Audio-visual and computer equipment is available to instructors of the School for loans on a short-term basis (24 hours). The sections below present the computer and audio-visual equipment available to CE instructors for short-term loans.
Reservation Procedure
To reserve equipment, click here.
Please note that this equipment and facilities are reserved exclusively for teaching related activities. If you need to borrow equipment for more than a day, please contact Instructor Services by email or call 514-398-3958.
For instructions or advice on using this equipment, please contact Instructor Services by email or at 514-398-8988.
Some audio-visual equipment is also available from the ICS counter located on the second floor of the 688 Sherbrooke building. You must fill an Audiovisual Loans – Equipment Reservation Request form to borrow equipment from ICS.
Equipment available at the School of Continuing Studies
Portable Computers
All portable computers (Laptop) are configured with Windows 8 or 10, Microsoft Office and standard plug-ins for access to myCourses. Camtasia Studio, a screen capture and recording software, is also installed, allowing live recording of your classroom presentations.
Portable computers automatically connect to the Internet through the McGill wireless network.
Flip Video Camera
The Flip Ultra camcorder is the simplest way for instructors and students to capture live scenes in video, edit them and post them on myCourses, YouTube, mySpace or email them. The camcorder records up to one hour of video and easily connects to any computer.
CD/USB/Cassette Player
This device plays audio files from CDs, cassettes, a USB memory key or directly from an Olympus digital recorder. MP3 and WMA are the two digital formats supported on the USB port.
Digital Audio Recorder
Use this recorder to prepare audio based class activities, record your students individually or in group discussions. Once recorded, the audio file can then be played back directly on the JVC CD/cassette/USB player or edited with software such as Camtasia or Audacity.
Five Star Audio splitter
With this audio splitter, up to 5 students can listen to the same audio file using their own headset without disturbing the rest of the classroom.
Some audio-visual equipment is also available from the ICS counter located on the second floor of the 688 Sherbrooke building. You must fill an Audiovisual Loans – Equipment Reservation Request form to borrow equipment from ICS