AC-04-143 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at 3:00 p.m. in Arts Council Room, Arts 160. PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice-Chair), Associate Dean Leighton; Professors Arkani-Hamed, Baines, Chmura, Cline, Fabry, Kemme, Levine, Mandato, Schmidt, Shultz, Wechsler, Yau; Associate Dean Hendershot; E. Gibb; L. Bondy, R. Friedlander, c. Lee, A. Malone, A. Patel; J. D’Amico. REGRETS: Professors Kakkar, Silvius; Associate Dean Hendershot; E. Bensoussan, C. Walsh. DOCUMENTS: AC-04-51A AC-04-119 to AC-04-142 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Prof. Chmura moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF JANUARY 18, 2005 AC-04-120 Prof. Cline moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 506.1, Ph.D. in Psychology; Psychosocial Oncology Option (AC-04-117) 703.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that a member had previously asked if PSYC 754 in the list of Complementary Courses could also serve to fulfill a Ph.D. requirement for an area seminar. He said that the answer was yes. (4) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-04-121 (for information) (5) EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES New Course: EPSC 478 Short Research Project AC-04-122 1 credit Prof. Arkani-Hamed moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. EPSC 212 Introductory Petrology Change in credit weight from 4 to 3 AC-04-123 EPSC 231 Field School 1 Change in credit weight from 2 to 3 AC-04-124 Prof. Arkani-Hamed moved, seconded by Prof. Levine, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. Program Changes: - Minor in Earth & Planetary Sciences AC-04-125 - Minor in Geochemistry AC-04-126 - Major in Earth & Planetary Sciences AC-04-127 - Major in Earth System Science AC-04-128 - Joint Major in Physics & Geophysics AC-04-129 - Honours in Earth Sciences AC-04-130 - Honours in Planetary Sciences AC-04-131 - B.A. & Sc; Major Conc. in Earth, Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences AC-04-132 Prof. Arkani-Hamed moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the above program changes be approved. The motion carried. (6) PSYCHOLOGY - Ph.D. Psychology; Language Acquisition Option AC-04-133 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Levine, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. New Course: PSYC 545 Topics in Language Acquisition AC-04-134 3 credits Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Levine, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. (7) GEOGRAPHY New Course: GEOG 382 Principles Earth Citizenship AC-04-135 3 credits 707.1 Under Item #19, Supplementary Information, add “Restricted to U2 and U3 students.” 707.2 A member pointed out that there was an apparent contradiction between the projected enrolment (50) and the time available for student presentations. 707.3 Prof. Chmura moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the course be adopted, pending satisfactory resolution of the above issue. The motion carried. New Course: GEOG 390 Managing Field Research AC-04-136 3 credits Prof. Chmura moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: GEOG 540 Topics in Physical Geography AC-04-137 3 credits 707.4 “Permission of instructor” should be indicated in box #17, Prerequisite, and not box #19, Restriction. New Course: GEOG 541 Topics in Human Geography AC-04-138 3 credits New Course: GEOG 542 Adv Studies Physical Geography AC-04-139 1 credit New Course: GEOG 543 Adv Studies in Human Geography AC-04-140 1 credit 707.5 It was suggested that for the above sets of courses, the titles "Topics in Geography 1 & 2" and "Adv Studies in Geography 1 & 2" could be used, to allow students more flexibility in taking these courses. The Department of Geography will consider the suggestion before the next Faculty of Science meeting. Prof. Chmura moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the above courses be adopted. The motion carried. (8) BIOLOGY New Course Withdrawn: BIOL 510 Advances in Community Ecology AC-04-141 3 credits 708.1 The proposal was withdrawn due to there being no consultation with the Department of Geography. (9) AD HOC MINOR IN NEUROPHARMACOLOGY AC-04-142 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Levine, that the ad hoc Minor program be adopted. The motion carried. (10) PROJECT COURSES AC-04-51A 710.1 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the proposal. 710.2 It was suggested that the first sentence be modified to read "A student may normally receive no more than a total of 12 credits ..." Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Shultz, that the new regulation in Document AC-04-51A be approved. The motion carried. (11) UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES AC-04-119 711.1 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the above document. 711.2 Members discussed various aspects of the recommendations, but without modifications to the spirit of the recommendations. Associate Dean Mendelson will make minor changes in wording to the recommendations before they are presented to Faculty. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Associate Dean Leighton, that the recommendations be adopted. The motion carried. (12) NEW SCTP FORMS 712.1 Josie D'Amico introduced the new SCTP Forms (New Courses, Course Revisions, New Programs, Program Revisions), and said that these could be downloaded from the Web. The address is: 712.2 She said that the fully online forms, integrated with Banner, should be available in September 2005. Secretary's Note: The guidelines on the Web have been updated for the new forms. (13) OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. 4 ACMinutesMarch15.doc