68 results in Minor (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Natural History focuses on the observation and systematic study of all living organisms in nature (animals, fungi, and plants). It explores their forms, origins, evolution, behaviors and interactions with other species in...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The goal of environmental engineering is to make sure that societal development and the use of water, land and air resources are sustainable. This is done by managing resources so that environmental pollution and degradation...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
This minor is for Bachelor of Music students who want to learn how to manage a professional career in the creative arts. You will take courses at the Desautels Faculty of Management, the Schulich School of Music and the...
Major Concentration, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mathematics and statistics are omnipresent in today's world of information and technology. Their theories, models, and methods are integral to the way we analyze, understand, and build the world around us. Mathematics plays a...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The BCL/JD program breaks the mold for legal education in our fast-paced, globalized world. At McGill, you can gain a broad understanding of the law that is not confined to specific jurisdictions. Through our pluralistic...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Biotechnology is the science of understanding, selecting, and promoting useful organisms and specific gene products for commercial and therapeutic purposes. It demands a broad comprehension of biology and engineering as well...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The B.Eng.; Minor in Mathematics provides students with an even stronger foundation in mathematics to further develop their knowledge of this subject. Students enrolled in Minor in Mathematics complete a series of mathematics...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Minor in Technological Entrepreneurship is a multidisciplinary, integrative program jointly offered by the Faculty of Engineering and the Desautels Faculty of Management. You will learn how to conceptualize, develop, and...


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