Jason Carmichael

Professor & Department ChairJason Carmichael

Stephen Leacock Building, Room 841
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T7

Tel.: 514-398-6838
Email: jason.carmichael [at] mcgill.ca

Office Hours:  Wednesdays 10:30 - 12:00

Research Areas

Criminology, criminal justice, social control, punishment, social movements, climate change concern, political sociology and the sociology of law.



(PhD, The Ohio State University, 2006). Arrived at McGill in 2006. His research agenda centers on two primary areas. The first explores how sociopolitical arrangements influence the adoption of criminal justice legislation and the use of formal social control mechanisms. The subjects of his research in this area include, among other things: police use of lethal force; the size of municipal police departments; the use and legality of the death penalty; factors contributing to jail and prison use; and the adoption of wrongful conviction legislation. He is currently working on a SSHRC funded project examining police behaviour during their encounters with citizens.

The second stream of his work explores the organizational development and effectiveness of the U.S. environment movement as well as how cues from politicians, and the media might influence public perceptions of climate change. This research includes studies examining foundation funding of the environmental movements, the growth and discursive shifts among environmental movement organizations, and a number of projects attempting to explain the partisan divide in concern over climate change.



Note that  † indicates publication with a graduate student coauthor.

Jenkins, Craig, J., Jason T. Carmichael, Robert J. Brulle, and Heather Boughton. (2018) "Foundation Funding of the Environmental Movement." American Behavioural Scientist 61:1640-1657. (DOI: 10.1177%2F0002764217744839)

Carmichael, Jason T. and Robert J. Brulle. "Media Use and Climate Change Concern." (2018) International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 14:243-253. (DOI: 10.1386/macp.14.2.243_7)

Côté-Lussier, Carolyn and Jason T. Carmichael. (2018) "Public Support for Harsh Criminal Justice Policy and Its Moral and Ideological Tides." Psychology, Public Policy and Law 24:235-247. (DOI: 10.1037/law0000148)

Carmichael, Jason T., Robert Brulle and Joanna Huxter†. (2017) “The Great Divide: Understanding the Role of Media and Other Drivers of the Partisan Divide in Public Concern over Climate Change in the U.S, 2001-2014." Climatic Change. 141:599-612  (DOI: 10.1007%2Fs10584-017-1908-1)

Carmichael, Jason T. and Robert Brulle. (2017) “Elite Cues, Media Coverage and Public Concern: An Integrated Path Analysis of Climate Change Public Opinion, 2001-2013.” Environmental Politics. 26: 232-252 (DOI: 10.080/09644016.2016.1263433)

Carmichael, Jason T. and Stephanie Kent. (2017) “The Racial Politics of Due Process Protection: Does partisanship or racial composition influence state-level adoption of recorded interrogation policies? Criminal Justice Review. 42: 58-76 (DOI: 10.1177/0734016816684925)

Kent, Stephanie, and Jason T. Carmichael. (2017) “Municipal Law Enforcement Policy on Immigration Stops: Do social factors determine how aggressively local police respond to unauthorized immigrants?" Sociological Inquiry. 87: 421-448 (DOI: 10.1111/soin.12155) 

Kent, Stephanie, and Jason T. Carmichael. (2015) “Legislative Responses to Wrongful Conviction: Do partisan principals and advocacy efforts influence state-level criminal justice policy?” Social Science Research 52: 147-160.

Carmichael, Jason T. and Stephanie Kent. (2015) “The Use of Lethal Force by Canadian Police Officers: Assessing the influence of structural factors on police shootings in large cities.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 40: 703-721.

Alarie, Milaine† and Jason T. Carmichael. (2015) “The ‘Cougar’ Phenomenon: Examining the factors influencing age-hypogamous sexual relationships among middle-aged women.” Journal of Marriage and Family 77:1250-1265.

Neil, Roland† and Jason T. Carmichael. (2015) “The Use of Incarceration in Canada: A Test of Political and Ethnic Threat Explanations on the Variation in Prison Admissions across Canadian Provinces, 2001-2010.” Sociological Inquiry. 85: 309-332.

Carmichael, Jason T. and Jennifer Sigouin†. (2015) “Adult Court” in The Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. Edited by Christopher J. Schreck, New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Carmichael, Jason T. and Jennifer Sigouin†. (2015) “Sentencing” in The Wiley Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Edited by Wesley G. Jennings, New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Shor, Eran, Jason T. Carmichael, †Ignacio Nazif, John Shandra, and Michael Schwartz. (2014) “Terrorism and State Repression of Human Right: A Cross-National Time-Series Analysis.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 55: 294-317.

Huxster, Joanna†, Jason T. Carmichael and Robert J. Brulle. (2014) An Examination of the Partisan and Ideological Divide in Aggregate Public Concern over Climate Change in the U.S. between 2001 and 2013. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. 4: 1-15.

Carmichael, Jason T. and Stephanie Kent. (2014) “The Persistent Significance of Racial and Economic Inequality on the Size of Municipal Police Forces in the U.S., 1980-2010.” Social Problems 61: 259-282.

Kent, Stephanie and Jason T. Carmichael. (2014) “Racial Residential Segregation and Social Control: A panel study of variations in police strength across U.S cities, 1980-2010” American Journal of Criminal Justice 39:228-249.

Carmichael, Jason T., J. Craig Jenkins, and Robert Brulle. (2012) “Building Environmentalism: The Founding of Environmental Movement Organizations in the U.S., 1900-2000.” Sociological Quarterly. 53: 424-453.

Brulle, Robert, Jason T. Carmichael, and J. Craig Jenkins. (2012) “Climate Change and Public Concern: 2002-2010”. Climatic Change 114: 169-188.

Carmichael, Jason T., and Giovani Burgos. (2012) “Sentencing Juvenile Offenders to Life in Prison: The Political Sociology of Juvenile Punishment.” American Journal of Criminal Justice. 37: 602-629.

Carmichael, Jason T., “Social Control.” In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology. Ed. Jeff Manza. New York: Oxford University Press at https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/page/sociology

Carmichael, Jason T. (2011) “Punishing Juvenile Offenders as Adults: An Analysis of the Social and Political Determinants of Juvenile Prison Admissions across U.S. States.” Sociological Focus. 44 (2): 317-326.  

Carmichael, Jason T. (2010) “Sentencing Disparities for Juvenile Offenders Sentenced to Adult Prisons: An individual and contextual analysis.” Journal of Criminal Justice: An International Journal 38 (4): 747-757.

Jacobs, David and Jason T. Carmichael, and Stephanie L. Kent. (2008) “Vigilantism, Current Racial Threat, and Death Sentences.” In Crime: Readings 3rd Edition. Robert D. Crutchfield, Chris E. Kurbin, George S. Bridges and Joseph G. Weis (eds.) Los Angeles CA: Sage Publications.

Brulle, Robert, Liesel Hall Turner, Jason T. Carmichael, and J.Craig Jenkins. (2007) “Measuring Social Movement Organization Populations: A Comprehensive Census of U.S. Environmental Movement Organizations” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 12(3): 255-270

Jacobs, David, Zhenchao Qian, Jason T. Carmichael, and Stephanie Kent. (2007) “Who Survives on Death Row? An Individual and Contextual Analysis.” American Sociological Review 72: 610-632.

Jacobs, David and Jason T. Carmichael. "The Politics of Punishment across Time and Space: A Pooled Time- Series Analysis of Imprisonment Rates." In Crime and Criminal Justice ed. William T. Lyons Jr. Aldershot UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Jacobs, David, Jason T. Carmichael, and Stephanie L. Kent. (2005) “Vigilantism, Current Racial Threat, and Death Sentences.” American Sociological Review 70: 656-677.

Carmichael, Jason T. (2005) “The Determinants of Jail Admission Rates Across Large U.S. Cities: An Analysis of Racial and Ethnic Threat Theory.” Social Science Research 34: 538-569.

Jacobs, David and Jason T. Carmichael. (2004) "Ideology, Social Threat, and Death Sentences: Capital Sentencing Across Time and Space." Social Forces. 83: 249-278.

Jacobs, David and Jason T. Carmichael. (2002) “Subordination and Violence Against State Control Agents: Testing Political Explanations for Lethal Assaults Against the Police.” Social Forces 80: 1223-1251.

Jacobs, David and Jason T. Carmichael. (2002) “The Political Sociology of the Death Penalty: A Pooled Time-Series Analysis.” American Sociological Review 67: 109-131.

Jacobs, David and Jason T. Carmichael. (2001) "The Politics of Punishment across Time and Space: A Pooled Time- Series Analysis of Imprisonment Rates." Social Forces 80: 61-89

Carmichael, Jason T. and David Jacobs "Violence by and against the Police." In Ronald Burns and Charles Crawford, eds. Policing and Violence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Book Reviews

Jason T. Carmichael. (2019) Immigration Policy in the Age of Punishment: Detention, Deportation, and Border Control. Edited by David C. Brotherton and Philip Kretsdemas. American Journal of Sociology. 124: 1860-1862.

Jason T. Carmichael. (2019) From Retribution to Public Safety: Disruptive Innovation of American Criminal Justice. Edited by William R. Kelly, Robert Pitman, and William Streusand. Contemporary Sociology 48: 74-76.

Jason T. Carmichael. (2018) Seven Deadly Sins: Constitutional Rights and the Criminal Justice System. Edited by D. Lynch et a. Criminal Justice Review.

Carmichael, Jason T. (2016)  The Forgotten Men: Serving a Life Without Parole Sentence. By Margaret E. Leigey.”  American Journal of Sociology 121 (6): 1964-1966. 

Carmichael, Jason T. (2013)  The U.S. Women’s Jury Movements and Strategic Adaptation: A More Just Verdict. By Holly J. McCammon.  American Journal of Sociology, Vol.


Major Research Grants

Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Development Grant. (2019-2021) Title: "Determinants of Police Behaviour Towards Citizen and Its Influence on Perceptions of Legitimacy in the U.S. and Canada." Award: $67,971

Fonds de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture, Québec (FRQSC) (2011-2014) - Établissement nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs- Title: "Police Violence in Canada: A Sociological Analysis of the Use of Deadly Force from 1977-2010." Award: $39,600.


Courses Taught

Undergraduate Courses:
SOCI 250: Social Problems
SOCI 395: Sociology of Law
SOCI 488 Prisons and Punishment

Graduate Courses:
SOCI 504: Quantitative Analysis I
SOCI 514: Criminology


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