Spring 2024 Convocation Award Processing Deadline
This message should be directed to All Undergraduate Convocation Award Processors
Dear Award Processors:
As part of your preparation for processing Spring Convocation awards beginning the month of May, please be advised of the processing deadline being imposed. It is very important that you make every effort to meet the deadline date as prescribed.
ALL awards must be entered in Banner Student Aid (BSA) by Thursday May 23rd at 5 p.m.
Please ensure the recipient of any convocation award keeps his/her banking and address information active and valid in Minerva in order to ensure timely payment.
Should your Faculty/Unit anticipate difficulty meeting this deadline, it is of the utmost importance that you contact student funding as soon as possible (no later than May 23rd ) to make alternate arrangements.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On June 1st, BSA opens up the new Academic/Aid Year – 2425 for Undergraduate processing, therefore, as of that date you will no longer have the ability to enter your Undergraduate awards for the Fall or Winter terms in Aid Year 2324.
For more details, refer to the Convocation Awards section of the Undergraduate Award Processing menu found on the Student Funding website. The information will guide you through the steps to process the awards successfully.
Please share this email with staff in your office who deal with Undergraduate Convocation Awards. Feel free to contact us at student funding if you have any questions or concerns.