69 results in Health sciences (remove filter)
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, many of the materials we use, and much of the recreation and culture we enjoy are products of ecological systems.  We manage ecosystems to provide us with these...
Honours, Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Life Sciences are becoming increasingly quantitative, analytical, and integrative. This program will train you in the fundamentals of biology - with a focus on molecular biology - and will give you the computational and...
Macdonald Campus
Are you interested in biodiversity and conservation? As the impact of industrialization and population growth on natural systems has become more severe, conservation has emerged as an important area of practical endeavour. In...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Humankind has used technological advances to exploit the environment to its benefit, with the consequence of introducing pollution and environmental damage. This Domain considers the interface between the environment and human...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Interdisciplinary research that draws from the natural and physical sciences is an important aspect of modern biology. The Quantitative Biology (QB) Honours option is designed for students with a deep interest in biology who...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Human Nutrition is intended to complement your primary field of study by introducing you to the metabolic aspects of human nutrition. This program is especially accessible for students in Biochemistry, Biology,...
Macdonald Campus
The Life Sciences specialization is a cross-disciplinary program that features core courses in fundamental biological sciences (animal, plant, microbiology, cell, and molecular) and specializations that range from...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
One of the most significant challenges in the biomedical sciences today is understanding diseases and developing new therapies to treat them. Pharmacology is a multidisciplinary science that deals with all aspects of drugs and...
Macdonald Campus
Humankind has used technological advances to exploit the environment to its benefit, with the consequence of introducing pollution and environmental damage. This Domain considers the interface between the environment and human...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
At its core, occupational therapy aims to enable all people with different abilities to live meaningful lives. The goal of occupational therapy intervention is to promote wellness and participation by supporting independent...


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