69 results in Honours (remove filter), Macdonald Campus (remove filter), Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics is crucial to understanding how the universe functions, from atoms and subatomic particles to stars, galaxies and cosmological bodies. Physics explores the most fundamental measurable quantities of energy and matter...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Interdisciplinary research that draws from the natural and physical sciences is an important aspect of modern biology. The Quantitative Biology (QB) Honours option is designed for students with a deep interest in biology who...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
How do societies decide what to produce, how much of each commodity to produce, and how consumption patterns vary over time? How do individuals make decisions on how much to save and how the savings are invested?   What...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
McGill offers a unique English program with courses covering three closely linked subjects: English literature, drama, and cultural studies. This program allows you to explore all three subjects broadly while specializing in...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In the Italian Studies program at McGill, you will study the traditions and great classics from Italian history, and gain an understanding of the complexity and diversity of contemporary Italian culture.   The role played by...
Honours, Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Life Sciences are becoming increasingly quantitative, analytical, and integrative. This program will train you in the fundamentals of biology - with a focus on molecular biology - and will give you the computational and...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Studying history helps us to understand our world and to envision the way forward. It teaches us where our individual and societal values came from, and increases our awareness of the realities different groups of people face ...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you fascinated with the human body and how it works? Curious to explore its different components, down to the fundamental units of life, and to examine human cells at the molecular level? In the Anatomy and Cell Biology...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Put simply, biology is the study of life. It aims to address fundamental questions about the origin, evolution, development, and behaviour of living organisms. Understanding biology helps us understand the past, present, and...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mechanical engineers are involved in the conception, design, implementation and operation of a variety of mechanical systems, from bicycles and space shuttles to espresso machines. This program will help you gain expertise...


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