The groundwater footprint. If you haven’t heard that term yet, read on, because it soon could become as familiar as “carbon footprint.” Published January 29 2014 | McGill ReporterWritten by...
The myriad of ways in which petroleum is reshaping our politics, economy and culture will be the focus of the 2014 annual conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, to be held on...
A professor at the McGill School of Environment and the Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Elena Bennett, spends much of her research time looking at the ways ecosystems interact and provide...
John Robinson is the Associate Provost, Sustainability at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and is a professor with UBC’s Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability and...
The student-run initiative “ECOLE” (Educational COmmunity Living Environment) is working to transform a MORE house into a space for sustainable living to open in September 2014. Published on...
Sustainability research is, by design and necessity, interdisciplinary, and researchers in this field require platforms and spaces to share ideas and create connections. Find the 2014 speaker...
Qu’ils vivent dans le Grand Nord canadien, au Pérou ou en Ouganda, les peuples autochtones sont les premiers à pâtir du réchauffement du climat. Published January 04 2014 | Le DevoirWritten by...
A look into Vision 2020 Published November 18 2013 | McGill DailyWritten by Juliana Hayden | Visual by Khoa Doan On the evening of November 14, staff and students gathered in the McGill...
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today highlighted the importance of protecting the environment in times of armed conflict, and stressed that strong natural resource governance can help...