AC-04-26 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, September 28, 2004, at 3:00 p.m. in Arts Council Room, Arts 160. PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice-Chair), Associate Dean Leighton, Professors Arkani-Hamed, Baines, Bennett, Cline, Fabry, Kemme, Schmidt, Shultz, Silvius, Yau; E. Gibb; E. Bensoussan, L. Bondy, R. Friedlander, C. Lee, A. Malone, A. Patel, C. Walsh; J. D’Amico. REGRETS: Professors Kakkar, Meredith, Nilson, Wechsler; Associate Dean Hendershot GUESTS: Professors M. Hallett and C. Mandato; J. Hunter DOCUMENTS: AC-03-172 AC-04-1 to AC-04-25 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m., and asked members to introduce themselves. (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Computer Science, COMP 510, item #8, to be tabled to a future meeting. Prof. Shultz moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the amended Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF MAY 4, 2004 AC-03-172 Prof. Cline moved, seconded by Prof. Bennett, that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 803.1, Online Course Evaluation 103.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that a work group had been struck. The members were: Prof. James Cline, Prof. Bettina Kemme, Rhonda Amsel, Christopher Lee, student representative, and Jennifer Hunter, offering observation as a graduate student. 103.2 Associate Dean Mendelson said that the work group had met on September 23, 2004. Items discussed were MOLE (McGill Online Evaluations), posting of course evaluation results, and procedures regarding course evaluations. He said he hoped to make specific recommendations to the Academic Committee at a future meeting. 103.3 There was some discussion of the issue, with members expressing concerns about potential administrative problems. (4) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-04-1 (for information) (5) MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS New Course: MATH 335 Computational Algebra AC-04-2 3 credits Prof. Schmidt moved, seconded by Prof. Kemme, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. Major in Mathematics (Program Changes) AC-04-3 Prof. Schmidt moved, seconded by Prof. Cline, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. Secretary's Note: In the Complementary Course List, MATH 204 should be listed below "the remainder of the 21 credits to be selected from:" (6) MINOR IN KINESIOLOGY (Program Changes) AC-04-4 106.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that a consultation report from the Department of Physiology would be required. He would obtain this by the next Faculty of Science meeting. 106.2 Associate Dean Mendelson said that EDKP 542 was a new course, not yet in the Calendar, and that he would obtain the description of the course before the next Faculty meeting. 106.3 In reply to Associate Dean Leighton, Associate Dean Mendelson said that he would check that the courses in the Complementary List that were currently bulleted in the Calendar, would soon be offered. Prof. Fabry moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the program changes be approved. 106.4 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Shultz, an amendment that the following statement appear in the Calendar: "Students registered in the Minor in Kinesiology for Science Students may not take additional courses outside the Faculties of Arts and Science." The amendment carried. The amended motion carried. (7) ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES, EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES, AND GEOGRAPHY New Program: B.Sc.; Major in Earth System Science AC-04-5 107.1 Associate Dean Mendelson suggested that there be a requirement that at least 12 credits of the 18 Complementary credits be at the 400-level or higher. There was some discussion on this and concern that students might not be able to take the prerequisites for higher-level courses. It was decided to refer the matter to the relevant departments for consideration. If necessary, an amendment could be made at Faculty. 107.2 There was some concern about whom students would contact in the event of any problem with the ESYS program. Associate Dean Mendelson pointed out that the members of the Program Administration Committee for the Major would serve as the academic advisors for the program. Prof. Yau moved, seconded by Prof. Arkani-Hamed, that the program be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: ESYS 200 Earth System Processes AC-04-6 3 credits 107.3 A member suggested that the degree of overlap be examined among ESYS 200, ENVR 200 and GEOG 203. 107.4 Associate Dean Mendelson pointed out problems with the course description, and said that SCTP did not like introductory phrases such as, "The course will examine.." Associate Dean Mendelson revised the course description to read: "Complex interactions among the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere. Biological, chemical and physical processes that extend over spatial scales ranging from microns to the size of planetary orbits and that span time scales from fractions of a second to billions of years." Prof. Yau moved, seconded by Prof. Arkani-Hamed, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: ESYS 300 Investigating the Earth System AC-04-7 3 credits 107.5 Dean Shaver said that the "or permission of instructor" in the Prerequisite box should be examined before the next Faculty meeting. 107.6 The course description should read: "An understanding of the biological, chemical and physical fundamentals of the Earth system and how the different components interact. The mechanisms controlling interactions between reservoirs are quantitatively investigated. Special emphasis on the development and response of the Earth system to perturbations." Prof. Arkani-Hamed moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: ESYS 301 Earth System Modelling AC-04-8 3 credits 107.7 Dean Shaver said that the "or permission of instructor" in the Prerequisite box should be examined before the next Faculty meeting. 107.8 The issue of how much of the course consists of lectures and how much of computer-laboratory work should be cleared up. The rationale should be rewritten. Prof. Yau moved, seconded by Prof. Arkani-Hamed, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: ESYS 500 Earth System Applications AC-04-9 3 credits 107.9 The hours per week should be spelled out more completely, and how the projects relate to the hours per week should be explained. These should be consistent with the credit weight of the course. 107.10 A member suggested that there should be a single person who could speak for the program and the courses. 107.11 The course description should read: "Either individual or group research projects that address one or more of the six scientific “Grand Challenges” crucial to humanity: global cycles (water and biogeochemical); climate variability and change; land use and land cover change; energy and resources; earth hazards; earth-atmosphere observation, monitoring, analysis and prediction." Prof. Arkani-Hamed moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. (8) COMPUTER SCIENCE New Course: COMP 417 Intro Robots & Intelligent Sys AC-04-10 3 credits Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. THE FOLLOWING PROPOSAL WAS TABLED TO A FUTURE MEETING: New Course: COMP 510 Combinatorial Optimization AC-04-11 4 credits New Course: COMP 512 Distributed Systems AC-04-12 4 credits 108.1 Add "or equivalent" to the prerequisites. Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Cline, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. Program Changes: Minor in Computer Science AC-04-13 Major in Computer Science AC-04-14 Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. THE FOLLOWING PROPOSAL WAS TABLED TO A FUTURE MEETING: Honours in Computer Science (Program Changes) AC-04-15 Program Changes: Major in Software Engineering AC-04-16 Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. For Information: Minor Concentration in Computer Systems (Documents Available Upon Request) New Course: COMP 614 Distributed Data Management AC-04-17 4 credits 108.2 Add "or equivalent" to the prerequisites. Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: COMP 680 Mining Biological Sequences AC-04-18 4 credits 108.3 Add "or equivalent" to the prerequisites. Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: COMP 692 Approximation Algorithms AC-04-19 4 credits Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. M.Sc.; Computer Science (Bioinformatics Option) AC-04-20 108.4 Dean Shaver said that the program could be approved in principle, but that questions concerning the complementary courses COMP 6XX and PHGY 6XX would have to be resolved before the Option went to Faculty. 108.5 The "Description of the Bioinformatics Option" should be shortened and other issues clarified with Associate Dean Mendelson before the Option goes to Faculty. Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the Option be approved in principle. The motion carried. Ph.D.; Computer Science (Bioinformatics Option) AC-04-21 108.6 Questions concerning the complementary courses COMP 6XX and PHGY 6XX must be resolved before the Option goes to Faculty. 108.7 The "Description of the Bioinformatics Option" should be shortened and other issues clarified with Associate Dean Mendelson before the Option goes to Faculty. Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the Option be approved in principle. The motion carried. New Course: COMP 616D1/D2 Bioinformatics Seminar AC-04-22 3 credits 108.8 Hours per week should be one-and-half hours, since the course is offered every second week. Prof. Kemme moved, seconded by Prof. Schmidt, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. (9) ANATOMY & CELL BIOLOGY Program Changes: - Faculty Program in Anatomy & Cell Biology AC-04-23 109.1 Rather than writing "must be taken in U1" it was suggested that such courses be grouped under the heading "U1." Prof. Bennett moved, seconded by Prof. Arkani-Hamed, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. - Major in Anatomy & Cell Biology AC-04-24 109.2 Rather than writing "must be taken in U1" it was suggested that such courses be grouped under the heading "U1." Prof. Bennett moved, seconded by Prof. Fabry, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. - Honours in Anatomy & Cell Biology AC-04-25 Prof. Bennett moved, seconded by Prof. Arkani-Hamed, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. (10) ONE-CREDIT COURSES 110.1 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Mr. Bensoussan, that all units offering B.Sc. Major Programs should offer at least one one-credit independent study course. 110.2 Associate Dean Mendelson said that this would allow departments to accommodate students who need one credit to graduate, as well as provide independent-study opportunities. 110.3 After some discussion, Prof. Silvius moved, seconded by Prof. Baines, that the issue be tabled to a future meeting, in order that representatives could consult with their departments. The motion to table carried. (11) OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. 7 ACMinutesSept28.doc