Committee on Libraries

Composition (see Terms of Reference)

Current Membership

Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic), or delegate, Chair, ex officio

Professor Angela Campbell, Interim Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) (delegate)

Trenholme Dean of Libraries, ex officio

Professor Guylaine Beaudry

One Faculty Member from each Faculty


Professor Elizabeth Elbourne (History and Classical Studies, ARTS) - 2026



Professor Teresa Strong-Wilson (Integrated Studies in Education, EDUCATION) - 2027

Professor Gordon Roberts (Electrical and Computer Engineering, ENGINEERING) - 2027

Professor Helge Dedek (LAW) - 2027

Professor Ernan Haruvy (MANAGEMENT) - 2027

Professor Masha Prager-Khoutorsky (Physiology, FMHS) - 2026

Professor Lloyd Whitesell (Music Research, MUSIC) - 2027

Professor Oliver Coomes (Geography, SCIENCE) - 2027

Two Members of the Librarian Staff

Ann Marie Holland (Rare Books and Special Collections) - 2027

Maryvon Côté (Interlibrary Loan Services and Document Delivery) - 2027

One administrative and support staff member from the University Libraries 

Carlo Della Motta (Associate Director, McGill University Collections Centre, LIBRARIES) - 2026

Two Undergraduate Students

Jamie Karr (Arts)

Blayne Paradine (Arts)

One Graduate Student

Meghan Appleby

One Macdonald Campus Student

Shaqued Menda

One Continuing Studies Student


Committee Secretary

Natalie Phillips-Elgar, Associate Director, Student Engagement and Strategic Support (ODPSLL)

Terms of Reference

The Committee on Libraries is a Standing Committee of Senate with the following specific areas of responsibility.

Specific Areas of Responsibility

The Committee shall:

  1. Recommend to Senate, as appropriate, broad policies concerning the McGill Libraries in support of the University’s strategic plans and academic priorities.
  2. Review and advise on planning documents and reports as they relate to the Libraries and advise Senate and others, as appropriate, on library and information service developments which are of academic significance to the University.
  3. Review resource allocation policies as they relate to the McGill Libraries’ strategic plan.
  4. Facilitate and advise on communication between the University community and the Libraries.
  5. Meet at least twice per semester during the academic year and submit an annual report to Senate.


  • The Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic) or delegate, Chair (ex-officio)
  • The Trenholme Dean of Libraries (ex-officio)
  • One faculty member of each of the following, appointed by Senate following the recommendation of the Senate Nominating Committee:
    • Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
    • Faculty of Arts
    • School of Continuing Studies
    • Faculty of Dentistry and Oral Health Sciences
    • Faculty of Education
    • Faculty of Engineering
    • Faculty of Law
    • Desautels Faculty of Management
    • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
    • Schulich School of Music
    • Faculty of Science
  • Two librarians appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Senate Nominating Committee
  • One administrative and support staff member from the University Libraries appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Senate Nominating Committee
  • Student Members:
    • Two undergraduate students
    • One graduate student
    • One Continuing Education student
    • One student representative of Macdonald Campus
  • Committee Secretary


Senate Minute 5, September 26, 1990
Amendments: Senate Minute 75, February 13, 1993
Senate Minute 129, March 23, 1994
Senate Minute 5, March 4, 1998
Senate Minute 7, May 14, 2003
Senate Minute 12, December 1, 2004
Senate Minute 10, May 24, 2006
Senate Minute IIB4.2, May 20, 2009
Senate Minute, October 20, 2010
Senate Minute, October 16, 2024

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