
Postdoctoral funding is handled by the university's academic departments - candidates should therefore inquire about financial support accordingly. The Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office is...

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Due to a high volume of requests and current staffing shortages, in order to prioritized Government aid confirmations, our call center will exceptionally be closed from 10am to 12pm and open as of...

International student funding

McGill recognises the challenges International students can face when studying away from home. Scholarships and Student Aid is committed to ensuring that qualified students from any geographic...

McGill Scholarships & Aid

Scholarships and Student Aid administers financial support programs that are based on merit and need for students studying at McGill. Together, these programs serve to recognise, honour, encourage,...

Core Funding for Graduate students

Graduate student funding is managed by the University's academic departments and students should inquire about financial support accordingly. Scholarships and Student Aid can only supplement to...

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