42 results in Business and economics (remove filter)
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, many of the materials we use, and much of the recreation and culture we enjoy are products of ecological systems.  We manage ecosystems to provide us with these...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
The Ecological Agriculture Specialization provides a holistic understanding of how agro-ecosystems work, combining science and innovation with a respect for natural systems and biodiversity. You will learn all about the...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you committed to transforming business as we know it? The McGill Managing for Sustainability major will help you unlock the potential for businesses to make positive contributions toward environmental, economic and social...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
How do societies decide what to produce, how much of each commodity to produce, and how consumption patterns vary over time? How do individuals make decisions on how much to save and how the savings are invested?   What...
Faculty Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you interested in understanding how employers and employees interact? Do you want to work with people and help make workplaces efficient and inclusive environments? Industrial and labour relations focus on these and other...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Food insecurity and hunger are global issues, from urban and isolated communities in the developing world to cities in industrialized countries. Defeating hunger and food insecurity is possible, but it requires people with the...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
If you're interested in the life sciences and engineering, Bioresource Engineering is the program for you. As world populations rise, so do our requirements for food, renewable energy and bio-materials. This growing demand...
Macdonald Campus
The Agricultural Production Minor offers students in non-agricultural related majors a chance to develop expertise in animal and plant production. You can cover topics like ecological agriculture, crop production or herd...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Get ready to conduct business on a global scale. As an International Business student at McGill University, you’ll have every opportunity to succeed in the global marketplace. The International Business Concentration will...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Do you have what it takes to meet the increasing demand for expertise in a rapidly growing functional area of business?   Integrating strong theoretical knowledge with a strong focus on the real world, a Finance degree will...


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