You are invited to a virtual session presented by Professor Judith Lapierre, SBNH Champion and founder of the SBNH Virtual Community of Practice./strengths-based-nursing-healthcareCategory:...
Vous êtes invités à une séance virtuelle présentée par le Professeur Judith Lapierre, ASFF Champion et fondatrice de la communauté virtuelle de pratique ASFF sur le thème des valeurs de l'approche...
Upcoming Events in the Virtual Community of Practice
Facilitators: Rosetta Antonacci, Maria Di Feo and Heather Hart/strengths-based-nursing-healthcareCategory: Teaching and learning
As a former nurse and decorated social scientist, Professor Jill Maben is perfectly suited to explore how supporting nurses’ wellbeing can impact caring for others. Her research program highlights...
The evaluation of a new leadership training program grounded in Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership (SBNH-L) for nurses and healthcare leaders shows promising results.
A Symposium entitled “Educating nurses on EDI through SBNH” will be presented at the upcoming CASN Canadian Nursing Education Conference 2023 as part of Professor Laurie Gottlieb’s "Transforming...
Nearly 200 emerging and established leaders from nursing and allied health disciplines came together for a Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) Symposium on September 13th. Staff from the...