It was 35º C and cloudless at the Macdonald Campus Farm. Though Horticulture Specialist Michael Bleho greeted me at 11 AM, he and his staff had been on the farm since 6 AM. “The weather is tough on... CBC News - August 11, 2014 McGill's Farm to School Project (SP0100) Summer Camp Click on the link above to watch the full story!
In a number of cities around the world, residents have transformed previously derelict sites, ignored corners and over-grown verges into green and productive vegetable plots Published on July 30...
Living in a city puts everything at your fingertips: From fashion and movies to social movements and political experiments, residents of urban areas experience most everything before it trickles...
McGill Student Jakub Dzamba desigs cricket incubator to feed growing interest in insect farming Published on July 23, 2014 | Journal Metro by: Mathais Marchal
Given the need to feed an estimated 2.4 billion more people by the year 2050, the drive toward large-scale, single-crop farming around the world may seem inexorable. Published on Feb 21, 2014 |...