69 results in Health sciences (remove filter)
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Would you like to understand why some foods taste so good? Or why brightly coloured fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Or perhaps you want to learn how to invent exciting new foods like an avocado-based tiramisu...
Macdonald Campus
Agrologists are professionals who advise farmers, governments, industry, media and the public about all things related to agriculture. They specialize in plants, soils, livestock, agricultural engineering or economics. ...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Human Nutrition is intended to complement your primary field of study by introducing you to the metabolic aspects of human nutrition. This program is especially accessible for students in Biochemistry, Biology,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Put simply, biology is the study of life. It aims to address fundamental questions about the origin, evolution, development, and behaviour of living organisms. Understanding biology helps us understand the past, present, and...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
If your goal is to become a skilled and knowledgeable nurse practitioner or researcher, get the preparation you deserve at McGill University’s School of Nursing! The Ingram School of Nursing seeks to inspire and challenge its...
Interfaculty Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The growth of technology, globalization of economies, and rapid increases in population and per capita consumption, have had dramatic environmental impacts on our Earth, on society’s relationship with the earth, and on our...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
McGill’s Food Science & Nutritional Science program is one of a kind in North America. This 4-year, dual degree programs allows you to study the complementary disciplines of food and nutritional sciences, and earn two...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Kinesiology, the study of human movement, is also largely known as exercise or sport science. As part of McGill’s Faculty of Education (Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education), the BSc Kinesiology program will...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
As a student in the International Agriculture specialization, you will acquire a global and applied understanding of agriculture as a fundamental tool to help rural development, alleviate poverty and ensure food security,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Natural History focuses on the observation and systematic study of all living organisms in nature (animals, fungi, and plants). It explores their forms, origins, evolution, behaviors and interactions with other species in...


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