14 results in Concentration (remove filter), Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Gain insight into the contemporary global business landscape with a concentration in Strategic Management—Global Strategy. A strategic focus on globalization is a key requirement for organizations across the world. As a...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Accounting is your gateway to a world of exciting opportunities. It is the language of business that is essential to investment and managerial decisions. Mastering this language, learning the framework and exploring emerging...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Offered as both a major and a concentration, Labour-Management Relations and Human Resources will give you the tools needed to practice human resource management, particularly in a unionized environment. Not only will Labour-...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Offered through the Bensadoun School of Retail Management at McGill University, a Retail Management Concentration combines business fundamentals with real-time, experiential learning opportunities honouring the growing...


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