67 results in Environment (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Humankind has used technological advances to exploit the environment to its benefit, with the consequence of introducing pollution and environmental damage. This Domain considers the interface between the environment and human...
Major, Minor
Macdonald Campus
Agricultural Economics is a field of applied economics that aims to optimize the ways we produce and distribute food. This program will give you a foundation in agriculture and international development, food systems, trade...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you curious about the history of our planet and other terrestrial bodies? Are you fascinated by the study of rocks, volcanoes, tectonics, formations, sediments, minerals and natural resources? Do you have a desire to...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Curious to learn about the ins-and-outs of the Earth’s surface and its hydrosphere? What about those of neighbouring terrestrial planets? Earth and Planetary Science is a broad discipline that allows you to study the solid...
Macdonald Campus
The Specialization in Plant production will provide you with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills relating to the biology and physiology, breeding, propagation, and management of domesticated plants. The plant industry ...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In order to develop sustainable paths to economic development, we need to find common ground between the disciplines of environmental studies and economics.   In the Environment and Development Domain, open to students in the...
Macdonald Campus
The Agricultural Production Minor offers students in non-agricultural related majors a chance to develop expertise in animal and plant production. You can cover topics like ecological agriculture, crop production or herd...
Macdonald Campus
To educate students in both the ecological and physical facets of the water environment, this domain offers two streams, allowing you to study one or the other facet. The Biological Stream will concentrate on the mechanisms...
Macdonald Campus
Why does food seem to travel so far to get to the table? With the complex economic dynamics at play today, people working in agriculture and food systems require solid financial and market analysis, as well as knowledge of...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
As a student in the International Agriculture specialization, you will acquire a global and applied understanding of agriculture as a fundamental tool to help rural development, alleviate poverty and ensure food security,...


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