Selected Publications Fernando, S. (2009, September/October). Wellbeing for All. Openmind 159, 14. Fernando, S.& Weerackody, C. Challenges in Developing Community...
Selected Publications Fernando, S. & Weerackody, C. (2009). Challenges in Developing Community Mental Health Services in Sri Lanka . Journal of Health Management 11...
Selected Publications Kienzler, H. (2009, September 4). Fassin and Rechtman's Empire of Trauma. [Review of the book The empire of trauma: An inquiry into the condition of victimhood, by D...
Selected Publications Kirmayer, L. J., Kienzler, H., Afana, A., & Pedersen, D. (in press). Trauma and Disasters in Social and Cultural Context. In D. Bhugra & C. Morgan (Eds.),...