AC-01-60 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 2:30 p.m. in Room 409, Dawson Hall. PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice- Chair), Professors Baines, Baker, Brawer, Drury, Leighton, Nishioka, Rasmussen, Sutton, Wechsler; Associate Dean Hendershot; S. Merani; J. D'Amico. REGRETS: Professors Arkani-Hamed, Farrell, Lapointe, Panangaden, Silivus; Ms. Waluzyniec and D. Crawford; S. Hadland, G. Preston, D. Shanks, H. Walia, C. Ward, C. Wu. GUEST: Prof. M. Scott DOCUMENTS: AC-01-9(Rev2), AC-01-41, AC-01-45, AC-01-46, AC-01-46A, AC-01-46B, AC-01-47 to AC-01-59 (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Credits for Advanced Standing, Item #8, to be postponed to a future Academic Committee meeting. - Minute 103.2 (Academic Committee Meeting of September 25, 2001), Nomenclature in Arts Programs, additional item to be considered under Business Arising from the Minutes, Item 3. - Including Term-Offered Information in the Calendar, additional item to be considered under Other Business, Item 9. Prof. Drury moved, seconded by Prof. Brawer, that the amended Agenda be adopted. The motion carried. (2) MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 2001 AC-01-45 Prof. Sutton moved, seconded by Associate Dean Hendershot, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. (3) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 312.1, Credit Weight/Workload for Laboratory Courses 403.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that he had recently reminded units about the deadline for reconciling credit weight/workload for courses. - Minute 103.2, Academic Committee Meeting of September 25, 2001, Nomenclature in Arts Programs 403.2 Associate Dean Mendelson reported that, after a close vote, Senate had not allowed the Faculty of Arts to dispense with the term "Concentration" in B.A. Major Concentrations and Minor Concentrations. (4) McGILL SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT - Ability of MSE Students to Take Minors & Electives on the Macdonald Campus - Prof. M. Scott AC-01-46/46A/46B 404.1 Prof. Scott explained that the MSE had been formed as a partnership between the Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts and Science. There was currently a restriction on the ability of B.Sc. students to take courses outside the Faculties of Arts and Science. This was causing problems for students who were taking a number of courses on the Macdonald Campus and wished to take FAES courses as electives. Associate Dean Hendershot moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the proposal (Document AC-01-46) be adopted. 404.2 Associate Dean Hendershot tabled document AC-01-46B, and described it. 404.3 Associate Dean Mendelson proposed an amendment, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that MSE students be permitted to take up to 18 credits of approved courses at Macdonald Campus beyond the requirements of their MSE programs. 404.4 In response to Associate Dean Hendershot, who pointed out that a great many courses from the four biomedical departments (i.e., departments in the Faculty of Medicine) were listed as Science courses in the Calendar, Associate Dean Mendelson said that these four departments had a certain special relationship with the Faculty of Science. This relationship did not apply to the FAES, and changes in the relationship between the faculties would have to be considered as a separate issue. 404.5 As Dean Shaver was required to leave the meeting for a period, Prof. Leighton took over the chair. 404.6 Associate Dean Hendershot pointed out that there was a discrepancy between Science students not having restrictions on the number of credits taken in the Faculty of Arts, but having restrictions on the number of credits that could be taken in the FAES, a science faculty. 404.7 Associate Dean Mendelson replied that the current issue dealt with only MSE students, and that any discussion of opening up courses in other faculties to Science students in general would be a separate issue. All Science students should be treated equally. A vote was held on the amendment. The amendment carried. A vote was held on the original motion. The original motion carried. B.Sc. Program Changes: - Major in Environment; Environmetrics AC-01-47 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Associate Dean Hendershot, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. - Major in Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health (Cellular Stream) AC-01-48 Associate Dean Hendershot moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. - Major in Environment; Ecological Determinants of Health (Population Stream) AC-01-49 Associate Dean Hendershot moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. B.A. Program Changes (For Information): - Major in Environment; Environment and Development AC-01-50 (5) MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS B.Sc. Program Changes: - Honours Program in Applied Mathematics AC-01-51 - Honours Program in Mathematics AC-01-52 Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Drury, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. B.A. Program Changes (For Information): - Honours Program in Applied Mathematics AC-01-53 - Honours Program in Mathematics AC-01-54 Dean Shaver resumed the chair. (6) PHYSIOLOGY Program Changes: - Faculty Program in Physiology AC-01-55 - Major Program in Physiology AC-01-56 - Honours Program in Physiology AC-01-57 Prof. Wechsler moved, seconded by Prof. Sutton, that the program changes be approved. The motion carried. (7) REASSESSMENT/REREAD POLICY AC-01-9(Rev2) 407.1 Associate Dean Mendelson gave some background information and described the proposal in Document AC- 01-9(Rev2). Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the proposal (Document AC-01-9[Rev2]) be adopted. 407.2 Prof. Baines suggested a friendly amendment that the first bold portion of Document AC-01-9(Rev2) be modified to read "...based, for example on the grading scheme and/or on the consistency of its application." The amended motion carried. - GUIDELINES: DEPARTMENTAL REASSESSMENT POLICIES AC-01-41 407.3 After some discussion, Associate Dean Mendelson suggested inserting a note under Point #1 or #3, indicating that a student may not be allowed to request a reassessment of work that has been returned. Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Baker, that the guidelines in Document AC-01-41 be adopted. The motion carried. (8) OTHER BUSINESS - Including Term-Offered Information in Calendar AC-01-59 408.1 Associate Dean Mendelson introduced the above document. After a long discussion, Associate Dean Mendelson moved, seconded by Prof. Sutton, that in the Faculty of Science section of the Calendar, the terms in which courses are offered be included with the course information, as outlined in Option #1 of Document AC-01- 59. 408.2 It was agreed that Associate Dean Mendelson would decide exactly where the terms were placed within the course information. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. ACMinDec11.doc