Dr. Judith Sabetti joined the Douglas Institute Research Centre in 2003, and received a Ph.D. degree from McGill University (Social Work) in 2014. Her graduate studies, and doctoral research, were supported by academic awards from the Québec Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) (2011-2013), and from McGill University, including a McCall MacBain Fellowship (2009-2011), Principal`s Graduate Fellowship (2009-2011), and a School of Social Work Doctoral Award (2008-2009), as well as research funding from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (2011).
Her research interests focus on the stigma of mental illness affecting persons with serious mental illness, particularly in relation to employment, and on issues in mental health recovery. Findings from her doctoral study revealed the potential of social economy businesses to reduce or neutralize stigma by promoting a business vs. mental health orientation, creating integrated workplaces, building stronger connections between social businesses and local economies; and by adapting social businesses to the needs, interests and skills of younger workers, for whom employment in a social business may serve as a conduit to competitive employment. Through her involvement with 2 research teams at the Douglas Research Centre Psychosocial Division, led by Dr. Myra Piat and Dr. Marie-Josée Fleury respectively, Dr. Sabetti has developed expertise in several areas of mental health research, and in various research methodologies. Her work mainly entails writing articles, reports, and grant proposals, and editing manuscripts, in a team context.
Mental health recovery
- Personal recovery (e.g. identity, empowerment, social inclusion)
- Recovery-oriented services and service delivery
- Mental health best practices
- Social determinants of health (housing, employment, education)
The stigma of mental illness (public discrimination; self-stigma; label avoidance)
Social economy businesses and mental health; supported employment
Mental health policy (Quebec, Canada and international)
Mental health system and service transformation
- Implementation science
- Knowledge translation
- Service evaluation
Qualitative and mixed research methods; systematic reviews
Piat, M., Pearson, A., Sabetti, J., Steiger, H.; Israel, M.; Lal, S. (2015). International training programs on eating disorders for professionals, caregivers, and the general public: A scoping review. Journal of Eating Disorders. 3:28.
Piat, M.; Boyer, R.; Fleury, M-J.; Lesage, A.; O’Connell, M.; Sabetti, J. (2015). Resident and Proprietor Perspectives of a Recovery Orientation in Community-Based Congregate Housing.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 38(1), 88-95.
Krupa, T., Sabetti, J., Kuyvenhoven, C. (2014). Stigma, mental illness and social business: Phase 1: How do social businesses influence the stigma of mental illness? Queen’s University. School of Rehabilitation Therapy Report.
Piat, M. & Sabetti, J. (2012). Recovery in Canada: Toward social equality. International Review of Psychiatry, 24(1), 19-28.
Piat, M., Sabetti, J., Fleury, M-J., Boyer, R., & Lesage, A. (2011). Who believes most in me and in my recovery: The importance of families for persons with serious mental illness living in structured community housing. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 10(1), 49-65.
Piat, M. & Sabetti, J. (2010). Residential housing for persons with serious mental illness: The fifty year experience with foster homes in Canada. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation: An online multilingual resource. Buffalo: NY: Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange (CIRRIE), SUNY Buffalo.
Piat, M., Sabetti, J., & Bloom, D. (2010). The transformation of mental health services to a recovery-oriented system of care: Canadian decision maker perspectives. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 56(2), 168-177.