The MA Option in Social Statistics is a joint venture of the departments of Economics and Sociology. The program is designed to complement disciplinary training with research experience applying statistical methods to large-scale quantitative data sets and familiarity with the empirical analyses of large-scale social data. As part of the program option students will complete normal program course requirements within their departments, complemented by further statistical courses, as agreed between the option advisor and the student and subject to approval by the home department. Students will complete a statistics-based MA research paper in conjunction with an interdisciplinary capstone seminar.
The Option is open to applicants of all backgrounds. It may be of particular interest to students with an interdisciplinary and/or prior mathematical/statistical background who wish to combine disciplinary studies with further training in quantitative analyses. Individual counseling will be offered to locate courses suitable to each student's earlier preparation, drawing on the rich offerings of the participating departments and elsewhere at McGill, replacing departmental requirements where suitable.
Students interested in the social statistics option should apply to the department that best suits their interests, indicating interest in the option. Departments will make admission decisions according to their standard procedures. Any accepted application that expressed interest in the option will be forwarded by the department to the Social Statistics Committee, who will extend invitations to add the option to MA programs and distribute offers of additional funding.
For more information concerning departmental admission procedures, follow the departmental links below.
graduate.economics [at] (Request an application)