67 results in Environment (remove filter)
Macdonald Campus
The Specialization in Plant production will provide you with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills relating to the biology and physiology, breeding, propagation, and management of domesticated plants. The plant industry ...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Food insecurity and hunger are global issues, from urban and isolated communities in the developing world to cities in industrialized countries. Defeating hunger and food insecurity is possible, but it requires people with the...
Macdonald Campus
The Specialization in Animal Production will teach you how to improve livestock production efficiency at national and international levels.  You will learn about animal nutrition, reproduction and breeding in a context that...
Interfaculty Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The growth of technology, globalization of economies, and rapid increases in population and per capita consumption, have had dramatic environmental impacts on our Earth, on society’s relationship with the earth, and on our...
Macdonald Campus
Wildlife biology examines the biology, ecology, and behaviour of vertebrate animals — especially mammals, birds and fishes. In this specialization, you’ll learn about the proper management and conservation of wildlife species...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The B.Eng.; Minor in Mathematics provides students with an even stronger foundation in mathematics to further develop their knowledge of this subject. Students enrolled in Minor in Mathematics complete a series of mathematics...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Earth System Science (ESYS) concentrates on the links between the Earth's biological, chemical, physical and human subsystems. It examines the cycling of energy and matter through the biosphere, the atmosphere, the cryosphere...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
This domain explores the way in which the resources necessary for human society are extracted from the earth, used as raw materials in our factories and refineries, and then returned to the earth as waste. Geological processes...
Macdonald Campus
Agrologists are professionals who advise farmers, governments, industry, media and the public about all things related to agriculture. They specialize in plants, soils, livestock, agricultural engineering or economics. ...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The goal of environmental engineering is to make sure that societal development and the use of water, land and air resources are sustainable. This is done by managing resources so that environmental pollution and degradation...


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