233 results in Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Major Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Software engineers design, develop and test the software programs that apply computer technology to everyday processes. Things as fundamental to our daily lives as downloading e-mails or scanning barcodes at the grocery store...
Honours, Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Life Sciences are becoming increasingly quantitative, analytical, and integrative. This program will train you in the fundamentals of biology - with a focus on molecular biology - and will give you the computational and...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University offers the Bachelor of Nursing (Integrated) (BNI) Program for students with a Quebec diploma in nursing.  Students enter this 2-year, 5-semester, 65-credit program (3-year...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Faculty Program in Music: Jazz is designed for students who trained as jazz musicians and who are interested in a pattern of specialization not provided in the established major programs, or who are interested in combining...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Ce programme, qui prépare aux études supérieures, offre une formation spécialisée incluant l’histoire des littératures d’expression française, l’analyse critique des œuvres et la théorie littéraire. La formation vise également...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Get ready to conduct business on a global scale. As an International Business student at McGill University, you’ll have every opportunity to succeed in the global marketplace. The International Business Concentration will...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Minor in Nanotechnology is a cross-disciplinary program at the intersection of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Explore your interests and discover new ones in a variety of disciplines like: Nanomaterial synthesis and...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The B.Eng.; Minor in Mathematics provides students with an even stronger foundation in mathematics to further develop their knowledge of this subject. Students enrolled in Minor in Mathematics complete a series of mathematics...
Professional Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
As a program that fosters the ideals of mentorship, the aim of the B.Ed Secondary English Language Arts Program is to prepare you for a career as an English Language Arts educator at the secondary school level.   This...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The goal of environmental engineering is to make sure that societal development and the use of water, land and air resources are sustainable. This is done by managing resources so that environmental pollution and degradation...


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