69 results in Honours (remove filter)
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Major in German Studies will provide you with a rigorous and broad look into the major features that have defined German cultural life since the eighteenth century. The German tradition in literature, thought, art, music,...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mechanical engineers are involved in the conception, design, implementation and operation of a variety of mechanical systems, from bicycles and space shuttles to espresso machines. This program will help you gain expertise...
Major Concentration, Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
What makes a city unique? How do human values and relationships shape urban spaces? What challenges do cities currently face? Urban studies brings together fields like geography, architecture, political science and sociology...
Major Concentration, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Liberal Arts offers a broad, non-specialist undergraduate education in the humanities. Our program is uniquely tailored to a research-intensive university. You will experience a classical liberal arts education that focuses...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
International Development Studies (IDS) seeks to understand and address problems facing developing countries. It is an inherently interdisciplinary field that examines issues through a range of lenses like political science,...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you fascinated with the human body and how it works? Curious to explore its different components, down to the fundamental units of life, and to examine human cells at the molecular level? In the Anatomy and Cell Biology...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you fascinated by machine learning? Eager to learn how to create computer programs that can predict future behaviours? Motivated to experiment with algorithms and modelling systems? The possibilities that emerge from...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you curious about the history of our planet and other terrestrial bodies? Are you fascinated by the study of rocks, volcanoes, tectonics, formations, sediments, minerals and natural resources? Do you have a desire to...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics is crucial to understanding how the universe functions, from atoms and subatomic particles to stars, galaxies and cosmological bodies. Physics explores the most fundamental measurable quantities of energy and matter...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In the Italian Studies program at McGill, you will study the traditions and great classics from Italian history, and gain an understanding of the complexity and diversity of contemporary Italian culture.   The role played by...


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