67 results in Environment (remove filter)
Macdonald Campus
You can't talk about food production without talking about the environment. Conventional means of food production often equals large scale environmental degradation, and land-use competition. As world populations grow, and as...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Food insecurity and hunger are global issues, from urban and isolated communities in the developing world to cities in industrialized countries. Defeating hunger and food insecurity is possible, but it requires people with the...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Curious to learn about the ins-and-outs of the Earth’s surface and its hydrosphere? What about those of neighbouring terrestrial planets? Earth and Planetary Science is a broad discipline that allows you to study the solid...
Macdonald Campus
In the Environmental Biology Major, you'll receive world-class training on the biology, conservation and ecology of plants, birds and mammals, insects, fungi and microbes.  Your courses will offer a foundation in endangered...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Put simply, biology is the study of life. It aims to address fundamental questions about the origin, evolution, development, and behaviour of living organisms. Understanding biology helps us understand the past, present, and...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Agribusiness Entrepreneurship will teach you key concepts and processes involved in launching and managing new agricultural and food businesses. You will learn how to conceptualize, develop and manage successful...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Renewable resource management is an emerging field that focuses on the ecosystem structures and processes required to sustain the delivery, to humanity, of ecosystem goods and services such as food, clean water and air,...


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