40 results in Macdonald Campus (remove filter)
Macdonald Campus
In the Environmental Biology Major, you'll receive world-class training on the biology, conservation and ecology of plants, birds and mammals, insects, fungi and microbes.  Your courses will offer a foundation in endangered...
Macdonald Campus
Responding to the environmental challenges we face means making choices, and economics plays a central role in these choices. What are the costs and benefits of doing something about global warming? This specialization...
Macdonald Campus
This program is intended to provide you with a strong background in the use of statistical methods of data analysis in environmental sciences to enable you to analyze environmental changes and their impacts on various life...
Major, Minor
Macdonald Campus
Agricultural Economics is a field of applied economics that aims to optimize the ways we produce and distribute food. This program will give you a foundation in agriculture and international development, food systems, trade...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
If you're interested in the life sciences and engineering, Bioresource Engineering is the program for you. As world populations rise, so do our requirements for food, renewable energy and bio-materials. This growing demand...
Macdonald Campus
The Nutrition Major covers the many aspects of human nutrition and food. This is a flexible program that offers you a chance to participate in research and field studies, as well as internships. You will take courses in areas...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
This program will teach you the basic biology of large mammals and birds. You’ll study animal physiology and function, reproduction, nutrition, immunology, genetics, biotechnology and its uses with animals.  Many courses in...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Feeding the world is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Sustainable agricultural and food production systems are essential for meeting the growing global demand for food, fuel and fibre. Since food production also...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Human Nutrition is intended to complement your primary field of study by introducing you to the metabolic aspects of human nutrition. This program is especially accessible for students in Biochemistry, Biology,...
Macdonald Campus
The Life Sciences Major (Biological and Agricultural) is a cross-disciplinary program that features core courses in fundamental biological sciences (animal, plant, microbiology, cell, and molecular) and specializations that...


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