As an undergraduate student, you will have many assignments, papers, laboratory reports and/or presentations to prepare over the course of your studies. You may also become involved in peer or public education, go on to do graduate studies, or become a teaching assistant (TA) for undergraduate courses.
As such, academic integrity may apply to you not only as a student, but potentially in these other roles as well. During your time at McGill, you may encounter the following scenarios that raise questions about academic integrity. For each, we indicate if it involves a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (the Code), the specific article of the Code that is violated, an explanation of what constitutes a particular offence, how a TA or instructor can prevent similar situations from occurring and the immediate consequences. The penalties for a violation of the Code are listed in the Policies on Student Rights and Responsibilities. Take the time to review the range of possible sanctions for a violation of the Code.