Rodrigues, E. Cuesta-del Moral, S. Mandujano, C.A. Chapman, R. Reyna-Hurtado, and L. Fahrig.  Assessing habitat fragmentation effects for primates: The importance of evaluating questions at the correct scale.  In: L.K. Marsh.  Primates in Fragments II. Springer Press.  (Submitted)

Chapman, C.A., R. Ghai, R. Reyna-Hurtado, A. Jacob, S.M. Koojo, J.M. Rothman, D. Twinomugisha and T.L. Goldberg.  Going, going, gone: A 15-year history of the decline in abundance of primates in forest fragments.  In: L.K. Marsh.  Primates in Fragments II.  Springer Press.  (Submitted).

Baranga, D., C.A. Chapman, P. Mucunguzi, and R. Reyna-Hurtado.  Fragments and food: red-tailed monkey abundance in forest fragments of Central Uganda.  In: L.K. Marsh.  Primates in Fragments II.  Springer Press.  (Submitted).

Referred Articles Submitted                                                                                                                                         

Laurence, W.F. et al.  Long-term ecological changes and threats in tropical protected areas.  Science (Submitted).

Gogarten, J.F., L.M. Brown, C.A. Chapman, M. Cords, D. Doran-Sheehy, L.M. Fedigan, F.E. Grine, S. Perry, A.E. Pusey, E.H.M. Sterck, S.A. Wich, and P.C. Wright.  Seasonal mortality patterns in non-human primates: Implications for variation in selection pressures across environments. Evolution (Submitted).     

 Wasserman, M.D., C.A. Chapman, K. Milton, D.J. Wittwer and T.E. Ziegler.  Consumption of estrogenic plant foods: Implications for red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) hormonal status.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Submitted).

Rothman, J.M., C.A. Chapman, T.T. Struhsaker, D. Raubenheimer, D. Twinomugisha, and P.G. Waterman.  Cascading effects of climate change: Decline in nutritional quality of tropical leaves. Nature Climate Change (Submitted).

Wasserman, M.D., C.A. Chapman, K. Milton.  The potential roles of estrogenic plants in primate ecology and evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology (Submitted).
Evans, D.M., P. Barnard, L.P. Koh, C.A. Chapman, and N. Pettorelli.  Funding nature conservation: who pays.  Animal Conservation (Submitted).

  Allen, J.M., M.M. Miyamoto, J. Akwarius, K. Margarini, J. Unvari-Martin, T. Carter and C.A. Chapman.  Population genetics of habitat sensitive red colobus suggest long-term stability of Kibale National Park.  Molecular Ecology (Submitted).

Scholl, K., J.M. Allen, F. Leendertz, C.A. Chapman, and D.L. Reed.  Eight microsatellite loci for population genetic analysis of the old world monkey louse genus Pedicinus.  Journal of Parasitology(Submitted).

Bryer, M.A., C.A. Chapman, and J.M. Rothman.  Diet and polyspecific associations affect nearest-neighbor distances among redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius).  Ethology (Submitted).

Reyna-Hurtado, R., C.A. Chapman, and S. Calme.  Relationship among area used, group size, and resource availability for the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari).  Journal of Mammalogy (Submitted).

Steeil, J.C., J.A. Bonilla, C.A. Chapman, K. Cameron, T. Goldberg, and E.C. Greiner.  Characterization and prevalence of a new Hepatocystis species from red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Journal of Parasitology.  (Submitted).

Hodder, S.A.M. and C.A. Chapman.   Do Colobus monkeys on humanized forest edges exhibit more severe parasite infections than those on non-humanized forest edges?  International Journal of Primatology (Submitted).          


Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:  Xue JZ, A Costopoulos, F Guichard 2011. Choosing Fitness-Enhancing Innovations Can Be Detrimental under Fluctuating Environments. PLoS ONE 6(11): e26770. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026770.                 

Collard M, B Buchanan, J Morin and A Costopoulos 2011. What drives the evolution of hunter-gatherer subsistence technology? A reanalysis of the risk hypothesis with data from the Pacific Northwest. Submitted to Philosophical transactions of the royal society B, 366:1129-1138.

Costopoulos A (ed) 2011. People and the environment in the North: identities, cosmologies and ecologies, in JP Ziker and F Stammler (eds) Histories from the North: Environments, Movements, and Narratives, Proceedings of the Final BOREAS Conference, Rovaniemi, Finland, October 29-31 2009.


"Gilisho, Parsaloi Ole." Dictionary of African Biography, edited by Emmanuel K. Akyeampong and Henry Louis Gates, Jr, 2:462-63. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

In Press. Pastoral Modernity and the New Territoriality: Transitions in Property, Mobility, and Poverty in Africa, In Michael Bollig and Hans-Peter Wotzka, eds., African Pastoralism, Berghahn Publishers, 35 pages mn.

In Press. Walling in or walling out? Boundary-making and pastoral conflict in East Africa, In H. Mohammed and Adano Roba Wario, eds., Ethnicisation of Politics and Governance in the Borderlands and the State in the Horn of Africa, Max Planck Institute, 39 page mn.

In Press. Modern Mobility: Transformations in pastoralist land tenure and territoriality in East Africa, In G. Schlee and A. Khazanov, eds., Conditions of Pastoralist Mobility, Oxford: Berghahn Press, 28 pages mn.

In Press. The Indigenization of Pastoral Modernity: Territoriality, Mobility, and Poverty In Dryland Africa, In African Pastoralism: Past, Present, Future. The Emergence, History and Contemporary Political Ecology of African Pastoralism, Michael Bollig and Hans-Peter Wotzka, eds., Oxford: Berghahn Press: 28 pgs.

In Press. Land Grabbing in the Eastern African Rangelands, Forthcoming as Chapter 12 in Development at the margins: Pathways of Change in the Horn of Africa, Andy Catley, Jeremy Lind and Ian Scoones, eds., London: Earthscan, at Routledge, 27 pgs mn.

In Press. Animal Spirits and Mimetic Affinities: How Mutuality Shapes the Human/Animal Experience, in Africa and Elsewhere, Special Issue on Animal-Human Relations, Alan Smart and Josephine Smart, eds., Critique of Anthropology, 13 pg mn

In Press. (Caroline Archambault, Stephen Moiko, Scott Matter and John Galaty) Why Diversification is Diversifying: Maasai Livelihood Pathways in the face of Enclosure and Poverty, Pastoralism and the Politics of Livelihood: Rural Governance, Resource Management, and Neo-Liberal Development in Arid Lands, Dan Murphy and Peter Little, eds., Altamira Press, 32 pg manuscript.


1) (In-preparation), Hyde, S.T. Chasing the Dragon: The Malleable Addict, book long manuscript for the University of California Press.

2) (Journal Article) (2011) Hyde, S.T. “Migrating Heroin Therapeutics:  Turning Addicts into Patients and Patients into Healthy Citizens in Southwest China,” Body and Society Special Issue on Medical Migration edited by Elizabeth Roberts, Chris Roebuck and Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Pp. 183-204.

3) (Book Chapter) (2011) Hyde, S.T. (2011) Chapter Seven - “Screams, Cries and Whispers: Immutable Mobiles and Malleable Addicts in Post socialist China,” in Compassionate Politics: The Anthropology of Global Humanitarianism, Peter Redfield and Erica Bornstein (eds.), Advanced Seminar Series, Santa Fe: School of American Research Press and James Currey, Oxford. Pp. 260-289.

NIEZEN, R. 2011 - “Human Rights and Indigenous Religions,” in Religion and Human Rights, edited by John Witte and M. Christian Green.  Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.    In press - “The Law’s Legal Anthropology” in Human Rights at the Crossroads, edited by Mark Goodale.  Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.  Accepted - “Internet Suicide:  Communities of Affirmation and the Lethality of Communication.”  Transcultural Psychiatry.    Submitted - “Gabriel Tarde’s Public.”  Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines.

2011 (2009) (with V. Napolitano—co-Guest Editor of Special Issue ) “Introduction  Economies of Sanctity: The Translocal Roman Catholic Church in Latin America”,  Special Issue of Postscripts: the Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds,  5.3. 251-264.   

2011 (2009) ‘Pope. Saints, Beato Bones and other Images at War: Religious Mediation and the Translocal Roman Catholic Church’, Postscripts: the Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, 5.3. 337-364.                                                    

Book Chapters:
•2011  ‘Surviving Conservation: La Madre Tierra and Indigenous Moral Ecologies in  Oaxaca, Mexico’. In Nature, Science and Religion: Intersections Shaping Society and  the Environment, C. Tucker, (ed.), Santa Fe: School of American Research, 87-108.

2011 CLASSIC COMPARATIVE ANTHROPOLOGY, Waveland, dated 2012, 104 pp.
2011  “Why the Middle East is the Way It Is,” THE HEDGEHOG REVIEW 13(3):23-36                                                                     

2011  “When They Proclaim, ‘Islam Is The Answer,’ What Is The Question? The Return of Political Islam” in THE JOURNAL OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA 2(2):129-52.


James M. Savelle and Alison Vadnais  2011  Releasing the Soul: Zooarchaeological Evidence for a Whale Cult among the Prehistoric Thule Inuit in Canada. Bulletin of the National Museum of  Ethnography 36(1):93-112. (Osaka).

Dyke, Arthur S., Savelle, James M. and Johnson, Donald  2011  Paleoeskimo Demography and Holocene Sea-level History, Gulf of Boothia, Arctic Canada. Arctic 64(2):151-168.


Accepted, in press:   Scott, Colin. “Le partage des ressources au Québec : perspectives et stratégies autochtones.” In Alain Beaulieu, Stéphan Gervais et Martin Papillon, eds. Les Autochtones et le Québec. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, collection Paramètres.                                                                                                                                                                                     

Mulrennan, M.E., R. Mark, and C.H. Scott. Revamping Community-based Conservation through Participatory Research. The Canadian Geographer 56(2).
In review “Ontology and Ethics in Cree Hunting: animism, totemism and practical knowledge.” In G. Harvey, ed. Animism Handbook.  E.J. Brill.

Submitted to the volume Editors: Scott, Colin and Murray Humphries. “Metaphors, Models, and Ecological Relations: Intersections of Cree Knowledge and Scientific Ecology.” In C.H. Scott, P.G. Brown and J. Labrecque, eds. Dialoguing Knowledges: Finding our Way to Respect and Relationship. For UBC Press.
(Greg Mikkelson and Colin Scott) “Values in Ecology.” In C.H. Scott, P.G. Brown and J. Labrecque, eds. Dialoguing Knowledges: Finding our Way to Respect and Relationship.  For UBC Press.

Hébert, Julie, François Brassard, Ugo Lapointe and Colin Scott. “Wemindji Cree relations with the Government of Québec in creating the Paakumshumwaau-Maatuskaau biodiversity reserve.” In M.E. Mulrennan, M.E., C.H. Scott and K Scott, eds. The Science and Politics of Protected Area Striking the Balance.For UBC Press.

Lapointe, Ugo and Colin Scott. “A Balancing Act: Mining and Protected Areas in Wemindji.” In M.E. Mulrennan, M.E., C.H. Scott and K Scott, eds. The Science and Politics of Protected Area Creation: Striking the Balance. For UBC Press.

(Wren Nasr and Colin Scott) “The Politics of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Environmental Development and Protection.” In M.E. Mulrennan, M.E., C.H. Scott and K Scott, eds. The Science and Politics of Protected Area Creation: Striking the Balance. For UBC Press.


(Accepted for publication) “Beyond the Bureaucratic Double Bind: Death, Names and Inuit Community.” American Ethnologist.

2011 “Praying Along”: Interfaith Chaplaincy and the Politics of Translation.” In Shattering Culture. Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good and Seth Hannah eds. New York:  Russell Sage Foundation.


Chapters in Books:   1. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2011. Turning nature into collective heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. In Roige, X. and Frigole, J. The patrimonialization of cultura and nature. Universitat Barcelona Press, Barcelona 49-60. 

2. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2011. From scenic beauty to biodiversity: the patrimonialization of nature in the Pallars Sobirà, (Catalan Pyrenees). In Roige, X. and Frigole, J. The patrimonialization of culture and nature. Universitat de Barcelona Press, Barcelona 77-89.

3. Zanotti, L. and Vaccaro, I. 2011. Revisiting the Kula: understanding the politics of economic networks. In Rice, P. and McCurdy, D. (eds.). Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, 6E. Pearson Higher Education. On-line, 204 p.

The two books published at the very end of 2010 were reviewed in several journals:   

Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and S. Aswani (eds.). 2010. Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Reviewed at Conservation Biology, Journal of Anthropological Research, Journal of Ethnobiology and International Statistical review.  

Vaccaro, I. and O. Beltran (eds.). 2010. Social and Ecological History of the Pyrenees: State, Market and Landscape. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek CA. [Updated reprint in English of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.) 2007. Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje. Tremp: Garsineu].    Reviewed at the Journal of Anthropological Research.


Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience. Suparna Choudhury and Jan Slaby, editors. Pp. 159-176. Oxford: Blackwell.
Young, Allan. 2011. Self, brain, microbe, and the vanishing commissar. Science, Technology, and Human Values 36: 638-661.

Young, Allan. 2011. Empathy, evolution, and human nature. In Empathy: From Bench to Bedside, J. Decety, D. Zahavi, and S. Overgaard, eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Young, Allan. 2011. Vier Versionen des Holocaust-Traumas. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Gerschichte. Pp. 185-206.2011.

Young, Allan and Rees, Tobias. Medical anthropology enters the 21st century. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease  199: 592-596.

Book review: Young, Allan. The myth of the new unconscious. Review of Daniel Lord Smail, On Deep History and the Brain, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 2008. Biosocieties 6: 267-271.

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From McGill 2009-2010 Annual Report.



1)            Chengdu Pingyuan Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原考古调查队(Rowan K. Flad, 江章华; Gwen Bennett; Timothy Horsley; 陈伯桢, Joshua Wright).  2009.  成都平原区域考古调查 (2005-2007) (2005-2007 archaeological survey in the Chengdu Plain). 南方民族考古 (Southern Ethnoarchaeology) 6: 255-278.

3)            Presentations:  “Tearing down the Great Wall: evidence from post-Han black wares.” Yale University and Bard Graduate Institute Conference: “Perspectives on the Liao”, October 2010; “Archaeological Perspectives on the Khitan/Liao period (ca. 3rd-13th c.) in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia”.  Society for American Archaeology Conference. April 14-18, 2010, St. Louis; “Salt production on the northern frontier during Liao” International conference on salt archaeology, Beijing University, China. April 24-26, 2010; “Cultural heritage in Xinjiang and the creation of national history narratives.”  International conference and workshop on cultural heritage in East Asia.  Sainsbury Institute, Japan Foundation, International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology, London.  March 12-13; “Xianbei, Kitan, or Liao? Deciphering the Chifeng region’s post-Han period archaeological record.”  University of Pennsylvania Museum, Conference on Tang-Uyghur Archaeology, 2009; “Historical and archaeological views of the Chifeng borderlands, Inner Mongolia, China.  China Northern Frontiers seminar, 2009.

-              Invited Lecturer:  “New perspectives on the origins of Chinese civilization.” Freeman Foundation lecture, Beloit College, Beloit Wisconsin.  November 2009; “Jade dragons and goddesses: the Neolithic Hongshan Culture of North China.” Freeman Foundation lecture, Beloit College. November 2009.

4)            Workshop:   “Archaeology, cultural heritage and identity in northwest China and Inner Mongolia”.  Archaeological Box Colloquium "All Roads Lead to Archaeology: Interdisciplinary Crossroads", Montreal Institute of Arts, October 14-15, 2010.


1)            Bisson, M. S.   2009.   “Message codé.”  In Azoulay, E. (ed.) 100,000 Ans de Beauté Volume 1: Préhistoire/Fondations.  Paris: Gallimard.  Pp.182-184. (Chinese edition published in 2010)

-              Burke, A, Meignen, L., Bisson M. S.  2009.  “Paleolithic occupation of the Sado drainage basin, southern Alentejo.”  Vipasca: arqueología e história.  No. 3, series 2. Pp. 5-13.

3)            Presentations:  Bisson, M. S.  2010.  “Levallois Technology in Western Eurasia”.  Universite de Montreal, Anthropology Department, November 2010; Bisson, M. S., Nowell, A., Cordova, C, and Ames, C.  “Spatial Variation of Activities in the Late Acheulian of the Azraq District, Jordan”.  American Society for Oriental Research, Annual Meetings, Atlanta, November 2010; Bisson M. S., Nowell, A., Poupart, M., Cordova, C., Pokines, J. T. and Ames, C.  “WE-2: The Middle Paleolithic of the Wadi Enoqiyya Revisited”.   Symposium: “Jordan’s Prehistory”, Amman, Jordan, May 2009; Cordova, C., Nowell, A., Bisson M. S., Pokines, J. T. and Ames, C. J. H. “The Paleolithic of Azraq and the Madaba Plateau in the context of global climate events”. Symposium: “Jordan’s Prehistory” (Amman, Jordan, May 26, 2009); Pokines, J. T., Nowell, A., Bisson M. S., Cordova, C. Beck, J. Kravitz, G., Hoskins, J. and Ames, C. J. H..  In Press.   “Preliminary Taphonomic Investigations of WZM-1, a Natural Faunal Trap Sinkhole Site near Wadi Zarqa Ma’in, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.  Symposium: “Jordan’s Prehistory” (Amman, Jordan, May 2009); “The Wild Bunch: the Triumph of American Cynicism”.  McGill University, Anthropology Student Society Movie Night, October 2009; Nowell, A., Cordova, C., Bisson M. S., and Pokines, J. T.  “Through the Stones We Reach the Shore: Studies of a Paleolithic Marsh in North Azraq (Jordan)”.  Symposium: “Jordan’s Prehistory” (Amman, Jordan, May 2009, also given at the American Society for Oriental Research Annual Meetings, Atlanta, November, 2009).

Invited lectures:   “The Nature of Levallois Technology”.  Department of Anthropology, Universite de Montreal, February  2010; Bisson M. S., Nowell, A., Poupart, M., Cordova, C., Pokines, J. T. and Ames, C.   2009  “WE-2: The Middle Paleolithic of the Wadi Enoqiyya Revisited”.   Annual Meetings, Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis,  April 2010.

4)            Burke, A., Meignen, L., Bisson M. S., Gilbert, L., Parslow, C., Bicho, N. F.   2010.  “The Paleolithic occupation of the Sado Basin (Alentejo, Portugal): preliminary results.”  In N. Conard and A Delanges (eds) Settlement Dynamics III.  Tubingen: Kerns Verlag.   Pp. 509-526.


1)            M.A. Huffman and C.A. Chapman (editors). 2009. Primate parasite ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships.  Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.*(not in last year’s annual report)

Chapman, C.A., L.J. Chapman, R.R. Ghai, J., Harter, A.L. Jacob, J.S. Lwanga, P.A. Omeja, J.M., Rothman, and D. Twinomugisha. 2010.  Complex responses to climate and anthropogenic changes: An evaluation based on long-term data from Kibale National Park, Uganda. A. Plumptre ed. Nova Science Publishers, The Ecological Impact of Long-Term Changes in Africa's Rift Valley.  Hauppauge, New York, pp. 70-87.

-              Chapman, C.A., L.J. Chapman, P. Omeja, and D. Twinomugisha. 2008  Long-term studies reveal the conservation potential for integrating habitat restoration and animal nutrition.  In: Science and  Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Long- term Research, R.W. Wrangham and E. Ross (eds).  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 51-62.

-              Chapman, C.A., J.M. Rothman, and S.A.M. Hodder. 2009.  Can parasites be a selective force influencing primate group size?: A test with red colobus. In: Primate parasite ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships.  M.A. Huffman and C.A. Chapman editors.  Primate Parasite Ecology: The Dynamics and Study of Host-Parasite Relationships. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 423-440.

-              Chapman, C.A., S.A.M. Hodder, and J.M. Rothman. 2009. Host-parasite dynamics: Connecting primate field data to theory.  In: Primate parasite ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships.  M.A. Huffman and C.A. Chapman editors. Primate Parasite Ecology: The Dynamics and Study of Host-Parasite Relationships.  Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp, 463-484.

-              Chapman, C.A., M. A. Huffman, S.J. Ryan, R. Sengupta, and T.L. Goldberg.  2009.  Ways forward in the study of primate disease ecology.  In: Primate parasite ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships.  M.A. Huffman and C.A. Chapman editors. Primate Parasite Ecology: The Dynamics and Study of Host-Parasite Relationships.  Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp, 487-506.

-              Hasegawa, H., C.A. Chapman and M.A. Huffman.  2009.  Useful diagnostic references and images of protozoans, helminths, and nematodes commonly found in wild primates.  In: Primate parasite ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships.  M.A. Huffman and C.A. Chapman editors.  Primate Parasite Ecology: The Dynamics and Study of Host-Parasite Relationships. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 507-513.

-              Reyna-Hurado, R., E. Naranjo, C.A. Chapman, and G.W. Tanner.  2009. Relating hunting patterns, population density and group size to white-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari conservation in Calakmul, Mexico.  Oryx 44:89-96.

-              Potts, K.B., C.A. Chapman, and J.S. Lwanga.  2009.  Floristic heterogeneity between forested sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda: Insights into fine-scale determinants of density in a large bodied frugivorous primate. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:1269-1277.

-              Baranga, D., C.A. Chapman, and J.M. Kasenene. 2009.  The structure and status of forest fragments outside protected areas in central Uganda.  African Journal of Ecology 47:664-669.

-              Omeja, P.A., C.A. Chapman, and J. Obua.  2009.  Enrichment planting does not promote native tropical tree restoration in a former pine plantation. African Journal of Ecology 47:650-657.

-              Goldberg,T.L., D.M. Sintasath, C.A. Chapman, K.M. Cameron, W.B. Karesh, S. Tang, N.D. Wolfe, I.B. Rwego, N. Ting, W.M. Switzer  2009.  Co-infection of Ugandan red colobus (Procolobus [Piliocolobus] rufomitratus tephrosceles) with novel, divergent delta-,lenti- and spuma- retroviruses. Journal of Virology 83:11318-11329.

-              Olupot, W., R. Barigyira, and C.A. Chapman. 2009. The status of anthropogenic threat at the people-park interface of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Uganda. Environmental Conservation 36:41-50.

-              Rothman, J.M., C.A. Chapman, J.L. Hansen, D.J. Cherney, and A.N. Pell. 2009.  Rapid assessment of the nutritional value of mountain gorilla foods: applying near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy to primatology.  International Journal of Primatology 30:729-742.

-              Omeja, P.A., C.A. Chapman, J. Obua, J.S. Lwanga, A.L. Jacob, F. Wanyama, and R. Mugenyi. Intensive tree planting facilitates tropical forest biodiversity and biomass accumulation.  Forest Ecology and Management (On Line).

-              Hanya, G., P. Stevenson, M. van Noordwijk, S.T. Wong, T. Kanamori, N. Kuze, S. Aiba, C.A. Chapman, and C. van Schaik.  Seasonality in fruit availability affects frugivorous primate biomass and species richness.  Ecography (On Line).

-              Struhsaker, T.T., C.A. Chapman, and T.R. Pope.  Healthy baboon with no upper jaw or nose: an extreme case of adaptability in the Kibale National Park, Uganda. Primates (On Line).

-              Stampone, M., J. Hartter, C.A. Chapman, S.J. Ryan.  Trends and variability in localized precipitation around Kibale National Park, Western Uganda, Africa.  Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences (On Line).

-              Bonnell, T.R., R.R. Sengupta, C.A. Chapman, and T.L. Goldberg. 2010.  Linking landscapes to disease: Implications of spatial changes in resource distribution for red colobus monkey disease transmission.  Ecological Modelling 221: 2491-2500.

-              Chapman, C.A., T.T. Struhsaker, J.P. Skorupa, T.V. Snaith and J.M. Rothman.  2010.  Understanding long-term primate community dynamics: Implications of forest change.  Ecological Applications 20: 179-191.

-              Chapman, C.A., L.J. Chapman, A.L. Jacob, J.M. Rothman, P. Omeja, R. Reyna-Hurtado, J. Hartter, and M.J. Lawes.  2010.  Tropical tree community shifts: Implications for wildlife conservation.  Biological Conservation 143: 366-374.

-              Wanyama, F., R. Muhabwe, A.J. Plumptre, C.A. Chapman and J.M.  Rothman. 2010. Censusing large mammals in Kibale National Park: evaluation of the intensity of sampling required to determine change. African Journal of Ecology 48: 953-961.

-              Harris, T.R., C.A. Chapman, and S.L. Monfort, S. L. 2010. Small folivorous primate groups exhibit behavioral and physiological effects of food scarcity. Behavioral Ecology 21: 46-56.

-              Russo, S.S. and C.A. Chapman.  2011.   Primate seed dispersal:  Linking behavioural ecology and forest community structure.  In: Campbell, C.J., A.F. Fuentes, K.C. MacKinnon, M. Panger, and S. Bearder (Eds.).  Primates in Perspective. Oxford University Press. pp 523-534.

-              Southworth, J., J. Hartter, M. Binford, A. Goldman, C.A. Chapman, L.J. Chapman, J. Hartter, A.P. Omeja, and E. Binford. 2010. Parks, People and Pixels:  Evaluating landscape effects of an East African national park on its surroundings.  Tropical Conservation Science 3: 122-142.

-              Chapman, C.A., M.L. Speirs, S.A.M. Hodder, and J.M. Rothman. 2010.  Colobus parasite infections in wet and dry habitats: Implications for climate change.  African Journal of Ecology 48: 555-558.

-              Behie, A.M., M.S.M. Pavelka, and C.A. Chapman. 2010. Sources of variation in fecal cortisol levels in howler monkeys in Belize. American Journal of Primatology 72: 600-606.

-              Houle, A., C.A. Chapman, and W.L. Vickery.  2010. Intratree vertical variation in fruit abundance and the nature of contest competition in frugivores.  Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 429-441.

6)            Keynote presentation:  - Challenges for ecology to balance theory & application: Examples from primate research.  C.A. Chapman, Institute of Ecology, August 2010, Xalapa, Mexico.

                - International invited oral presentation: Nutritional balancing acts: new insights into the foraging decisions of wild primates. J.M. Rothman, C.A. Chapman, D. Raubenheimer.   13th International Behavioral Ecology Congress.   September 2010, Perth, Australia.

-              Papers presented:  Hartter, J., Ryan, S.J., Southworth, J., Goldman, A.C., Binford, M.W., and C.A.Chapman. 2010. Fortresses and fragments: Impacts of fragmentation in a forest park landscape. IUFRO Landscape Ecology International Conference.  September 21-27, 2010. Bragança, Portugal; Errores mas communes en la evaluacion de los efectos de la fragmentacion del          habitat sobre lost primates. V.A. Rodriguez, E. Cuesta, S. Mandujano, C.A.          Chapman, and R. Reyna-Hurtado.  September 2010, Guanajuato, Mexico; Megafaunal losses: when does a forest become functionally empty?  G. O’Farril, C.A. Chapman, and A. Gonzalez.  Conservation Biology, July 2010, Edmonton, Alberta; Nutritional and mineral composition of diademed sifaka foods in undisturbed and disturbed forest at Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar.  M.T. Irwin, J.M. Rothman, J.-L.  Raharison, C.A. Chapman.  American Association of Physical Anthropology, April 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Biological and social dimensions of human-primate interaction and disease transmission in Uganda. T.L. Goldberg, C.A. Chapman, S. Paige, and G. Weny.  EcoHealth Conference, London, England, August 2010; Megafaunal losses: when does a forest become empty? O’Farrill, G.X., C.A. Chapman, A. Gonzalez. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 5th International Symposium-Workshop on  Frugivores and Seed Dispersal.  Montpellier, France, June 2010.

-              International poster presentations:  Gastrointestinal microbial community structure in humans, livestock, and non-human primates from Western Uganda.  A. McCord, T. Goldberg, K. Klotz; A. Koblings, C.A. Chapman, G. Weny. Ecology of Emerging Disease, London, England, August 2010; Self-medication by red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) with African Cherry (Prunus africana) in Kibale National Park, Uganda.  Nora H. Prior, Colin A. Chapman, and Tom R. Gillespie.  Associate of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Portland, Oregon, June 2010.

-              Local contributed oral presentations:  Food resource use in folivorous primates: a search for what makes a species deplete food patches. Tombak, K., A. Reid, C.A. Chapman.  Societe quebecoise pour l’etude biologique du  comportement. Montreal, November 2010; Bonnell, T., C.A. Chapman, R. Sengupta.  Red colobus foraging behaviour and is implications for the spread of               disease in logged forest.   Societe quebecoise pour l’etude biologique du comportement. Montreal, November 2010; Jacob, A.L. and C.A. Chapman. How many elephants crossed the road? Long-term changes in elephant abundance and habitat use in Kibale National Park, Uganda.  Societe quebecoise pour l’etude biologique du comportement. Montreal, November 2010.

-              Local invited oral presentations:  Primate conservation and the role of infectious disease.  C.A. Chapman, University of Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico August 2010; Primate conservation and the role of infectious disease.  New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology, New York, March 2010; Primate conservation the role of academics. C.A. Chapman. Hunter College, New York, March 2010; A long-term conservation program in Uganda: Research & training from the forest to the fishes.  C.A. Chapman and L.J. Chapman, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, March 2010.


1)            Costopoulos, A. and M. Lake.  2010. Simulating Change: Archaeology into the 21st century. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.

-              Collard, M., B. Buchanan, J. Morin and A. Costopoulos.  2011. What drives the evolution of hunter-gatherer subsistence technology? A reanalysis of the risk hypothesis with data from the Pacific Northwest. Submitted to Philosophical transactions of the royal society B, 366:1129-1138.

-               Ames, C., A. Costopoulos, and C. Nielsen 2010. 8000 years of technological change in the Gulf of Georgia: is there a major transition at 4850 cal BP?  Canadian Journal of Archaeology 34:32-63.

-              Pende, I.F., A. Costopoulos, C. Nielsen, G.L . Chmura. 2010. A new shoreline displacement model for the last 7 ka from eastern James Bay, Canada. Quaternary Research 73 :474-484.

-              Paberzyte, I. and A. Costopoulos.  2009.  The Evolution of Lithuanian Archaeology. Lietuvos Archaeologija 35:95-115.

-              Vaneeckhout, S., J. Okkonen, and A. Costopoulos.  2009.  Paleoshorelines and prehistory in northwest coastal Finland, Fennia 187:2.

-              Costopoulos, A., M. Lake, and N. Gupta.  2010.  Introduction, in A Costopoulos and M Lake (eds), Simulating Change: Archaeology into the 21st century. Salt Lake City : Univeristy of Utah Press.

-              Costopoulos A 2010. For a theory of archaeology simulation, in A Costopoulos and M Lake (eds), Simulating Change: Archaeology into the 21st century. Salt Lake City : Univeristy of Utah Press.

-              Habeck, J.O., P. Vitebsky, J. Comaroff, A. Costopoulos & F. Navarrete.  2010.  Etnograficheskie issledovaniia na Severe i ikh vklad v global’¬nuiu antropologiiu: popytka otsenit’ sovremennuiu situatsiiu [Ethnographic Researches in the North and their Contribution to Global Anthropology: An Attempt at Defining the Present Situation] in IV Oktiabr’skaia (ed.): Sever i iug: dialog kul’tur i tsivilizatsii (materialy mezhdunarodnogo seminara) [North and South: Dialogue Between Cultures and Civilizations (Proceedings of the International Conference)],  Novosibirsk: Izdatel’stvo Instituta arkheologii i etnografii SO RAN:63-66.

-              Xue, Z. and A. Costopoulos.  2010. The evitable road to zealotry, a comment on Ghirlanda et al 2006.  Current Anthropology 52:269-270.

3)            Refereed conference presentations:  Costopoulos, A., M. Kalacska, N. Gupta, C. Nielsen, F. Megret, C. Herzog, and S. Algozin. An inter-disciplinary and community based approach to the identification of clandestine mass graves: The McGill University – Parc Safari project. 62nd annual scientific meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle Washington, Feburary 22nd-27th 2010; Kalacska, M., T. Moore, A. Costopoulos, F. Megret.  Remote detection of clandestine graves: A comparison across eco-systems.  62nd annual scientific meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle Washington, February 22nd-27th 2010; At the edge of the expansion: social and environmental adaptation at the farmer/hunter-gatherer interface in Northern Finland, 5000-2000 BP. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research workshop on human-environment interactions in the long term, 13-15th October 2010,Vancouver, Canada; A two dimensional approach to innovation dynamics in spatially explicit models (with Julian Xue). Cultural evolution in spatially explicit populations, University College London, Sept 13-16th 2010; Don’t put your village where the land grows: regional variability in shore-line displacement rates as a constraint on human settlement patterns in mid-holocene northern Finland and modern James Bay, Canada.  Canadian Institute for Advanced Research workshop on human-environment interactions in the long term, 5-6 May 2010, Vancouver, Canada; Modeling and simulating bio-cultural systems, Keynote address, IEEE symposium on bioinformatics and computational biology, 4 May 2010, Montreal, Canada; Climate change in Canada, myth and reality, Silverwhite: Following Pytheas and Lennart Meri, 15 October 2009, Tallin, Estonia; Exchange networks in eastern Bothnia between 6000 and 4000 BP, Networks, interaction and emerging identities in Fennoscandia and beyond, 13-14 October 2009, Tromso, Norway.

1)            Monumentalidad e historismo: representaciones de la identidad y memoria colectiva de la élite en Tiwanaku (trans. Monumentality and Historicity:  Rrepresentations of Elite Identity Colective Memory at Tiwanaku).  In Arqueología de las Tierras Altas, Valles Interandinos, Valles Interandinos y Tierras Bajas de Bolivia.  Memorias del I Congreso de Arqueología de Bolivia, edited by Claudia Rivera, pp. 49-62. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Arqueológicas de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 2008.

-              Benjamin Vining, Patrick Ryan Williams, Deborah Blom, and Nicole C. Couture  Hacia in una imagen del espacio social en Tiwanaku: perspectivas por medio de métodos geofísicos en el altiplano Boliviano (trans. Towards an Imaging of Social Space at Tiwanaku:  a Geophysical Perspective in the Bolivian Altiplano). In Arqueología de las Tierras Altas, Valles Interandinos, Valles Interandinos y Tierras Bajas de Bolivia.  Memorias del I Congreso de Arqueología de Bolivia, edited by Claudia Rivera, pp. 63-76. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Arqueológicas de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 2008.

2)            Informe sobre los trabajos realizados por el Proyecto Jacha Marka, Gestion 2007. (with Maria Bruno, Deborah Blom, and Denisse Rodas). Research report presented to the Dirección Nacional de Arqueología (Bolivia), the Alcaldia Municipal de Tiahuanacu, and the Consejo de Ayllus y Comunidades Originarios de Tiwanaku. (June 1, 2008)

3)            Papers presented:  Couture, Nicole C., Deborah Blom, and Maria Bruno.  “Moving objects and fluid subjects:  on the circulation of bodies, things, and ideas in Tiwanaku Society”, 109th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, 2010.

-              Invited paper:  panel on “Moving Bodies, Being Subjects: Ethnographic, Archaeological and Historical Approaches to Mobility”, co-sponsored by the Archaeology and General Anthropology Divisions of the AAA.

-              Invited lecturer:  Communities Past and Present:  the archaeology of a Pre-Columbian Neighborhood in contemporary Tiwanaku, Bolivia.  Lecture Presented at the Anthropology Colloquium Series, Anthropology Department, University of Toronto.  January 9, 2009.

-              Discussant:   Session on “Making Group Identity”, 2nd Annual International Student Symposium of the Archaeological Institute of America – Toronto Society, University of Toronto, March 27th, 2010; Discussant:   “Situating Anthropology”,  session on “(Re)-Constructing Places”, Anthropology Graduate Conference,  Department of Anthropology, McGill University, February 12-13, 2010.

-              Conference presenter: Talking Heads and the Grateful Dead:  Unpacking the Meaning of Trophy Heads at Tiwanaku,  Paper presented at the 73rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (March 2008); What are they doing with their dead? Local mortuary practices at Mollo Kontu, Tiwanaku. Paper presented at the 74rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA.  (first co-author, with Deborah Blom,  Dennise Rodas S., Eduardo Machicado, and Ruth Fontenla), 2009; Microfaunal Remains from Tiwanaku. What are they doing with their dead? Local mortuary practices at Mollo Kontu, Tiwanaku. Paper presented at the 74rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA. 2009; Skirting Around the City: “Being Tiwanaku” at Mollo Kontu. Paper presented at the 74rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA.  (2nd co-author, with Deborah Blom and Maria Bruno). 2009

4)            Seminar presenter :  Proyecto Jach’a Marka: Excavaciones en Mollo Kontu, Tiwanaku. Paper presented at the Seminar “Avances de Investigaciones en los Proyectos de Excavacíon Arqueológica en Tiwanaku – Bolivia”, organized by the Unidad Nacional de Arqueología dde Bolivia and the Museo Regional y Complejo Arqueologico de Tiwanaku.  Tiwanaku, Bolivia.  July 2, 2009.


1)            Review of Contesting the Commons: Privatizing Pastoral Lands in Kenya, by Carolyn K. Lesorogol, University of Michigan Press, 2008, African Historical Studies, 2009, pp. 286-288.

-              Les sociétés d’éleveurs du Rift, In Le Rift est-africain: Une singularite plurielle, sous la direction de Hirsch, Bertrand and Bernard Roussel, Marseilles: Institute de recherché pour le developpement, Publications scientifiques du MNHN, 2009, pp.389-398.

-              Official and Practical Norms in Theoretical Context: A Commentary on Olivier de Sardan, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 201, vol. 31, nos. 1-2: 23-27.

3)            Conference organizer:  Session on ‘Maasai Common(s) Sense: The Political Logic of Enclosure’, AAA, Philadelphia, Dec. 2-5, 2009

-               Chair:  Session 2, Ecological Resettlement: Case Studies in Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, Commission on Nomadic Peoples Panel 3, International Workshop on Ecological Resettlement: Local Participation and Policy Improvement, International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Kunming, 30 July 2009.

-               Papers presented:  Landing, Soft and Hard: Pastoral responses to tenure changes in East Africa, Commission on Nomadic Peoples, Panel 1, Resilience to resistance: Pastoralist strategies in Response to contemporary political and ecological disruption and change in Africa, International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Kunming, China, 26-27 July 2009; Pathways to Enclosure: Discourse and Tenure Choice-points. Session on ‘Maasai Common(s) Sense: The Political Logic of Enclosure’, AAA, Philadelphia, Dec. 2-5, 2009; Commentaire, the Joint CASID/CASCA, presentation by J.P. Olivier de Sardan, Développement, modes de gouvernance et normes pratiques (une approche socio-anthropologique), Canadian Anthropology Society Meetings, Concordia University, 2 June 2010.

-               Workshops/Seminars/Academic Presentations:  McGill Anthrograd Conference, Discussant for the Session on Resources, Rights, and Rules, March 7th 2009; Concluding Remarks, Graduate Conference, Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill, 27 April 2009; Discussant, Session on ‘Structures of Enslavement for Indebtedness’, Conference on Debt and Slavery: The History of a Process of Enslavement, Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University, 7-9 May 2009; Pastoralist responses to changes in rangeland tenure, Session on Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Development, Sino-German Tibetan Rangeland Ecosystem Research Symposium, 20-26 July, 2009 Lanzhou; From queries to quests: Methods of ethnographic adventure in East Africa, Seminar presented at the Centro Richerche Ethno-Antropologiche, University of Milan-Bicoca, 6 October 2009; Panel on ‘Managing your relationship with your supervisor’, Career Day, McGill Career Planning Service, Thompson House Ballroom, October 9 2009; Presentation on research questions, theoretical arguments and methods, Development Studies MA Option Research Seminar, March 4 2010; Regional models for the subversion of democracy in Zimbabwe, Panel on ‘Addressing Human Rights Violations in Zimbabwe, McGill Delegation of the Rights and Democracy Network, Moot Court, McGill University, March 19 2010; Without rain, no property is private’: Maasai mobility in the face of drought, Research Seminar presented to the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya, May 14 2010.

-               Radio Interview:  ‘Nigeria Turmoil’, The Link, Radio Canada International, Nov. 11 (broadcast live and rebroadcast in each area) 2010.

1)            “Global Flows in Drug Treatment: Heroin Addiction and Therapeutic Community Approaches in China,”  Global Health and the UAE: Aisa-Middle East Connections, special issue Asia=Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2010, vol. 225, no. 3, pp. 197-203.

2)            Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity:  International Union of Ethnological and Anthropological Society Meeting in Kunming, Yunnan, China, Review in Anthropology News, Society for East Asian Anthropology, 2010, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 50.

3)            Invited discussant:  Discussant for panel on “Law in Russia and Community Pluralism,” for the Law and Humantities Graduate Summer Workshop sponsored by the Institute for the Public Life or Arts and Ideas (IPLAI) May 26, 2010.

-              Discussant:  Panel on “Sexualities in China,” for invited session for the Society for East Asian Anthropology at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November, 2010.

-              Invited lectures:  S.T. Hyde, guest speaker on “Critical Medical Anthropology and the Cultural Politics of HIV/AIDS, “ for Lisa Stevenson’s Anthropology 227 in the McGill Anthropology Department, October, 2010; S.T. Hyde, guest speaker on “Ethics and Anthropological Research,” for Ismael Vaccaro’s Anthropology 358 in the McGill Anthropology Department, November 1, 2010; S.T. Hyde, guest lecture on “A Crisis of Representation? -- Reading Jia Zhangke’s Still Life as Ethnography,” for Prof. Victor Fan’s East Asian Studies 358: Approaches to Chinese Cinema, December 3, 2010.

-              Invited presentations:  S.T. Hyde, “Global Flows in Drug Treatment: Aids, Heroin Addiction, and a TC in Contemporary China,” Global Flows in Global Health – Inter-Asian Connections, United Arab Emirates, UAE University, Al Ein, January 5, 2010; S.T. Hyde, guest speaker for New School University Program in Kunming, China, “Conducting Drug Research in Yunnan,” July, 2010; S.T.Hyde, invited speaker for the Yale Public Health Coalition, “Conducting Public Health Anthropology Research in China,” September 25, 2010; S.T. Hyde, MAUT Tenure and Mentoring Workshop presenter.  “Going through the tenure process at McGill,” Faculty Club, McGill, April 15, 2010.

-              Invited workshop:  S. T. Hyde, invited participant at the CASCA roundtable on the new SSHRC/CIHR split in social science health research, my presentation was “Points to Consider: Global Health Research and Medical Anthropology,” Concordia University, Montreal, June 1, 2010.


3)            Paper presenter:  “The imponderable weight of the dead”, invited panel on Ethnography at the ‘ends’ of the human (co-organizers E. Kohn and A. Yurchak).  108th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.  Philadelphia, 4 December 2009; Invited innovent.  Multi-species Salon III:  Swarm.  Society for Cultural Anthropology.  AAA Executive Program Committee.  New Orleans, 20 November 2010.

-              Screening and discussion:  (with L. Stevenson) el reflejo (reflection), ethnographic film on the relationship between memory, objects and death, by E. Kohn and L. Stevenson.  FLACSO, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito 23 June 2010.

-              Invited lecture:  “The Lives of Thoughts”, Kawliga Studios, New Orleans, November 2010; “The Imponderable Weight of the Dead:  Life, Finitude and Future in an Amazon Forest”, Latin American Studies, University of Toronto, 24 March 2010.

-              Invited speaker:  “The living thought:  Enchantment and forgetting in an Amazon forest’, in Reconsidering Detachment:  The Ethics and Analytics of Disconnention.  Girton College, Cambridge, 1 July 2010.

4)            Discussant:  Invited panel on “Animal Currencies:  Human Animal Intimacies in Circulation”, Society for Cultural Anthropology.  109th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.  New Orleans. 20 November 2010.

-              Workshop:  “The Open Whole”, Socio-Cultural Linguistic Working Paper Series, University of Toronto, 22 January 2010; “Form’s Effortless Efficacy”, Program in Agrarian Studies, Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, January 2009


1)            “Where is this Place?  Crowds, Audio-vision and Poetry in Postelection Iran”, Public Culture 22, 2010, vol. 2, pp. 237-263.

3)            Invited lectures:  “Entre intrigue et confusion:  pour une lecture des événements de l’ete 2009 en Iran”.  Séminaire Violences contemporaines (GRIMH et CCEAE).  Université de Montréal, September 2009; “Sounds, Images, Affects :  Iran Summer 2009”, Religion and Media Workshop, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Montreal, November 2009; “Past, Technology and Subject Formation in Modern Iran”, part of lecture series titled “The Past in the Present, Interdepartmental Center on Balcanic and International Studies, Ca Foscari University, Venice, May 2010.

-              Papers presented:  “Chiraz as Province of the twentieth century”, 2009 Meeting of the Annual Association of American Anthropologists, Philadelphia, December 2009; “Eclecticism and the Reasoning Individual:  Fursat Shirazi’s (d. 1920) journey of self-discovery”, The 8th Biannual Conference on Iranian Studies, Santa Monica, CA, May 2010; “Two temporalities in Contemporary Iran”, American Anthropological Association Meeting, New Orleans, November 2010.

-              Lecture:  “Where is this place?  Audio-Visions, Crowds and Poetry in Post Election Iran”, STANDD Lecture Series, McGill University, November 2009.


1)            The Aufklarang’s Human Discipline:  Comparative Anthropology According to Kant, Herder and W. von Humboldt, Intellectual History Review, 2009,vol. 19, no. 2, pgs.  177-195.

-              Stuart Kirsch, Reverse Anthropology:  Indigenous Analysis of Social and Environmental Relations in New Guinea.  Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.  Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 16, pgs. 197-98.


1)            ‘Dialogues of Religion and Liberation: Decolonization and the Politics of Syncretism’, Education, Decolonization and Development: Perspectives from Asia, Africa  and the Americas.  Rotterdam:  Sense Publications; 75-94, 2009.

-              La Virgen a las Barricadas: La Iglesia Católica, la religiosidad popular y el Movimiento de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos Oaxaqueños,  In La APPO: rebelión o movimiento social?  ed. Victor Raúl Martínez (Oaxaca: UABJO); pp. 301-328, 2009.

-               ‘A Cacophony of Autochthony: Representing Indigeneity in Oaxacan Popular Mobilization’, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2010, 15:1, pp. 115-143.

3)            Invited presenter. ‘Otra Optica de la Independencia: El complexio oppositorum y la relaciones iglesia-estado en México’. Roundtable event:  La Independencia y su legado: una vista exógena, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) à Canada, Gatineau, Québec, 8 September 2010.

-              Papers presented :  Che, Stalin and the Virgin of Guadalupe". On panel: ‘Expressive Culture and Identity: Latin American Cases’, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans (17-21 November); “‘Baroquing Apart’: Aesthetics of Contemporary Mexican Popular Protest” The Hispanic Baroque: The First Atlantic Culture and Its Legacy’, Foresight Centre, Liverpool, 12-15 May 2010.

-              Guest lectures:  ‘Fieldwork Interviews’, Research Methods (ANTH358, Prof. Ismael Vaccaro), Oct 18th, 2010; “The rise of Protestantism in Latin America”, Globalization and Religion (RELG 319, Profs. Daniel Cere and Ellen Aiken), Nov. 22; “Day of the Dead in Oaxaca, Mexico”, Death and Dying (Dr. Kelly McKinney), CEGEP John Abbot, October 15.

4)            Discussant:   for panel on “Circulating Power of Violence: A Gendered/Latin American Perspective”, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans (November); Panel on “Urban Ideals, Health, and Violence”. McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Conference, Montreal, March.

-              Panel organizer (with Catherine Legrand and Philip Oxhorn). ‘Independence Through Another Lens’ (I & II), Special Invited Double Session of the Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Toronto (6-8 October 2010).

-              Participant: Team meeting, “The Hispanic Baroque: Complexity in the First Atlantic Culture, 4-5 October 2010, London Ontario.

-              Invited participant: School for American Research (SAR), Workgroup on “Science, Spirituality and the Environment”, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 17-22 2010

REES, T. (see Social Studies of Medicine)
ROUSSEAU, J. 2)            Brief encounter: Reciprocity between Inuit hunters and Martin Frobisher.  Cambridge Anthropology Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, 2009, pgs. 60-67.

1)            Thinking Anthropologically:  A Practical Guide for Students, 3rd edition, edited with Pat Rice.  Upper Saddle River:  Prentice-Hall, 2010.  Pp. 146.

-              Fieldwork: Collecting Information, section on “Cultural Anthropology”, chapter 13, in Thinking Anthropologically:  A Practical Guide for Students, 3rd edition, P.C. Salzman and P. Rice, eds.  Upper Saddle River:  Prentice-Hall, pgs. 116-127.

-              Balanced opposition:  The Tribal Foundations of Arab Middle Eastern Islamic Culture, Political Islam from Muhammad to Ahmadinejad, J. Skelly, ed.  Santa Barbara, CA, Praeger Security International, ABC-CLIO, 2010, pgs. 15-26.

3)            Invited lectures:  “Can We Be Free and Equal Too?” and “When They Say, ‘Islam is the answer,’ What is the Question”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, November 2009; “The Tribal Dimension of Arab Culture,”  public lecture, School of Liberal Arts, Concordia University, February 2010; “When They Proclaim, ‘Islam Is the Answer’, What is the Question” and “Are we Justified in Generalizing about Society and Culture?”, Department of Social Anthropology, St. Andrews University, Scotland, May 2010.

4)            Discussant:  Conference on “Tribes and Al Qaeda in the Sahel”, University of Southern Florida and the United States Military Special Operations Command, December 2010


1)            Polyak, L, Alley, R.B., Andrews, J.T., Brigham-Grette, J., Cronin, T.NM., Darby, D., Dyke, A., Fitzpatrick, J.J., Funder, S., Holland, M., Jennings, Miller, G.H., O’Regan, M, A., Savelle, J.M., Serreze, M., St. John, K, White, J.W.C, and Wolff, E.  History of sea ice in the Arctic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010, 29(15-16): 1757-1778.

-              Savelle, J.M.  Cumulative Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) Harvest Estimates by Prehistoric Thule Inuit in the Canadian Arctic 1200-1500 A.D.: Implications for Bowhead Whale Population Modeling and Thule Demography. Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology, 2010, 34(3): 593-618.

-              Dyke, A.S. and Savelle, J.M.   “Paleoeskimo Demography and Sea-Level History, Kent Peninsula and King William Island, Central Northwest Passage. Arctic, 2009, 62(4): 371-392

-              Savelle, J.M., Dyke, A.S. and Poupart, M.   “Kapiuvik Revisted: Implications for the Paleoeskimo Core Area Concept. In: The Northern World AD1100-1350: the Dynamics of Climate, Economy, and Politics in Hemispheric Perspective. Ed. H.Maschner. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 2009, pp. 104-125.

-              Savelle, J.M. and Dyke, A.S.   Paleoeskimo Demography on Western Boothia Peninsula, Central Canadian Arctic Journal of Field Archaeology, 2009, 34(3): 267-283.                                       

-              Outridge, P.M., Hobson, K.A. and Savelle, J.M.   Long-term Changes of Mercury Levels in Ringed Seal (Phoca hispida) from Amundsen Gulf, and Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Beaufort Sea, Western Canadian Arctic.” Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407(23): 644-651.

-              Savelle, J.M.  “Anthropogenic Influences of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers on Local Plant Communities in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter. (Themed volume). 2009, 29(June): 11-14.

-              Savelle, J.M. 2008 “Paleoeskimo, Dorset, and Thule Cultures in the Canadian Arctic.” In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia. Edited by F.P. McManamon, et al. New York: Greenwood Press.  Pp. 330-342 (Note – this paper is listed as a 2008 publication but it only appeared in print in mid-2009).

3)            Papers presented:    Bowhead whales, exchange networks and social inequality amongst prehistoric Thule Inuit. Society for American Archaeology, 75th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, March 2010 (co-authored with S. Desjardins); Inuit artistic traditions: Paleoeskimo and Thule – a contrast in world views. Presented at the Symposium. Inuit and Northwest Coast Artistic Traditions, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, September 2009; Prehistoric Dorset Paleoeskimo and Thule Inuit Artistic Traditions in the Canadian Arctic: A Contrast in World Views. Paper presented at the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies 34th Annual Conference, National Museum of Ethnology , Suita, Osaka, September 13th, 2009; (with Desjardins, S.P.A.) Bowhead Whales, Exchange Networks and Social Inequality Amongst Prehistoric Thule Inuit.  Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, March 30th, 2010.


1)            Scott, Colin.  “Reconfiguring Mare Nullius:  Indigenous Sea Rights and the Divergence of Domestic and International Norms”.  In Mario Blaser, Ravi de Costa and William Coleman, eds. Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy:  Insights for a Global Age.  Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2010, pp. 148-176.

-              Nasr, Wren and Colin Scott.  “The Politics of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Assessment:  James Bay Crees and Hydro-Electric Projects.”  In Petra Rethmann, Imre Szeman and Will Coleman, eds.  Cultural Autonomy:  Frictions and Connections.  Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2010, pp. 132-155.

3)            Keynote address: “Knowledge Encounters in ‘Resource Management’ Arenas:  Reflections on Boreal Forest and Coral Reef Hunters/Fishers”, session on ‘Inscribing the Circumpolar North:  Scientific and Local Ways of Knowing’.  BOREAS Final Conference, ‘Histories from the North’, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland, October 28-31, 2009.

-              Invited lecture, “From Coral Reef to Courtroom – Indigenous Ecology and the Expression of Rights in Torres Strait”, International Seminar entitled ‘The Performance of Indigeneity’.  Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen, June 9-10, 2009.

-              Invited papers:  “Shifting Currents of Resistance and World Making :  Political Economy and Political Ecology in Torres Strait“, panel ‘Engaged Lives :  Towards an Anthropology of Political Economy among Indigenous Australians’, Australian Anthropological Society Annual Meeting, entitled The Ethics and Politics of Engagement, Macquarie University, December 9-11, 2009; “Relational Ontology in the Crucible of Modernity – Environmental Protection and Economic Development in a James Bay Cree Community”, panel ‘When Worlds Meet:  Nature/Culture and Indigeneity’, Society for Cultural Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 2010; “La partage des resources et l’environnement”, the Colloque ‘Les Autochtones et le Québec’, Programme d’études sur le Québec, McGill University, May 25-26, 2010; “Cree Knowledge and Management” and (with M. Mulrennan), “Partnerships in Planning:  Wemindji Protected Areas Project”, poster presentation, Symposium on Québec’s Marine Protected Areas:  Towards a Network to Protect Marine Biodiversity, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER), June 2010.


1)            Ethnographic film:  Co-Director and Co-Producer (with Eduardo Kohn). el reflejo. An ethnographic film on the relationship between memory, objects and death. Shot in Quito Ecuador. Funded by the Film Study Center at Harvard University, and McGill University. 2010.  Video, 24mins.   

-              Chapter:  “The Suicidal Wound.” In Being there: the fieldwork encounter and the making of truth, John Borneman and Abdellah Hammoudi, eds., Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009, pp. 55-76.

3)            Invited lecture: “Biopolitics and Desire: The Inuit Tuberculosis epidemic and Colonial Governance.” Johns Hopkins University, May 2010.

-              Paper presenter: “The Future’s Longing.” On panel entitled, A matter of time: the circulation of desire, selves and temporalities”.   American Anthropological Association Meeting, New Orleans, November 2010; “Towards and ethics of exposure: tuberculosis, human rights and biography.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, American Anthropological Association, Washington, December 2009

4)            Panel organizer (with Ellen Corin): Session Title:  “A matter of time: the circulation of desire, selves and temporalities”, American Anthropological Association Meeting, New Orleans, November 2010.

 -             Screenings of films: (with Eduardo Kohn) of el reflejo (reflection). An ethnographic film on the relationship between memory, objects and death, by E. Kohn and L. Stevenson. The McGill Sociology and Anthropology Film Initiative. McGill University. 7 November 2010 and FLACSO, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito 23 June 2010.


1)            Theorizing impending peripheries: postindustrial landscapes at the edge of hypermodernity’s collapse.  Journal of International and Global Studies, 2010, 1 (2): 22-44.

-              Vaccaro, I., and Beltran, O.  Conservationist governmental technologies in the Western European mountains: the unfinished transformation of the Pyrenees.  2010.  Journal of Political Ecology 17: 29-41.

-              Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O.  Livestock versus 'wild beasts': contradictions in the natural patrimonialization of the Pyrenees. Geographical Review 99, 2009, (4): 499-516.

-              Vaccaro, I., Zanotti, L., and Sepez, J.  Commons and market: opportunities for the development of local sustainability. Environmental Politics, 2009, 18(4): 522-538.

-              Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O.  The mountainous space as a commodity: the Pyrenees at the globalized age. Revue de Géographie Alpine. [On line], 97-3.| 2009, URL: http://rga.revues.org/index1081.html

2)            Paper presenter :  Los lindes del patrimonio: consumo y valores del pasado. V Encuentro Ibérico de Antropólogos. La Seu d'Urgell. Co-author: Beltran, O. September 2009.

3)            Invited lecture:  Like Herding Fish: overfishing and free riders, reinventing collective action in the Eastern Africa’s Lake. McGill School of Environment Speaker Series. Co-authors: L. Chapman and C. Chapman. September 2009.

-              Workshops:  Historical Ecology: Integrating Biophysical, Historical, and Ethnographic Evidence at the Landscape Scale. AIMES: 5th YSN, Burgundy, France. July 2009;

-              Panel Discussant:  Deconstructing places. Anthropology Graduate Student Conference, McGill University. Montreal. March 2010.


1)            Darwin, la dialectique de cerveau. In Darwin: 200 ans, Alain Prochiantz ed., 2010, pp.137-157 Paris: Odilie Jacob.

-              The history of a virtual epidemic. In Embodiment and the State: Health, Biopolitics and the Intimate Life of State Powers. Giovanni Pizza and Helle Johannessen, eds. AM. Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica, 2010, n. 27-28: 21-36.

-              Mirror neurons and the rationality problem. In Rational Animals, Irrational Humans, Watanabe, S., Huber, L., Young, A., and Blaidsell, A., editors, Tokyo : Science University Press. 2009, Pp. 55-69.

-              Watanabe, Shigeru, Huber, Ludwig, Young, Allan, and Blaidsell, Aaron, editors. Rational Animals, Irrational Humans. Tokyo : Science University Press, 2009.

3)            Invited lectures:  “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder through the Lens of Social Neuroscience”, Seminar of Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellow, Social and Behavioral Sciences of Medicine, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, October 2010; “The Social History of the Posttraumatic Syndromes, 1980 to 2010”, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST), University of Paris I (Sorbonne), June 2010; “Dialectical Darwin and the evolution of the social brain”, public lecture, Colloque de rentrée de Collége de France, Darwin a deux cents ans, Paris, October 2009; “How the social brain experiences empathy”, Centre for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, University of Chicago, September 2010; “A Social Anthropology Perspective on Microbial Societies”, Department of Anthropology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, June 2009; “Empathy, cruelty and the origin of the social brain”, Gnosis Centre, University of Aarhus, Denmark, June 2009.

-              Keynote presenter:  The history of the evolution of the social brain, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, June 2009.

-              Papers presented:  “How traumatic neurosis became posttraumatic stress”, conference on Stress, Shock and Adaptation in the Twentieth Century, The History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, U.S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, November 2010; “On the history, epistemology, heterogeneity of the posttraumatic syndromes, International Workshop on Making of Psychiatric Epidemiology:  History and Epistemology of an International Discipline, Centre for Psychotropics and Mental Health Research, University of Paris Descartes / Ecole des Hautes Etudes, June 2010; “Trauma, the stressor criterion and the culture of psychiatry”, International Conference on Rethinking Cultural Competence from International Perspectives, Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, Montreal, May 2010; “Self, brain, microbe, and the vanishing commissar”, International Symposium on Life: Practice: Multiplicity; Socio-material Orderings & Body Politics across the 20th and 21st Century, Humboldt University, Potsdam, Germany, July 2009.


Emeritus Faculty


1)            “Reproduction and Real Property in Rural China:  Three Decades of Development and Discrimination” in S. Sargeson and T. Jacka, eds. Women, Gender, and Rural Development in China, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2011, pp. 97-123.

-              Bossen, L., M. Brown, H. Gates, W. Xurui.  “Feet and Fabrication:  Footbinding and Early 20th Century Rural Women’s Labor in Shaanxi”.  Online first: DOI: 10.177/00997700411403265.  Print edition forthcoming in Modern China, XX(X), pp. 1-37 (expected July 2011).

3)            Papers presented:  “Footbinding and Chinese Textiles:  Women’s Labor and Footbinding in Early 20th Century Rural China”, Association for Asian Studies Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, April 2011;

-              Panel organizer:   “From Hand Craft to Industry:  China’s Rural Economy and Gender Relations, 1880-1980”.  Association for Asian Studies Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, April 2011.

-              Invited lectures:  “Current Women’s Property Rights and the Sex Imbalance in Rural China”.  Centre for Current Anthr opology, Fudan University, December 2010; “Asymmetric Inheritance and the Female Deficit in China:  All Demography is Local.”  John E. Sawyer Seminar on the Comparative Study of Cultures:  Gender Bias in the Past and Future of Asia: Son Preference and Women’s Status, Stanford University, November 2010.


3)            Papers presented:   “What is ‘the Neolithic’ in Japanese Archaeology?”  19th Congress of the Into-Pacific Prehistory Association, Hanoi, November 29, 2009; “The practice of archaeology in the 21st century Japan - after the ‘Palaeolithic Scandal,’ the ‘Bubble Burst,’ and Privatization.”  22nd Annual Conference of the Japan Studies Association of Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, October 2009.

4)            Invited lecture:  “Population history in the Japanese Archipelago”, McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement, Summer Lecture series, August 2009.

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From McGill 2008-2009 Annual Report, Appendix III.



Attwood, D.W., Baviskar, B.S., & Sick, D.R.; "Rural Cooperatives." Companion to Development Studies.  Ed. Vandana Desai & Robert Potter. New York: Oxford U. Press, 2008.  165-170.

Attwood, D.W. & Baviskar, B.S. “Cooperatives and Industrialization in Rural Areas: The Indian Experience.” Understanding Indian Society – Past and Present: Essays in Honour of A.M. Shah.  Ed. B.S. Baviskar & Tulsi Patel. New Delhi: Orient Longman (in press early 2009).

Presentation: “Cooperatives in a Capitalist World: Sugar Factories in Western India.”  Annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, NM, March 17-21 (Panel F-38 on Ethical Production and Consumption).


Bisson, M. S.  “Bruce Graham Trigger” (Obituary) American Anthropologist. 110(1):165-167, 2008.

Nowell, A., Bisson M. S., Cordova C., DeWitt, R. and Pokines, J.  “Wadi Zarqa’ Ma’in, Madaba Plateau.” American Journal of Archaeology. 112(3): 518-519, 2008.

Bisson, M. S.  “The Strange Case of the Grimaldi Figurines” in M. Chazen World Prehistory and Archaeology (Canadian Edition).  Toronto: Pearson.  Pp. 168-169, 2008.

Ariane Burke, L. Meignen, M.  Bisson, C. Parslow, and L. Gilbert.  The Palaeolithic occupation of the Sado drainage basin, southern Alentejo.   Vipasca: Arqueologia e História, 2009.

Presentations: Bisson, Michael S., A. Nowell, M. Poupart, C. Cordova, B. Gahleb and M. al-Nahar.    2008 , “The Ma’in Site Complex: Middle Paleolithic Lithic Procurement on the Madaba Plateau, Jordan” (Poster) Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, March 28, 2008; M.S. Bisson, “Fundamentals of Paleolithic Stone Technology” (Invited public demonstration and lecture), Stewart Museum of History, Montreal; Bisson, M. S., C. Cordova, A. Nowell, M. Poupart, C. Ames., "WE-2: The Middle Paleolithic of the Wadi Enoqiyya Revisited.”  Jordan’s Prehistory: Past and Future Research. Meetings sponsored by the Department of Antiquities.  Amman, Jordan.  May 26, 2009; Nowell, A., M. Bisson, C. Cordova, J. Pokines C. Ames, M. el-Nahar.  “Through the Stones we Reach the Shore: Excavations at a Paleolithic Marsh.”    Jordan’s Prehistory: Past and Future Research. Meetings sponsored by the Department of Antiquities.  Amman, Jordan.  May 26, 2009; Cordova, C., C. Ames, M. Bisson, A. Nowell, “The Paleolithic of Azraq and the Madaba Plateau in the Context of Global Climate Change.”    Jordan’s Prehistory: Past and Future Research. Meetings sponsored by the Department of Antiquities.  Amman, Jordan.  May 26, 2009; Nowell, A. M. Bisson, C. Cordova, J. Pokines C. Ames, M. el-Nahar, “Through the Stones we Reach the Shore: Excavations at a Paleolithic Marsh.”  Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Chicago.  April 1, 2009; Nowell, A., M. Bisson, C. Cordova, J. Pokines, “The Druze Marsh Paleolithic Project: Results of the 2008 Season.  American School of Oriental Research, Annual Meetings: New Orleans, La.  Feb. 2009.


Bossen, Laurel. “Hand und Fuß gebunden: Frauenarbeit und das Binden der Füße im China des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.” [Bound Hand and Foot: Women’s Work and Footbinding in Early Twentieth Century China]. Translator Mareile Flitsch. Technikgeschichte (History of Technology), Bd 75,  pp. 117-140,  2008.

Bossen, Laurel. "Women and Development" revised and updated for third edition of Understanding Contemporary China.  Robert Gamer, ed.  Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Pp. 309-338. 2008.

Bossen, Laurel, Melissa Brown, Hill Gates and Wang Xurui. “Feet and Fabrication: Footbinding and Early 20th Century Rural Women’s Labor in Shaanxi.”  Submitted to Modern China, March 2009.

Book Review: Bossen, Laurel. Book review of Employment of Women in Chinese Cultures: Half the Sky. C. K. Granrose, ed. The China Journal. No. 59, pp. 168-70, Jan. 2008.

Presentation: “Early 20th Century Women’s Labor and Footbinding in Shaanxi Province” Seminar, Universities Service Centre for China Studies and Gender Studies Program, Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 25, 2008


M.A. Huffman and C.A. Chapman (editors). 2009. Primate parasite ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships.  Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  531 pgs.

Chapman, C.A., L.J. Chapman, P. Omeja, and D. Twinomugisha. 2008.  Long-term studies reveal the conservation potential for integrating habitat restoration and animal nutrition.  In: Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Long- term Research, R.W. Wrangham and E. Ross (eds).  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 51-62.

Box, H., T.M. Butynski, C.A. Chapman, J.S. Lwanga J.F. Oates, R. Rudran, and P.M. Waser.  2008.  Thomas T. Struhsaker recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Primatological Society 2006.  International Journal of Primatology 29:13-19.

Gillespie, T.R. and C.A. Chapman.  2008.  Forest fragmentation, the decline of an endangered primate, and changes in host-parasite interactions relative to an unfragmented forest.  American Journal of Primatology 70:222-230.

Chapman, C.A. and Rothman, J.M.  2009.  Within-species differences in primate social structure: Evolution of plasticity and phylogenetic constraints.  Primates 50:12-22.

Harris, T.R., D. Caillaud, Chapman, C.A., and L. Vigilant.  2009.  Neither genetic nor observational data alone are sufficient for understanding sex-biased dispersal in a social-group-living species.  Molecular Ecology 18:1777-1790.

Twinomugisha, D., and C.A. Chapman.  2008.  Golden monkey ranging in relation to spatial and temporal variation in food availability: Implication for conservation.  African Journal of Ecology 46:585-593.

Bezjian, M., T.R. Gillespie, C.A. Chapman, and E.C. Greiner.  2008  Gastrointestinal parasites of forest baboons, Papio anubis, in Kibale National Park, Uganda.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44:878-887.

Snaith, T.V. and C.A. Chapman.  2008.  Red colobus monkeys display alternative behavioural responses to the costs of scramble competition.  Behavioural Ecology 19:1289-1296.

Chapman, L.J., C.A. Chapman, L.S. Kaufman, F. Witte, and J. Balirwa.   2008.  Biodiversity conservation in African inland waters: Lessons of the Lake Victoria region.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  30.

Jacob, A.L., I. Vaccaro, R. Sengupta, J. Hartter, and C.A. Chapman  2008. How can conservation biology best prepare for declining rural population and ecological homogenization?  Tropical Conservation Science 4:307-320.

Goldberg, T.L., T.R. Gillespie, I.B. Rwego, E.L. Estoff, and C.A. Chapman. 2008.  Forest fragmentation as cause of bacterial transmission among non-human primates, humans, and livestock, Uganda.  Emerging Infectious Diseases 14:1375-1382.

Aureli, F., C.M. Schffner, C. Boesch, S.K. Bearder, J. Call, C.A. Chapman, R. Connor, A. Di Fiore, R.I.M. Dunbar, S.P. Henzi, K. Holekamp, A.H. Korstjens, R. Layton, P. Lee, J. Lehmann, J.H. Manson, G. Ramos-Fernandez, K.B. Strier, C.P., Van Schaik.  2008.  Fission-fusion dynamics: new research frameworks.  Current Anthropology 49:627-654.

Snaith, T.V., C.A. Chapman, J.M. Rothman, and M.D. Wasserman.  2008.  Bigger groups have fewer parasites and similar cortisol levels: a multi-group analysis in red colobus monkeys.  American Journal of Primatology 70:1-9.

Arlet, M.E., F. Molleman, and C.A. Chapman. 2008.  Mating tactics in male grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus ugandae).  Ethology 114:851-862.

Chapman, C.A., K. Kitajima, A.E. Zanne, L.S. Kaufman, M.J. Lawes.  2008.  A 10-yr evaluation of the functional basis for regeneration habitat preference of trees in an African evergreen forest.  Forest Ecology and Management 225:3790-3796.

Lawes, M.J., M.E. Griffiths, J.J. Midgley, S. Boudreau, H.A.C. Eeley and C.A. Chapman.  2008.  Tree spacing and area of competitive influence do not scale with tree size in an African rainforest Journal of Vegetation Science 19:729-738.

Presentations: “Broad simian retrovirus diversity and co-infection of Ugandan red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus tephrosceles) with novel delta-, lenti- and spuma-retroviruses”.  W. Switzer, T. Goldberg, D. Sintasath, C.A. Chapman, K. Cameron, W. Karesh, S. Tang, N. Wolfe, I. Rwego, N. Ting.  Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, February, 2009; “Complex responses to climate and anthropogenic changes: An evaluation based on long-term data from Kibale National Park, Uganda,”.   Chapman, C.A. L.J. Chapman, J. Hartter, A.L. Jacob, J.S. Lwanga, P. Omeja, J.M. Rothman, and D. Twinomugisha.  MacArthur Foundation Conference on Long-term Changes in the Albertine Rift, Kampala, Jan 6-9th Kampala, Uganda; “Feeding and nutritional ecology of mountain gorillas”. Rothman, J. M., Dierenfeld, E. S., Plumptre, A. J., Hintz, H. F., Van Soest, P. J., Chapman, C. A., & Pell, A. N. Symposia of the Comparative Nutrition Society, Nova Scotia Sept 2008; “Climate change in an African rainforest: implications for primate feeding and nutrition”. Rothman, J. M., Chapman, C. A., Chapman, L. J., Struhsaker, T. T., Twinomugisha, D., & Waterman, P. G. Symposia of the Comparative Nutrition Society, Nova Scotia Sept 2008; “Climate change in Kibale: Interaction of climate, disease, tree phenology, tree chemistry, and primate abundance”. C.A. Chapman, D. Twinomugisha, J. Rothman, T.T. Struhsaker, J. Hartter, P.G. Waterman, & S.A.M. Hodder,  International Society of Primatology, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2008; “The Kibale Ecohealth Project: Epidemiology and ecology of infectious disease transmission among primates, people and livestock in a fragmented forest in western Uganda”.  T.L. Goldberg, T.R. Gillespie, I.B. Rwego and C.A. Chapman.  International Society of Primatology, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2008; “Therapeutic self-medication by free-ranging red colobus monkeys”.  T.R. Gillespie, C.A. Chapman, and M.A. Huffman.  International Society of Primatology, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2008; “The use of fruiting sychronicity as a conceptual tool by foraging mangabeys”.  K.R.L. Janmmat, C.A. Chapman, K. Zueberbuhler, and R.W. Byrne.  International Society of Primatology, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2008; “Variation in fecal cortisol levels in a wild black howler monkey population in southern Belize”.  International Society of Primatology, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2008; ‘Academic Research on Primates: Conservation Implications”.  National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., June 2008; “Simulating Parasite-Host Interactions using Agent-Based Models: A Case-Study of Kibale National Park, Uganda”.  R. Sengupta, T. Bonnell, and C. A. Chapman. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, April 2009; “The role of food supply in the recovery of a black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) population in response to a major hurricane”.  Behie, A.M., M.S.M. Pavelka, C.A. Chapman.  American Society of Physical Anthropology.  Chicago, April 2009; “Intraspecific variability in the nutritional content of primate foods: Implications for primate feeding ecology and ways forward”.  J.M. Rothman and C.A. Chapman.  American Society of Physical Anthropology.  Chicago, April 2009.


Book chapter :  Monumentalidad e historismo: representaciones de la identidad y memoria colectiva de la élite en Tiwanaku (trans. Monumentality and Historicity:  Rrepresentations of Elite Identity Colective Memory at Tiwanaku).  In Arqueología de las Tierras Altas, Valles Interandinos, Valles Interandinos y Tierras Bajas de Bolivia.  Memorias del I Congreso de Arqueología de Bolivia, edited by Claudia Rivera, pp. 49-62. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Arqueológicas de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 2008.

Book chapter:  Benjamin Vining, Patrick Ryan Williams, Deborah Blom, and Nicole C. Couture. Hacia in una imagen del espacio social en Tiwanaku: perspectivas por medio de métodos geofísicos en el altiplano Boliviano (trans. Towards an Imaging of Social Space at Tiwanaku:  a Geophysical Perspective in the Bolivian Altiplano). In Arqueología de las Tierras Altas, Valles Interandinos, Valles Interandinos y Tierras Bajas de Bolivia.  Memorias del I Congreso de Arqueología de Bolivia, edited by Claudia Rivera, pp. 63-76. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Arqueológicas de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 2008.

Informe sobre los trabajos realizados por el Proyecto Jacha Marka, Gestion 2007. (with Maria Bruno, Deborah Blom, and Denisse Rodas). Research report presented to the Dirección Nacional de Arqueología (Bolivia), the Alcaldia Municipal de Tiahuanacu, and the Consejo de Ayllus y Comunidades Originarios de Tiwanaku. (June 1, 2008).

Presentations: Talking Heads and the Grateful Dead:  Unpacking the Meaning of Trophy Heads at Tiwanaku,  Paper presented at the 73rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. (March 2008); What are they doing with their dead? Local mortuary practices at Mollo Kontu, Tiwanaku. Paper presented at the 74rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA.  (first co-author, with Deborah Blom,  Dennise Rodas S., Eduardo Machicado, and Ruth Fontenla), 2009; Microfaunal Remains from Tiwanaku. What are they doing with their dead? Local mortuary practices at Mollo Kontu, Tiwanaku. Paper presented at the 74rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA. 2009; Skirting Around the City: “Being Tiwanaku” at Mollo Kontu. Paper presented at the 74rd  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA.  (2nd co-author, with Deborah Blom and Maria Bruno). 2009.

Invited Lecturer: Communities Past and Present:  the archaeology of a Pre-Columbian Neighborhood in contemporary Tiwanaku, Bolivia.  Lecture Presented at the Anthropology Colloquium Series, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.  January 9, 2009.

Seminar Presentation:  Proyecto Jach’a Marka: Excavaciones en Mollo Kontu, Tiwanaku. Paper presented at the Seminar “Avances de Investigaciones en los Proyectos de Excavacíon Arqueológica en Tiwanaku – Bolivia”, organized by the Unidad Nacional de Arqueología dde Bolivia and the Museo Regional y Complejo Arqueologico de Tiwanaku.  Tiwanaku, Bolivia.  July 2, 2009.


Prefazione, in R. Malighetti, Clifford Geertz. Il lavoro dell'antropologo, Torino: Utet, 2008, pp. vii-xiv.

Violence and its mediations: Civil society, community conflict and the state in East Africa, In Beside the State: Emergent Powers in Contemporary Africa, Alice Bellagamba & Georg Klute, eds., Cologne: Rüdige Köppe Verlag, 2008, pp. 23-54.

Review, Risk Management in a Hazardous Environment: A Comparative Study of Two Pastoral Societies, Michael Bollig. New York: Springer, 2006. Anthropological Research, Vol. 64, 2008, pp. 104-106.

Revisiting Pastoralism and Marketing in East Africa. Review of Pastoral Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges. By John G. McPeak and Peter D. Little., eds., Rugby, Warwickshire: Intermediate Technology Publications, Ltd., 2006. African Studies Review, April, vol. 51, 2008, no. 1, pp. 131-134.

Conference Organizer:  Panel on “Resilience to Resistance: Pastoralist Strategies in Response to Contemporary Political and Ecological Disruption and Change in Africa”, sponsored by the Commission on Nomadic Peoples, ICAES, Kunming, China (with Michael Bollig)(Postponed to July, 2009); session on “Maasai Common(s) Sense: The Political Logic of Enclosure”, AAA, Philadelphia, Dec. 2-5, 2009.

Panel Member: McGill Conference on Global Food Security, session on “Underlying Factors”, 25-26 September 2008.

Presentation: “The Never-Ending Field: Friendship, Technology and the Refashioning of Ethnographic Experience”, Presentation, conference on How Does Anthropology Know? Ethnographic Fieldwork and the Production of Knowledge, Université de Montréal, 25-28 September 2008; “Behind the ethnic faces of Kenya’s political violence”, session on Unpacking the tinder box: Local histories & Kenya’s Post-electoral violence, AAA, San Francisco, 19-23 November 2008.

Discussant Paper, Session on ‘Structures of Enslavement for Indebtedness’, Conference on Debt and Slavery: The History of a Process of Enslavement, Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University, 7-9 May 2009.

Seminars:  Post-Colonial Crises in African Societies: Development, Poverty, Conflict, Health, the Social School, the Medical University of Daegu Medical School, Daegu, Korea, 30 June 2008; The modernity of pastoralism in East Africa today: Property, mobility and the new territoriality, Seminar presented at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Bejing, 8 July 2008; Village Level Studies Workshop (Proposal Development; Gates Foundation, IDRC, SSHRC), School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph, 13-14 November, 2008.

McGill Anthro Grad Conference, Discussant for the Session on Resources, Rights, and Rules, March 7th 2009.

Concluding Remarks, Graduate Conference, Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill, 27 April 2009.


Good. MJ.D., Hyde, S.T., Pinto, S. and Good, B. (eds.) (2008) Postcolonial Disorders. Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity Series, Berkeley: University of California Press.

“Everyday AIDS Practices: Contestations of Borders and Infectious Disease in Southwest China,” in Postcolonial Disorders, MJ.D. Good, S.T. Hyde, S. Pinto and B. Good (eds.), Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity Series, 2008, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Good, B., Good. MJ.D and Hyde, S.T. (2008) Introduction Postcolonial Disorders: Reflections on Subjectivity in the Contemporary World,” in Postcolonial Disorders, MJ.D. Good, S.T. Hyde, S. Pinto and B. Good (eds.), Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity Series, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Lecture: “The Spread of HIV/AIDS, Sexual Transmission and Heroin in China’s Southwest”, Prof. Zhang Li’s Internship students, UC Davis, China, Kunming, Yunnan, July 2008.

Panel Chair and Discussant:  session on “Postcolonial Disorders: Reflections on Subjectivity in a Postcolonial World,” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 22, 2008.

Invited participant: Weeklong Advanced Seminar at the School for American Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico on “Between Politics and Ethics: The Anthropology of Global Humanitarianism,” March 8-14 2008.

Presentations:  “Traveling Heroin Therapeutics:  Turning Prisoners into Patients and Patients into Healthy Citizens in Southwest China,” Wenner-Gren Medical Migrations Workshop, Costanoa, California, April 22, 2009 and SSHRC Anthropology of Addiction Workshop, McGill, Thompson House, April 23, 2009; “ The Political Economy of HIV/AIDS in China,” for Karine Vanthyne’s New Horizons in Medical Anthropology Course, McGill, January 28, 2009; “Chasing the Dragon’: Drug Use, HIV/AIDS and Humanitarian Aid in China,” Anthropology Colloquium, University of Kentucky, January 23, 2009; “The Social and Political Implications of HIV/AIDS in the Global South,” for Dr. Robert Murgita’s MIMMS - Microbiology and Medical Ethics Course, McGill, February 10, 2009.

Workshop Organizer: “Writing Grants for Social Science Research in Canada,” McGill Anthropology, Nov. 2008.

Co-chair and co-organizer:  SSHRC Workshop on the Anthropology of Addiction, Departments of Transcultural Psychiatry and Anthropology, McGill University, Thompson House, April 23-25, 2009.


Comment on “Necro-Utopia: The Politics of Indistinction and the Aesthetics of the Non-Soviet” By Alexei Yurchak. 2008.  Current Anthropology.  49(2): 216-217.

Invited speaker: “Anthropology Beyond the Human”  For the conference “Emergence: Nature’s Mode of Creativity –The Human Dimension.”  The Institute on Religion in an Age of Science. 54th Annual Star Island Conference. July 26-August 2, 2008, Star Island, New Hampshire.

“Form's Effortless Efficacy: A Multispecies Amazonian Account.”  Program in Agrarian Studies. Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series.  Yale University, New Haven.  23 January 2009.

Conference paper: “Always Already Runa”.  In “Symbolic Affinities, Pragmatic Engagements: Shaping Latin American Ethnology Through the Collaborative Work of Norman and Dorothea Scott Whitten”.  American Anthropological Association 107th Annual Meeting.  23 November 2008. San Francisco, CA.

LAMBERT, C. Symposium Co-organizer: 'Setting Themes, Building Momentum: Bringing Researchers and Community Organizations Together', symposium in collaboration with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Community Health and Social Services Network, March 2009.

Lecture:  "Formations of the self in the anthropology of the Middle East", a series of lectures as visiting professor at Ca' Foscari  University of Venice, Italy, May 2008.

Invited Presentation: on Fursat Shirazi (1854-1920) at "Modernity's classics" a series of workshops organized by Central European University, Budapest, Dec. 2008.


"Postcolonialism and the Utopian Imagination," in Postcolonial Theory and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, edited by Philip Salzman and Donna Robinson.  New York: Routledge.

"The Global Indigenous Movement."  In Handbook of North American Indians: Indians in Contemporary Society, edited by Garrick Bailey.  2008. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.

“The Rediscovered Self:  Indigenous Identity and Cultural Justice”, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009 (240 pgs.).

“Self-Destruction as a Way of Belonging:  Understanding Cluster Suicides among Aboriginal Youth in Canada”.  In Healing Traditions:  The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples, L. Kirmayers and G. Balaskakis, eds.  University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, BC. 2009.

Defending the Land: Sovereignty and Forest Life in James Bay Cree Society.  Second Edition.  2008. Prentice Hall.  120 pages.

Presentation:  Digitale Identität: Indigenes Aktivismus und die Revolution der Informationsgesellschaft, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, May 2008.

Invited lectures: "Indigenous Peoples and the Politics of Identity," University of Freiburg, Germany, 8 July 2008; “The Power of Persons Unknown:  Public Persuasion and Social Justice Ethnography”, University of Montreal, 26 February 2009; “The Performance of Rights:  Public Outreach and Cultural Enchantment in Global Governance, University of Zurich, 8 May 2009; “Indigenous ‘Soft Law’ and Public Persuasion”, University of Iowa, 22 May 2009.

Ph.D. course:  "The Academic Study of Indigenous Religions, Keynote Lectures:  "Assimilation and the Rise of Indigenous Identity", University of Tromsø,  Norway, 9-12 December 2008; "Conceptual Diplomacy and the International Movement of Indigenous Peoples."; "Grief and Grievance in an Aboriginal Community."


‘Hard Habits to Baroque: Catholic Church and Popular-Indigenous Religious Dialogue in Oaxaca, Mexico’, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 2008, vol. 33:1; pgs. 131-158.

"La Virgen a las Barricadas: La Iglesia Católica, la religiosidad popular y el Movimiento de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos Oaxaqueños",  in Participación política, (in)gobernabilidad y violencia en México: el caso de Oaxaca , ed. Victor Raúl Martínez (México, DF, Oaxaca: UABJO-Porrua).

Reviewer:  Missionaries of the State: The Summer Institute of Linguistics, State Formation, and Indigenous Mexico, 1935-1985, by Todd Hartch, History: Reviews of New Books, 2008, 36:2, 66-67.

Presentations:  “La Virgen a las Barricadas: La Iglesia Católica,,Religiosidad Popular y la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca", Colloquium ‘Crisis Política y Movimiento Social, Oaxaca 2006-2008”, Oaxaca, Mexico, 21 October, 2008; “What’s Tata Dios Got to do with it?: Conservation, La Madre Tierra and the Puzzling Politics of Indigeneity", panel on “Empirical Science, Conceptions of Nature and Spirituality: Critical Intersections for Environmental Management and Conservation in Latin America”, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 2008, 23 November; “Popes, Saints, Beato bones and other Images at War: The Roman Catholic Church in the Age of Globalism”, Canadian Association of Anthropology (CASCA) , May 13-15, 2009, Vancouver, BC; “Dialogues of ‘Religion’ and Liberation: The Catholic Church and Indigenous Theology in Oaxaca, Mexico”, panel on “Crossing Borders and Histories of Returns”. Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, 3-6 September, 2009; Una Cacofonía de Autoctonía: Indigeneidad en la Movilización Popular Seminar Oaxaqueña, Seminar de récherche GRIPAL, Sciences Politique, UQAM, Montréal, 23 January 2009.

Invited Seminar Leader : ‘La Antropología de la Religión en Oaxaca: ¿Porqué vale la pena?’, M.A. Seminar, Centro de Investigaciones Superiores de Antropología Social (CIESAS), Oaxaca, 29 February 2008.

Invited Panel Speaker: ‘After the Barricades: The Oaxaca Rebellion and the Future of Mexico’ Forum on the 2006 Oaxaca Uprising and its Significance for Contemporary Mexican Politics and Grassroots Organizing’, Simon Fraser University Latin American Studies Student Union (LASSU), Vancouver, BC, April 27.

Discussant: Panel: “Urban Ideals, Health, and Violence”. McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Conference, Montreal (7 March).


Translation (English to German) of:  “Slava Gerovitch: Roman Jakobson und die Kybernetisierung der Linguistik in der Sowjetunion.” Published in: Michael Hagner and Michael Hörl, Die Transformationen des Humanen, Frankfurt a. M., Suhrkamp, 2008.

Invited Lectures: Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany, 2008; ETH (Technical University) Zurich, Department of the History of Science, 2008; University of Zurich, Department of Anthropology, 2008; University of Freiburg, Germany, Department of Anthropology, University of Basel, Switzerland, Department of the History of Science, 2008; University of Freiburg, Germany, Department of Anthropology, 2008.

Presentation: Neurocultures, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany, 2009; Anthropologies of Addiction, McGill University, 2009; Workshop Organization and participation, 2009; Studying Global Health, Harvard University, 2009.

ROUSSEAU, J. "Is the notion of mode of production universally relevant?"  Social Evolution and History 7.2 (2008): 135-148.

Culture and Conflict in the Middle East, Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books, 2008.

Salzman, P. C. and Donna Robinson Divine, eds. Postcolonial Theory and the Arab-Israel Conflict, London: Routledge, 2008.

“Politics and Change among the Baluch in Iran,” Middle East Strategy at Harvard, Paper No. 2,   http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/mesh/, 2008.

“Persians and Others:  Iran’s Minority Politics”, Middle East Strategy at Harvard, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/mesh/2009/04/persians-and-others-irans-minority-politics/, April 2009.

Invited Lectures:  “The Tribal Basis of Middle Eastern Culture”, Middle East Forum, NY, January 2008 and Philadelphia, January 2008; “The Tribal Foundation of Middle Eastern Islamic Culture”, Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa, Washington, April 2008; “The Tribal Foundation of Arab Culture”, Canadian Institute for Jewish Research, November 2008; “Anthropology and Security Studies”, Middle East Strategy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., September 2008; “Tribes and Conflict in the Middle East,” conference on Unconventional Warfare, Special Forces Command, Central Command, Virginia, August 2008; “Persians and Others:  Minorities in Iran”, Conference on Iran, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Ottawa, Ontario, March 2009.


Scott, Colin. “James Bay Cree.” Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 2, Indians in Contemporary Society. Eds. Garrick Bailey, vol. ed., W.C. Sturtevant, general ed.  Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 2008. 252-260.

Scott, Colin. Expert Report on the Confidential Nature of Information Provided by Crees for the Elaboration of Forest Management Plans Pursuant to the Agreement Concerning a New Relationship between Le Gouvernement du Québec  and the Crees of Quebec.  Evidence prepared for the Commission de l'accès à l'information (Québec). Grand Council of the Crees of Eeyou Istchee. April 28, 2008. 41 pp.

Scott, Colin. Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim, Statement and Report of Colin Scott, Anthropologist, Federal Court of Australia QUD 6040/2001, between Leo Akiba and George Mye on behalf of the Torres Strait Islanders of the Regional Seas Claim Area, Applicant, and the State of Queensland and Others, Respondents. September 8, 2008. 500 pp.

Scott, Colin. Affidavit of Colin Scott, Federal Court of Canada, between The Cree Nation of Mistissini and Charlo Gunner, Kenny Coonishish, Philip James Shecapio, Charlie Coon-Blacksmith, James A. Gunner, Abraham Etapp, Isaac Etapp, Charlie Etapp, Joseph P. Sheccapio, Harry Bosum and Sam Bosum, Applicants, and the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Respondents. September 9, 2008. 9 pp.

Mulrennan, Monica, Véronique Bussières and Colin Scott. 2009. Tawich (Marine) Conservation Area, Eastern James Bay. The Wemindji-McGill Protected Area Project. January 20. 54 pp.

Scott, Colin. Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim, Supplementary Report of Colin Scott, Anthropologist, Federal Court of Australia QUD 6040/2001, between Leo Akiba and George Mye on behalf of the Torres Strait Islanders of the Regional Seas Claim Area, Applicant, and the State of Queensland and Others, Respondents. January 14, 2009. 70 pp.

Keynote Speaker: “Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Impact Assessment: James Bay Crees and Hydro-electricity.” Keynote address presented at the Conference, ‘Cultural Impact Assessment: Beyond the Bio-physical,’ International Association for Impact Assessment, Western and Northern Canada Affiliate, Yellowknife, Feb. 28-29, 2008.

Invited Papers: “Translating Rights.” Session on ‘Land, Cultural and Political Imagination, and Indigenous Futures in Remote Communities in Canada and Australia: A Comparative Perspective.’ Canadian Anthropological Society Meetings, Carleton University, Ottawa, May 7-9, 2008; “Dialoguing Knowledges: Cree Knowledge and Transdisciplinary Research at James Bay.” Paper presented in the session, ‘The Challenges of Collaborative Ethnographic Research.’ Canadian Anthropological Society Meetings, University of British Columbia, May 13-16.

Seminar:  “Knowledge-Sharing Alliances for Environmental Protection and Cultural Continuity among James Bay Cree.” Presentation to joint McGill School of Environment/ Department of Anthropology Seminar, March 16.


Vaccaro, I. and Norman, K. 2008. Social Sciences and Landscape Analysis: opportunities for the improvement of conservation policy design. Journal of Environmental Management 88: 360-371.

Aswani, S. and Vaccaro, I. 2008. Lagoon Ecology and Social Strategies: Habitat Diversity and Ethnobiology. Human Ecology 36(3): 325-341.

Presentations:  “The unfinished transformation: governmental technologies in the Western mountains”, Invited to the Agrarian Studies School Workshop. Yale University. 2008. Co-author: O., Beltran; “Livestock versus 'wild beasts': the contradictions of the natural patrimonialization of the Pyrenees”, Meetings of the American Association of Geographers, Boston. Co-author: O., Beltran; “Patrimonialización de la naturaleza: el marco social de las políticas ambientales”. XI Congreso de Antropología de la Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español. Co-authors: O, Beltran and Pascual, J., 2008; “Analysis of Social Variables and Natural Resources Management Policy Design: integrating ecology and society”. National Fisheries, Uganda, 2008; “How can conservation biology best prepare for declining population growth rates and global urbanization?” Resilience Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. Co-authors: Jacobs, A., Sengupta, R., and Chapman, C., 2008; “Patrimony and consumption: rethinking the relationships between rural areas and cities.” The Stockholm Seminars: frontiers in sustainability science and policy. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Co-author: O. Beltran, 2009; “Archipelago of Governmentalities: Enfolding Modernity at the Edge of Guyana’s Rainforest Frontier”. Canadian Anthropology Society Meetings. Co-author: G. Gregory, 2009.

Invited lecture:  “Anthropogenic Landscapes”. Invited lecture to the Department of Anthropology at the University of Barcelona, 2008.

Proceedings:  Beltran, O., Pascual, J. and Vaccaro, I. (eds.) 2008.  “Patrimonialización de la naturaleza. El marco social de las políticas ambientales.” Ankulegi y Universidad del País Vasco, Donosti [proceedings], 2008.


Presentations:  “Empathic Cruelty:  An Evolutionary Narrative for the Twenty-First Century”, in Varieties of Empathy in Science, Art and Culture, University of British Columbia.  October 2008; “History in Trauma”, in Globalization of Psychiatry and the Languages of Suffering, Trauma, Violence and Resilience, CESAME, University of Paris 5, June 2008; “Therapeutic Discourse and the Science of Empathy”, in Medical Anthropology and Therapeutic Discourse, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, June 2008;  “History in Trauma”, at Globalization of Psychiatry and the Languages of Suffering, Trauma, Violence and Resilience, CESAME, University of Paris 5, June 2008; “Empathic Cruelty and the Evolution of the Social Brain”, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), June 2008; “Psychopathy and the Social Brain”, in Neurocultures, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, February 2009;  “Psychopatholgy in the Social Brain”, in Critical Neuroscience, University of California at Los Angeles and the Foundation for Psychocultural Research, January 2009.

Co-Organizer (with G. Weisz, McGill): “Mind, Brain and Society”, participants from McGill, University of Paris 5, Keio University (Tokyo), and Tel Aviv University, McGill University, September 2008.

Co-Organizer (with S. Lanzoni and R. Brain): “Varieties of Empathy in Science, Art and Culture”, participants from Canada, USA, Denmark, Germany, University of British Columbia, SSHRC funded, October 2008.

Invited Lectures:  “Empathic Cruelty and the Evolution of Human Nature”, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, October 2008 and École des hautes études en sciences socials, Paris, June 2008; “Stress and the Heterostatic Body”, Department of the History of Medicine, Exeter University, November 2008; “Enduring Misconceptions Concerning Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”, Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth University, September 2008; “Empathic Cruelty and the Evolution of the Social Brain”.

Course Lecturers

LOFTHOUSE, S. A comparison of two Neoeskimo faunal assemblages from Nunavik Climate, Environment and the Thule Culture in the Holocene Arctic: IPY Workshop  Copenhagen, Denmark,  May 2009.

“The Story of Markoosie Patsauq’s Trip to the TB Sanatorium in The Pas.” Makivik Magazine Winter 2007-2008, Issue 83. 

“Indigenous Spirituality – Local and Gobal.”  Baiki – The International Sami Journal. Issue#29 Winter 2008.

Invited Presentation: Presented together with co-author Tara Holton,“Are You Now a Qallunaaq?”  Inuit Tuberculosis Evacuees in the 1940’s-1950’s: Negotiating Identities in Changing times and Changing Cultural Contexts, Culture and Mental Health Research Unit, The Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, May 21.

Poster presentations: Co-author Tara Holton, “Are You Now a Qallunaaq?”  Inuit Tuberculosis Evacuees in the 1940’s-1950’s: Negotiating Identities in Changing times and Changing Cultural Contexts, “Peace, Conflict, & Reconciliation: Contributions of Cultural Psychiatry,” Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, May 1-2, 2008; Presented by co-author Tara Holton, “Are You Now a Qallunaaq?”  Inuit Tuberculosis Evacuees in the 1940’s-1950’s: Negotiating Identities in Changing times and Changing Cultural Contexts, The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) of Health Canada, Montreal, April 16-18, 2008.

Presentation: Co-author Tara Holton, Going to the hospital and not knowing why”-The Inuit Tuberculosis Evacuees in the 1940’s-1950’s, CASCA (The Annual Meetings of the Canadian Anthropology Society), Carleton University, Ottawa, May. Organizer of the session, 2008.


Vanthuyne, Karine. "Souffrance sociale en paroles". Vivre à la marge. Réflexions autour de la souffrance sociale. Ed. Louise Blais. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008, pp. 37-52.

Vanthuyne, Karine. "Ethnographier les silences de la violence".  Anthropologie et Société. 32.hors-série (2008), pp. 64-71.

Vanthuyne, Karine. "Guatemala : Se souvenir de la guerre, devenir une victime ? ". Problèmes d’Amérique Latine. 68 (2008), pp. 81-100.

Vanthuyne, Karine. "Ethnographier les silences de la violence ".  Anthropologie et Société. 32. hors-série (2008), pp. 64-71.

Vanthuyne, Karine. "Guatemala : Se souvenir de la guerre, devenir une victime ? ".  Problèmes d’Amérique Latine. 68 (2008), pp. 81-100.

Vanthuyne, Karine. "Souffrance sociale en paroles ». Vivre à la marge. Réflexions autour de la souffrance sociale". Ed. Louise Blais. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008, pp. 37-52.

Adjunct Assistant Professors


“The Political Aspects of Emotions and Psychotherapy among the Quebec Cree,” Thule: Rivista italiana di studi americanistici, no. 18/19, co-authored with Professor Guy Lanoue, 2008.

Presentations:  “INAC and Aboriginal Peoples: Working Together to Foster Sustainable Development”, First Nation Social Development Steering Society Conference, Vancouver, BC, February 2009; “Aboriginal Remote Communities South of 60”, International Comprehensive Community Planning Conference, Charlottetown, PEI, September, 2008.

Emeritus Faculty


Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. “Japanese  Archipelago,  Paleolithic cultures.” Encyclopedia of Archaeology. Ed. Deborah Pearsall. New York: Academic Press, 2008.

Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. “Kenewikku-jin to Ainu-jin” [“Kennewick Man and the Ainu”]. Montreal Bulletin 68.1  (2008) 2.

Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. “Serizawa Chosuke sensei to Kanada ni okeru Nippon kokogaku kenkyu.” [“Professor Chosuke Serizawa and research into Japanese archaeology in Canada”]. Serizawa Chosuke-sensei Tsuito Koko-Minzoku-Rekishi-gaku Ronso [Essays in Archaeology, Ethnology and History,  in Memory of Professor Chosuke Serizawa]. Ed. Committee to Publish Volume in Memory of Prof. Serizawa. Tokyo: Rokuichi Shobo, 2008. 723-9.

Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. “Kebbeku-shu montorioru-shi ni okeru Magiru Daigaku no koreisha gakushu gurupu no tenkai”  [“‘Peer-design and peer-learning’: Life-long education program at McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement (MILR)”]. Report on International Research Forum: Anthropology of Life Design and Well-Being. Ed. Nanami Suzuki. Senri: National Museum of Ethnology, 2009. 61-64.

Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. Reply to comments by Prof. H. Endo and Prof. H. Shirouzu. Report on International Research Forum: Anthropology of Life Design and Well-Being. Ed. Nanami Suzuki. Senri: National Museum of Ethnology, 2009. 69-70.

Invited Lecture: “The Origins of the Japanese People.” Japanese-Canadian Culture Centre of Montreal, April 9, 2008; ”Kebbeku-shu montorioru-shi ni okeru Magiru Daigaku no koreisha gakushu gurupu no tenkai” [“‘Peer-design and peer-learning’: Life-long education program at McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement (MILR)”]. International Research Forum: Anthropology of Life Design and Well-Being. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. February 28, 2009.

Presentations:  “‘Obsidian Roads’ of the Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers in Pacific Northeast Asia.” The Society for East Asian Archaeology, 4th World Congress, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, June 4, 2008; “Positioning the Ainu in the construction of national history for Japan.” World Archaeology Congress-6, Dublin, Ireland, July 3, 200; “From the ‘former aboriginal’ to the real ‘indigenous people’: socio-political background for the archaeological reconstruction of Japan’s national history.” 21st Annual Conference of the Japan Studies Association of Canada, Waterloo, Ontario, October 5, 2008.

Participant:  Workshop on “Archaeology of Culture Contact in East Asia”. University of British Columbia, March 26, 2008.

Participant and the designated Discussant:  "Prehistoric Jomon of Japan and Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways”,  A Public symposium at the University of California, Berkeley. Sept. 19-20, 2008; "‘Peer-design and peer-learning’: Life-long education program at McGill Institute for Learning Retirement”.

International Workshop:  “Concept of Well-being and Alternative care in Canada and Denmark. National Museum of Ethnology, Senri, Japan.  February 27, 2009; "‘Peer-design and peer-learning’: Life-long education program at McGill Institute for Learning Retirement”.

International Workshop on “Concept of Well-being and Alternative care in Canada and Denmark. National Museum of Ethnology, Senri, Japan.  February 27, 2009.


Biosociality and Susceptibility Genes: A Cautionary Tale. In, Sarah Gibbon and Carlos Novas eds., Biosocialities,Genetics and the Social Sciences, 2008, London: Routledge pp. 56-78.

Demoting the Genetic Body in Ruth Kutalek, Armin Prinz eds. Essays in Medical Anthropology. The Austrian Ethnomedical Society after Thirty Years. Wiener Ethnomedizinische Reihe Volume 6. 2009, Wien Muenster: LIT Verlag.

APOE Genotyping, Risk Estimates, and Public Understanding of Susceptibility  Genes. with Adam Hedgecoe, in  Jesse Bollinger, Peter Whitehouse et al. eds., Do We Have a Pill for That? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the  Development, Use, and Evaluation of Drugs in the Treatment of Dementia. 2008, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Pp.231-249.

Are Genes Us? Postgenomic Bodies and Identity, 2009, Anthropologica 51: 159-172.

Invited Lectures:  “Re-situating the Genetic Body: From Structure to Function”, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Centenary symposium in honor of Professor Claude Levi-Strauss, 2008; “Seduced by Plaques and Tangles: Alzheimer’s Disease and the Cerebral Subject”, 2008, A. Young’s Workshop, McGill University; “Social Repercussions of Testing for Susceptibility Genes”, Plenary lecture, Canadian Society of Geneticists, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 2008; “Divining the Future: Genetic Testing for Susceptibility Genes”, Invited lecture, Faculty of Arts, Wilfred Laurier University, 2008; “Genomic Divinations, Molecular Genetics, Epigenetics, and Calculations of Future Risk”, Invited Public lecture I, Keio University, Tokyo, 2008; “Genomics and the State: Is an Era of Neoeugenics in the Offing?”, Invited Public lecture II, Keio University, Tokyo, 2008; “Biomedical Technologies and Transformations in Society and Self”, Invited Public lecture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 2008; “Divining the Future: Genetic Testing for Susceptibility Genes”, The MacNamara Lecture, McGill University, 2009; “Demoting the Genetic Body and Testing for Susceptibility Genes”, Faculty of Arts Lecture, University of Ottawa, 2009; “Demoting the Genetic Body and Learning Again to Live with Uncertainty”, Invited lecture, Dept. of Anthropology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, 2009; “Divining the Future: Genetic Testing for Susceptibility Genes”,  Invited lecture, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, 2009; “When Genotype and Phenotype are both Capricious: Prognosticating Alzheimer’s-type Dementia”, Invited Lecture, The New Genomics: Public Health, Social and Clinical Implications, University of Bristol, UK, 100th Centennial, 2009.

MORANTZ, T. Presentations: “Framing the History and the Anthropology of Regina Flannery Herzfeld”, Conference in Tribute to Regina Flannery, Catholic University America, April 24, 2008; “The Annual Indian and Metis Conferences in the early 1960s: A Retrospective”, 40th Algonquian Conference, University of Minnesota., October 22-24, 2008.

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From McGill 2006-2007 Annual Report, Appendix III.


ATTWOOD, D. Small is deadly, Big is wasteful, in Waterscapes: The Cultural Politics of a Natural Resource, A. Baviskar, ed., New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2007, pp. 11-39.
BISSON, M. - Hafting and technological innovation in the Western Eurasian Middle Paleolithic, in New Approaches to the Study of Early Upper Paleolithic Industries in Western Eurasia, J. Riel-Salvatore and G. A. Clark, eds., Oxford, British Archaeological Reports #1620, 2007, pp. 111-130.
- (Kalchgruber, R., A. Nowell, M.S. Bisson and C. Cordova). Wadi Zark'a Ma'in, Madaba Plateau. American Journal of Archaeology, 2007, vol. 111, no. 3. pp. 586-587.
- (Bisson, M.S., A. Nowell, C. Kordova, R. Kalchgruber and M. al-Nahar) Human evolution at the crossroads: An archaeological survey in Northwest Jordan. Near Eastern Archaeology, vol. 69, no. 2, 2007, pp. 73-85.
BOSSEN, L. - Missing Girls, Land and Population Controls in Rural China, in Watering the Neighbour's Garden: The Growing Demographic Female Deficit in Asia, I. Attané and C. Guilmoto, eds., Paris, CICRED, Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography, 2007, pp.207-228.
- Village to distant village: The opportunities and risks of long distance marriage migration in rural China. Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 16, 2007, 97-116.
CHAPMAN, C.A. - (Chapman, C.A. and S.E. Russo) Primate Seed Dispersal: Linking Behavioural Ecology and Forest Community Structure, in Primates in Perspective, C.J. Campbell, A.F. Fuentes, K.C. MacKinnon, M. Panger and S. Bearder, eds., Cambridge, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 510-525.
- (Lawes, M.J., R. Joubert, M.E. Griffiths, S. Boudreau and C.A. Chapman) The effect of the spatial scale of recruitment on tree diversity in Afromontane forest fragments. Biological Conservation, vol. 139, 2007, pp. 447-456.
- (Houle, A., C.A. Chapman and W.L. Vickery) Intratree variation in fruit production and implication for primate foraging. International Journal of Primatology, vol. 28, 2007, pp. 1197-1217.
- (Chapman, C.A., T. Saj and T.V. Snaith) Temporal dynamics of nutrition, parasitism, and stress in colobus monkeys: Implications for population regulation and conservation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 134, 2007, pp. 240-250.
- (Saj, T., S. Marteinson, P. Sicotte and C.A. Chapman) Controversy over the application of current socioecological theory to folivorous primates: Colobus vellerosus fits the predictions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 133, 2007, pp. 994-1003.
- (Snaith, T.V. and C.A. Chapman) Primate group size and socioecological models: Do folivores really play by different rules? Evolutionary Anthropology, vol. 16, pp. 94-106.
- (Harris, T.R. and C.A. Chapman) Variation in the diet and ranging behavior of black-and-white colobus monkeys: Implications for theory and conservation. Primates, vol. 48, 2007, pp. 208-221.
- (Bradley, B.J., M. Stiller, D.M. Doran-Sheehy, T.R. Harris, C.A. Chapman, L. Vigilant and H. Poinar) Plant DNA sequences from feces: Potential means for assessing diets of wild animals. American Journal of Primatology, vol. 69, 2007, pp. 699-705.
- (Twinomugisha, D. and C.A. Chapman) Golden monkey populations decline despite improved protection in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology, vol. 46, 2007, pp. 220-224.
- (Chapman, C.A., L. Naughton-Treves, M.J. Lawes and M.D. Wasserman) The conservation value of forest fragments: Explanations for population declines of the colobus of Western Uganda. International Journal of Primatology, 2007, pp. 513-528.
- (Goldberg, T.L., T.R. Gillespie, I.B. Rwego, E.R. Wheeler, E.L. Estoff and C.A. Chapman) Patterns of gastrointestinal bacterial exchange between chimpanzees and humans involved in research and tourism in Western Uganda. Biological Conservation, vol. 135, 2007, pp. 511-517.
COSTOPOULOS, A. - (Hulse, E. and A. Costopoulos) Spatial patterning within a 5000 year old structure in Northern Finland in Space - The Final Frontier? An Intercontinental Approach, R. Salisbury and D. Keeler, eds., Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007, pp. 109-133.
- (Pendea, I.F., A. Costopoulos, V. Pospelova and G.L. Chmura) Paleoecological Reconstruction of the Late Tyrrell Sea Phase at Old Factory Lake, Eastern James Bay, Quebéc. Canadian Quaternary Association, 2007.
- (Lerner, H.J., D. Xiangdong, A. Costopoulos and M. Ostoja-Starzewski)
Lithic raw material physical properties and use wear accrual. Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 34, 2007, pp. 711-722.
COUTURE, N.C. - The Production and Representation of Status in a Tiwanaku Royal House, in The Durable House: Architecture, Ancestors, and Origins, R. Beck, ed., Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, pp. 422-445.
- (Williams, P.R., N.C. Couture and D. Blom) Remote Sensing at Tiwanaku: Geophysics in the Andean Altiplano, in Remote Sensing in Archaeology, J. Wiseman and F. El-Baz, eds., New York, Springer & Kluwer Press, 2007, pp. 423-442.
- (Couture, N.C., M. Bruno, D. Blom and D. Rodas) Informe sobre los trabajos realizados por el Proyecto Jacha Marka, Gestion 2006. Research report presented to Dirección Nacional de Arqueologia (Bolivia), the Alcaldia Municipal de Tiahuanacu, the Consejo de Ayllus y Comunidades Originarios de Tiwanaku, 2007, pp. 70.
HYDE, S. Eating Spring Rice: The Cultural Politics of AIDS in Southwest China. Berkeley, California, University of California Press, 2007, pp. 290.
KOHN, E. - Animal Masters and the Ecological Embedding of History among the Avila Runa of Amazonian Ecuador, in When Time Matters: History, Memory, and Identity in Amazonia, C. Fausto and M. Heckengerger, eds., Florida, CA, University of Florida Press, 2007, pp. 106-129.
- How dogs dream: Amazonian natures and the politics of trans-species engagement. American Ethnologist, vol. 34, no. 1, 2007, pp. 3-24.
- Review of The Napo Runa of Amazonian Ecuador, by M. Uzendoski, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 13, no. 3, 2007, pp. 782-783.
- Comment on Feasting on People: Eating Animals and Humans, in Amazonia by Carlos Fausto, Current Anthropology, vol. 48, no. 4, 2007, pp. 515-516.
NIEZEN, R. - Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples, Treatment of, in Encyclopedia of Law and Society, D. S. Clark, ed., Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2007, pp. 6-10.
- Postcolonialism and the utopian imagination. Israel Affairs, vol. 13, no. 4, 2007, pp. 714-729.
- Revival of aboriginal culture and practices key to suicide intervention programs. Canadian Psychiatry Aujourd'hui, vol. 3, no. 1, 2007, pp. 11-19.
ROUSSEAU, J. (J. Rousseau and J. Langub) Ten Kenyah paintings given to the Sarawak Museum. Borneo Research Bulletin 37, 2007, pp. 195-216.
SALZMAN, P.C. - Thinking Anthropologically: A Practical Guide for Students, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 2007, 121 pp.
- (Salzman, P.C. and D.R. Divine, eds.) Postcolonial Theory and the Arab-Israel Conflict, 2007, (double issue) Israel Affairs, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 667-915.
- (Salzman, P.C. and P. Rice, eds.) Making Ideas Researchable in Thinking Anthropologically: A Practical Guide for Students, Upper Saddle River, Prentice-Hall, 2007, pp. 85-93.
- Arab Culture and Postcolonial Theory, in Israel Affairs, P. C. Salzman and D. R. Divine, eds., vol. 13, 2007, pp. 837-843.
- The Middle East's tribal DNA. Middle East Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 1, 2007, pp. 23-33.
SAVELLE, J.M. - Prehistoric Thule whaling in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. The World of Cultural Heritage, vol. 24, 2007, pp. 10-13.
- (Patton, K. and J.M. Savelle) The symbolic dimensions of Thule Inuit whale bone use. Etudes/Inuit/Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, 2007, pp. 137-161.
SCOTT, C.H. Bear Metaphor: Spirit, Ethics and Ecology in Wemindji Cree Hunting, in Nature des esprits dans les cosmologies autochtones / Nature of Spirits in Aboriginal Cosmologies, F. Laugrand and J. Oosten, eds.. Quebec, Le Presses de l'Université Laval, 2007, pp. 387-399.
STEVENSON, L.E. Review of Anthropology in the margins of the state, by V. Das and D. Poole. Political and Legan Anthropology Review, Sante Fe, School of American Research Press, vol. 30, 2007, pp. 140-144.
VACCARO, I. - (Vaccaro, I. and O. Beltran, eds.) La Ecologia Politica de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje, Garsineu Edicions, 2007, 239 pp..
- Introducción, Paisajes en efervescencia: hacia una ecologia politica de los Pirineos in La Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje, I. Vaccaro and O. Beltran, eds., Garsineu Edicions, 2007, pp. 13-30.
- El Pallars Sobirà: pastores, centrales y estaciones de esquí in La Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado historia y paisaje, I. Vaccaro and O. Beltran, eds., Garsineu Edicions, 2007, pp. 139-157.
YOUNG, A. (See listing under Social Studies of Medicine.)

Associate Members

CORIN, E. (See listing under Psychiatry.)

Course Lecturers

CHRISOMALIS, S. The perils of pseudo-Orwellianism. Antiquity, vol. 81, no. 311, 2007, pp. 204-207.

Emeritus Faculty

IKAWA-SMITH, F. Conclusion: In search of the origins of microblades and the microblade technology. Origins and Spread of Microblade Technology in Northern Asia and North America. Y. V. Kuzmin, S. G. Keats and C. Shen. Burnaby, BC, Archaeology Press, 2007, pp. 189-198.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

SAJ, T. - (Saj, T.L. S. Marteinson, P. Sicotte, and C.A. Chapman) Controversy over the application of current socioecological theory to folivorous primates: Colobus vellerosus fits the predictions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 133, 2007, pp. 994-1003.
- (Saj, T.L. and P. Sicotte) Predicting the competitive regime of female Colobus vellerosus from the distribution of food resources. International Journal of Primatology, vol. 28, no. 2, 2007, pp. 315- 336.
- (Saj, T.L. and P. Sicotte) Scramble competition among Colobus vellerosus at Boabeng-Fiema, Ghana. International Journal of Primatology, vol. 28, no. 2, 2007, pp. 337-355.
- (Sicotte, P., J.A. Teichroeb and T. Saj) Aspects of male competition in Colobus vellerosus: Preliminary data on male and female loud calling, and infant deaths after a takeover. International Journal of Primatology, vol. 28, no. 3, 2007, pp. 627-636.
- (Chapman, C.A., T.L. Saj and T.V. Snaith) Temporal dynamics of nutrition, parasitism, and stress in Colobus monkeys: Implications for population regulation and conservation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 134, no. 2, 2007, pp. 240-252.

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From McGill 2005-2006 Annual Report, Appendix III. 
(*Information not reported in 2005-2006 Annual Report)


ATTWOOD, D. Small is deadly, big is wasteful: the impact of large-scale industrial systems on irrigation, food security and population in Western India, in Waterscapes: the Cultural Politics of a Natural Resource, A. Baviskar (ed.), New Delhi, Permanent Black Publications, 2006, pp. 11-39.
BISSON, M. - (R. Williamson and M.S. Bisson, eds.) The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006, 304 pp.
- Bruce Trigger at McGill University, in The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism, R. Williamson and M. Bisson (eds.), Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006, pp. 210-220.
- (Williamson, R. and Bisson, M.S.) Foreward, in The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism, R. Williamson and M. Bisson (eds.), Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006, pp. xi-xiv.
- (Nowell, A., Bisson, M.S., Cordova, C., Kalchgruber, R. and al-Nahar, M.) A Survey of Middle Paleolithic Sites in the Wadi Zarqa’ Ma’in Drainage, Madaba Plateau, Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology, v. 110, no. 3, 2006, pp. 472-475.
- Review: Comment on the Lower-Middle Paleolithic Periodization in Western Europe: an Evaluation of G. Monnier. Current Anthropology, v. 47, no. 5, 2006, pp. 729-730.
BOSSEN, L. - Land and population controls in rural China. Bulletin of National Museum of Ethnology, v. 30, no. 3, 2006, pp. 421-449.
- Review: Social Change and Continuity in a Village in Northern Anhui, China: a Response to Revolution and Reform, by Min Han. Anthropologica v. 47, no. 2, 2006, pp. 306-307.
CHAPMAN, C. - (Twinomugisha, D., Chapman, C.A., Lawes. M.J., Worman, C., and Danish, L.) How does the golden monkey of the Virungas cope in a fruit scarce environment? in Primates of Western Uganda, E. Newton-Fisher, H. Notman, V. Reynolds and J.D. Patterson (eds.), New York, Springer, 2006, pp. 45-60.
- (Chapman, C.A., Wasserman, M.D., and Gillespie, T.R.) Behavioural patterns of colobus in logged and unlogged forests: the conservation value of harvested forests, in Primates of Western Uganda, E. Newton-Fisher, H. Notman, V. Reynolds and J.D. Patterson (eds.), New York, Springer, 2006, pp. 373-390.
- (Oluput, W. and Chapman, C.A.) Human encroachment and vegetation change in isolated forest reserves: the case study of Bwindi impenetrable National Park, Uganda, in Emerging Threats to Tropical Forests, W.F. Laurance and C. Peres (eds.), Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, pp. 127-142.
- (Danish, L., Chapman, C.A., Hall, M.B., Rode, K.D., and Worman, C.O.) The role of sugar in diet selection in redtail and red colobus monkeys, in Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates: Ecological, Physical, and Behavioural Aspects, G. Hohmann, M.M. Robbins, and C. Boesch (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 471-485.
- (Chapman, C.A., Wasserman, M.D., Gillespie, T.R., Speirs, M.L., Lawes, M.J., Saj, T.L. and Ziegler, T.E.) Do nutrition, parasitism, and stress have synergistic effects on red colobus populations living in forest fragments? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 131, 2006, pp. 525-534.
- (Rode, K.D., Chapman, C.A., McDowell, L.R., and Stickler, C.) The role of nutrition in population regulation: a comparison of redtail monkeys diets and densities across habitats and logging intensities. Biotropica, v. 38, 2006, pp. 625-634.
- (Rode, K.D., Chiyo, P.I., Chapman, C.A., and McDowell, L.R.) Nutritional ecology of elephants in Kibale National Park, Uganda and its relationship with crop-raiding behaviour. Journal of Tropical Ecology, v. 22, 2006, pp. 1-9.
- (Chapman, C.A., Lawes, M.J., and Eeley, H.A.C.) What hope for African primate diversity? African Journal of Ecology, v. 44, 2006, pp. 1-18.
- (Naughton, L., Kammen, D.M., and Chapman, C.A.) Burning biodiversity: woody biomass use by commercial and subsistence groups in western Uganda. Biological Conservation, v. 34, 2006, pp. 232-241.
- (Houle, A., Vickery, W.L., and Chapman, C.A.) Mechanisms of coexistence among two species of frugivorous primates. Journal of Human Ecology, v. 75, 2006, pp. 1034-1044.
- (Butynski, T. and Members of the Primate Specialist Group) Colobus guereza. In: IUCN 2006, 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. www.iucnredlist.org, 2006.
- (Worman, C.O. and Chapman, C.A.) Densities of two frugivorous primates with respect to forest and fragment tree species composition and fruit availability. International Journal of Primatology, v. 27, 2006, pp. 203-225.
- (Gillespie, T.R. and Chapman, C.A.) Prediction of parasite infection dynamics in primate metapopulations based on attributes of forest fragmentation. Conservation Biology, v. 20, 2006, pp. 441-448.
- (Lawes, M.F. and Chapman, C.A.) Does the herb Acanthus pubescens and/or elephants suppress tree regeneration in disturbed Afrotropical forests? Forest Ecology and Management, v. 221, 2006, pp. 274-284.
- (Chapman, C.A., Speirs, M.L., Gillespie, T.R., Holland, T., and Austad, K.M.) Life on the Edge: Gastrointestinal parasites from forest edge and interior primate groups. American Journal of Primatology, v. 68, 2006, pp. 397-409.
COSTOPOULOS, A. - (Costopoulos, A., Vaneeckhout, S., Paberzyte, I., Hulse, E., and Okkonen, J.) Clear evidence of black painted comb-ware at Kierikki. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, v. 23, 2006, pp. 55-59.
- Reply to: On artifical trends in comparative studies using standard cross-cultural sample data: possibility and probability. Current Anthropology, v. 47, no. 1, 2006, pp. 149-151.
HYDE, S. - Sex tourism and the lure of an ethnic erotic in Southwest China, in L.M. Jensen and T.B. Weston (eds.), China’s Transformations: the Stories Beyond the Headlines, Lanham, MD, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2006, pp. 216-239.
- The wedding of qualitative research and public health policy, Institute of Sexuality and Gender (Zhongguo renmin daxue, xingshehuixue yanjiusuo), China People’s University, Beijing, March 4, 2006, pp. 1-15.
LOCK, M. (See listing under Social Studies of Medicine.)
MANOUKIAN, S. Cose di Casa: modalità di esposizione e costruzione dei sessi a Shiraz. I Quaderni del CREAM, 2006, pp. 133-168.
NIEZEN, R. - The new politics of resistance, in The Indigenous Experience: Global Perspectives, R. Maaka and C.Andersen (eds.), Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2006.
- * The Indigenous claim for recognition in the International Public Sphere. Florida Journal of International Law, v. 17, no. 3, 2005, pp. 583-601.
NORGET, K. - Days of Death, Days of Life: Ritual in the Popular Culture of Oaxaca, New York, Columbia University Press, 2006, pp. 319.
- The drama of death: popular religion and performing the good death in Oaxaca, in Performing Religion in the Americas: Media, Politics and Devotional Practices of the 21st Century, A. Galvez (ed.), New York, Berg, 2006, pp. 67-107.
- Review: Not Ours Alone: Patrimony, Value and Collectivity in Contemporary Mexico, by Elizabeth Emma Ferry. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, v. 11, no.2, 2006, pp. 473-475.
- Review: Jesus in our Wombs: Embodying Modernity in a Mexican Convent, by Rebecca Lester. American Anthropologist, v. 108, no. 3, 2006, pp. 599-600.
ROUSSEAU, J. Rethinking Social Evolution: The Perspective from Middle-Range Societies, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006 (hardcover), pp. 291.
SALZMAN, P.C. - Sardinia, Encyclopedia of Anthropology, J. Birx (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2006, pp. 2053-2054.
- Lineage systems, in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, J. Birx (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2006, pp. 1478-1479.
- Characteristics of Anthropology, in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, J. Birx (ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2006, pp. 142-144.
- Baluchistan, in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, J. Birx (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2006, pp. 331-332.
- Karl Popper, in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, J. Birx (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2006, pp. 1899-1900.
- Postcolonialism, in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, J. Birx (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2006, pp. 1910-1912.
SAVELLE, J.M. - (Fisher, D., Dyke, A., Koerner, R., Bourgeois, K., Kinnard, C., Zdanowicz, A., De Vernal, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Savelle, J., and Rochon, A.) Natural Variability of Arctic sea ice over the Holocene. Eos: Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 87, no. 28, 2006, pp. 273-275.
- (Dyke, A.S., and Savelle, J.M.) Geological Map : Surficial Geology, Southwest Jens Munk Island, Nunavut, scale 1 :50, 000. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4954, 2006, Ottawa.
- (Dyke, A.S., and Savelle, J.M.) Geological Map : Surficial Geology, Koch Island, Nunavut, scale 1 : 50, 000. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4955, 2006, Ottawa.
- (Dyke, A.S., and Savelle, J.M.) Geological Map : Surficial Geology, Rowley Island, Nunavut, scale 1 : 100, 000. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4956, 2006, Ottawa.
SCOTT, C.H. Spirit and practical knowledge in the person of the bear among Wemindji Cree hunters. Ethnos, v. 71, no. 1, 2006, pp. 51-66.
TRIGGER, B.G. - History of Archaeological Thought, 2nd Ed., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 710.
-Retrospection, in The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism, R. Williamson and M. Bisson (eds.), Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006, pp. 225-257.
VACCARO, I. - Valles postindustriales: la urbanización de las montañas y sus consecuencias socials y ecológicas, in Globalidad y Localidad. Perspectiva Etnogràfoca, J. Frigolé and X. Roigé (eds.), Barcelona, Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 2006, pp. 61-90.
- (Sivaramakrishnan, K., and Vaccaro, I.) Postindustrial natures: hyper-mobility and place-attachments. Journal of Social Anthropology, v. 14, no. 3, 2006, pp. 301-317.
- Post-industrial valleys: the Pyrenees as a reinvented landscape. Journal of Social Anthropology, v. 14, no. 3, 2006, pp. 361-376.
YOUNG, A. (See listing under Social Studies of Medicine.)

Associate Members

CORIN, E. (See listing under Psychiatry)

Research Associates

BYERS, M. - Cahokia: a World Renewal Cult Heterarchy, Gainesville, FA, University of Florida Press, 2006, 599 pp..
- The Earthwork Habitation Dichotomy: a Central Problem of Ohio Hopewell, in Recreating Hopewell, D.K. Charles and J.E. Buikstra (eds.), Gainesville, FA, University of Florida Press, 2006, pp. 62-73.
SICK, D. Yours, mine, and ours: perceptions of property and water management regimes in the Mexican-U.S. borderlands, in Waterscapes: the Cultural Politics of a Natural Resource, A. Baviskar (ed.), New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2006, pp. 65-87.

Faculty Lecturers

CHRISOMALIS, S. - Comparative archaeology: an unheralded cross-cultural method, in The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism, R. Williamson and M. Bisson (eds.), Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006, pp. 36-51.
- Comparing cultures and comparing processes: diachronic comparison in anthropology and archaeology. Cross-Cultural Research, v. 40, no. 3, 2006, pp. 1-28.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

SAJ, T. - (Saj, T.L., Mather, C. and Sicotte, P.) Traditional taboos in biological conservation: the case of Collobus vellerosus at the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Santuary, Central Ghana. Social Science Information, v. 45, no. 2, 2006, pp. 285-310.
- (Wong, S.N.P., Sicotte, P. and Saj, T.L.) Comparison of habitat quality and diet of Collobus vellerosus in forest fragments in Ghana. Primates, v. 47, 2006, pp. 365-373.
- (Chapman, C.A., Wasserman, M.D., Gillespie, T.R., Speirs, M.L., Lawes, M.J., Saj, T.L., and Ziegler, T.E.) Do nutrition, parasitism, and stress have synergistic effects on red colobus populations living in forest fragments? American Journal of Physical Anthropology v. 131, 2006, pp. 525-534.

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From McGill 2004-2005 Annual Report, Appendix III. 
(*Information not reported in 2004-2005 Annual Report)


ATTWOOD, D. - State versus local control in common resource management, in On Civil Society: Issues & Perspectives, N. Jayaraman (ed.), New Delhi, Sage Publications, 2005, pp. 1-18.
- Big is ugly? How large-scale institutions prevent famines in Western India. World Development, v. 33. no. 12, 2005, pp. 2067-2083.
BISSON, M. - (Cordova, C., Foley, C., and Bisson, M.) Landforms, sediments, soil development, and prehistoric site settings on the Madaba-Dhiban Plateau, Jordan. Geoarchaeology, v. 20, no. 1, 2005, pp. 29-56.
 - Review: The Neanderthal’s Necklace: in search of the first thinkers, by Juan-Luis Arsuaga. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, v. 10, no. 4, 2005, pp. 710-711.
BOSSEN, L. - New directions for Maya labor: Guatemala and beyond. Latin American Perspectives, v. 32, 2005, pp. 118-127.
- Forty million missing girls: land, population policies, and sex imbalance in rural China. Japan Focus, http://www.japanfocus.org/-Laurel-Bossen/1692, Oct. 7, 2005.
- Review: The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period, by Patricia Ebrey Buckley. Zhongguo Xueshu (China Scholarship), v. 5, no. 2, 2005, pp. 314-317.
- Review: Other Modernites: Gendered Yearnings in China after Socialism, by Lisa Rofel. Zhongguo Xuehue (China Scholarship), v. 5, no. 2, 2005, pp. 314-317.
- Zongguo funu yu nongcun fazhan – Yunnan Lacun liushi nian de bianqian (translation of Chinese Women and Rural Development: Sixty Years of Change in Lu Village), by Yukun Hu, Nanjing, China, Jiangsu Peoples’ Publishing House, 2005, pp. 470.
- Commentary on death of Fei Xiaotong, quoted in “Fei Xiaotong’s Life: China’ s True Story”, China Daily, April 2005.
CHAPMAN, C. - (M.S.M. Pavelka and Chapman, C.A.) Population structure of black howlers (Alouatta pigra) in Southern Belize and responses to Hurrican Iris, in New Perspectives in Mesoamerican Primatology: Distribution, Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation, A. Estrada, P. Garber, M.S.M. Pavelka (eds.), New York, Kluwer Academic Press, 2005, pp. 143-163.
- (Lambert, J.E. and Chapman, C.A.) The fate of primate dispersed seeds: deposition pattern, dispersal distance, and implications for conservation, in Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment, P.M. Forget, J.E. Lambert, P. Hulme and S. Vander Wall (eds.), New York, CAB International Publishers, 2005, pp. 137-150.
- (Chapman, C.A., Gillespie, T.R., and Goldberg, T.L.) Primates and the ecology of their infectious diseases: how will anthropogenic change affect host-pathogen interactions? Evolutionary Anthropology, v. 14, 2005, pp. 134-144.
- (Karesh, W. and Chapman, C.A.) Ebola: a crisis and wake-up call for better understanding of reservoirs and transmission routes. Evolutionary Anthropology, v. 14, 2005, pp. 140.
- (Snaith, T.V. and Chapman, C.A.) Towards an ecological solution to the folivores paradox: patch depletion as an indicator of within-group scramble competition in red colobus monkeys. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, v. 25, 2005, pp. 185-190.
- (Chapman, C.A., Gillespie, T.R., and Speirs, M.L.) Dynamics of gastrointestinal parasites in two colobus monkeys following a dramatic increase in host density: contrasting density-depended effects. American Journal of Primatology, v. 67, 2005, pp. 259-266.
- (Chapman, C.A., Struhsaker, T.T., and Lambert, J.E.) Thirty years of research in Kibale National Park, Uganda, reveals a complex picture for conservation. International Journal of Primatology, v. 26, 2005, pp. 539-555.
- (Chapman, C.A., Webb, T., Fronstin, R., Wasserman, M.D., and Santamaria, A.M.) Assessing dietary protein of colobus monkeys through fecal sample analysis: a tool to evaluate habitat quality. African Journal of Ecology, v. 43, 2005, pp. 276-278.
- (Burgess, M.A., and Chapman, C.A.) Tree leaf chemical characters: selective pressures by folivorous primates and invertebrates. African Journal of Ecology, v. 43, 2005, pp. 242-250.
- (Campbell, C.J., Aureli, F., Chapman, C.A., Ramos-Fernandez, G., Matthews, K., Russo, S.E., Suarez, S., and Vick, L.) Terrestrial behavior of spider monkeys (Ateles spp.): a comparative study. International Journal of Primatology, v. 26, 2005, pp. 1039-1051.
- (Zanne, A.E., Chapman, C.A., and Kitajima, K.) Evolutionary and ecological correlates of early seedling morphology in East African trees and shrubs. American Journal of Botany, v. 92, 2005, pp. 972-978.
- (Gillespie, T.R., Chapman, C.A., and Greiner, E.C.) Affects of logging on gastrointestinal parasite infections and infection risk in African primates. Journal of Applied Ecology, v. 42, 2005, pp. 699-707.
- (Gillespie, T.R., Greiner, E.C., and Chapman, C.A.) Gastrointestinal parasites of the colobus monkeys of Uganda. Journal of Parasitology, v. 91, 2005, pp. 569-573
- (Chapman, C.A. and Pavelka, M.S.M) Group size in folivorous primates: ecological constraints and the possible influence of social factors. Primates, v. 46, 2005, pp. 1-9.
- (Worman, C.O. and Chapman, C.A.) Seasonal variation in a tropical ripe fruit quality and the response of three frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology, v. 21, 2005, pp. 689-697.
- (Zanne, A.E. and Chapman, C.A.) Diversity of woody species in forest, treefall gaps, and edge in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Plant Ecology, v. 178, 2005, pp. 121-139.
- (Chapman, C.A., Chapman, L.J., Struhsake, T.T., Zanne, A.E., Clark, C.J., and Poulsen, J.R.) A long-term evaluation of fruit phenology: importance of climate change. Journal of Tropical Ecology, v. 21, 2005, pp. 35-45.
CORIN, E. (See listing under Psychiatry)
COSTOPOULOS, A. - (Costopoulos, A. and Vaneeckhout, S.) Sur les approaches à la complexité sociale chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques: particularisme, généralisme et méthode comparative. Canadian Journal of Archaeology, v. 29, no. 2, 2005, pp. 153-164.
- Two multi-room Neolithic dwellings from Kierikki : surprising likeness, thought-provoking differences. Faravid, v. 29, 2005, pp. 5-17.
- Apologia of classical evolutionism. Reviews in Anthropology, v. 34, no. 3, 2005, pp. 231-244.
- On comparative studies using standard cross-cultural sample data: Monte Carlo simulation of artificial trends. Current Anthropology, v. 46, 2005, pp. 457-459.
- (Nielsen, C. and Costopoulos, A.) The impact of terrain severity on variation in viewshed generation: comparing Idrisi, ArcMap and GRASS. Archaeological Computing Newsletter, v. 62, 2005, pp. 17-26.
- (Dytchowskyj, D., Aagesen, S. and Costopoulos, A.) The use of Thiessen polygons and viewshed analysis to create hypotheses about prehistoric territories and political systems: a test case from the iron age of Spain’s Alcoy Valley. Archaeological Computing Newsletter, v. 62, 2005, pp. 1-6.
COUTURE, N.C. - Memoria y monumentalidad. Recientes investigaciones en Putuni, Tiwanaku, in Tiwanaku : Aproximaciones a sus contexts históricos y sociales, M.A. Rivera, A.L. Kolata (eds.), Santiago, Chile, Colección Estudios Regionales, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, 2005, pp. 265-280.
- (McEwan, G.F. and Couture, N.) Pikillacta and its architectural typology, in Pikillacta: the Wari Empire in Cuzco, G.F. McEwan (ed.), Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 2005, pp. 11-27.
GALATY, J. - States of violence: ethnicity, politics and pastoral conflict in East Africa. Geography Research Forum, v. 25, 2005, pp. 105-127.
- Double-voiced violence in Kenya, in Violence and Belonging: the Quest for Identity in Post-Colonial Africa, V. Broch-Due (ed.), London, Routledge, 2005, pp. 173-194.
LOCK, M. (See listing under Social Studies of Medicine.)
NIEZEN, R. Digital identity: the construction of virtual selfhood and the indigenous peoples’ movement. Comparative Studies in Society and History, v. 45, no. 2, 2005, pp. 532-551.
NORGET, K. Caught in the crossfire: militarization, paramilitarization and state terror in Oaxaca, Mexico, in When the State Kills: Contemporary State Terror in Latin America, C. Menjivar and N.P. Rodríguez (eds.), Austin, TX, University of Texas Press, 2005, pp. 115-142.
SALZMAN, P.C. The iron law of politics. Politics and the Life Sciences, v. 23, no. 2, 2005, pp.20-49.
SAVELLE, J.M. - (editor, with Kishigami, N.) Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources, Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology, 2005, pp. 455.
- The development of indigenous whaling: prehistoric and historic contexts, in Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources, J. Savelle and N. Kishigami (eds.), Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology, 2005, pp. 53-58.
- (Kishigami, N. and Savelle, J.M.) General introduction: marine resources and anthropology, in Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources, J. Savelle and N. Kishigami (eds.), Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology, 2005, pp. 1-9.
- (Kishigami, N. and Savelle, J.M.) Concluding remarks, in Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources, J. Savelle and N. Kishigami (eds.), Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology, 2005, pp. 445-448.
- (Outridge, P.M., Hobson, K.A. and Savelle, J.M.) Changes in mercury and cadmium concentrations and the feeding behaviour of beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) near Somerset Island, Canada during the 20th century. Science of the Total Environment, v. 350, 2005, pp. 106-118.
SCOTT, C.H. - Co-management and the politics of aboriginal consent to resource development : the agreement concerning a new relationship between le gouvernement du Québec and the Crees of Québec (2002), in Canada: the State of Federation 2003. Reconfiguring Aboriginal-State Relations, M. Murphy (ed.), Kingston, ON, McGill-Queen’s Press, 2005, pp. 133-163.
- (Scott, C. and Morrison, J.) Frontières et territories: mode de tenure des terres des Cris de l’Est dans la region frontalière Québec/Ontario – II – reconstruction et renouveau. Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec, v. 35, no. 1, 2005, pp. 41-56.
- (Mulrennan, M. and Scott, C.) Co-management–an attainable partnership?Two cases from James Bay, Quebec and Torres Strait, Queensland. Anthropologica, v. 47, no. 2, 2005, pp. 197-213.
TRIGGER, B.G. - Mia Istoria Arkhaiologikis Skepsis, (Greek translation of A History of Archaeological Thought), Athens, Ekdosis Aleksandreia, 2005, pp. 507.
- (Trigger, B.G., Kempt, B.J., O’Connor, D., and Lloyd, A.B.) Starověký Egypt: Dějing Společnosti, (Czech translation of Ancient Egypt: a Social History), Prague, Volvax Globator, 2005, pp. 507.
YOUNG, A. (See listing under Social Studies of Medicine.)

Adjunct Faculty

FERRARA, N. The Quebec Cree woman, in Beyond the Atlantic: Women’s Roles in Canadian Societies and American Societies, V.G. Lerda and R. Maccarini (eds.), Milan, Selene Edizioni, 2005, pp. 279.

Research Associates

BYERS, M. The mortuary ‘laying-in’ crypts of the Hopewell site: beyond the funerary paradigm, in Interacting with the Dead: Perspectives on Mortuary Archaeology for the New Millenium, G.F.M. Rakita, J.E. Buikstra, L.A. Beck, and S.R. Williams (eds.), Gainesville, FA, University Press of Florida, 2006.
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