AC-98-104 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, February 23, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. in the Arts Council Room (160). PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice- Chair), Professors Baines, Brawer, Drury, Franklin, GrÅtter, Lapointe, Panangaden, Paquette, Silvius, Wechsler,; Associate Dean Norris; Ms. H. Waluzyniec; G. Tsimiklis; J. D'Amico. REGRETS: Professors M. Damha, Pasztor, Rasmussen and Yau; A. Chaudhry; J. Lefebvre, J. Liao and T. Samanta; Ms. D. Cowan. DOCUMENTS:AC-98-89(Revised) AC-98-92 to AC-98-95 AC-98-97 to AC-95-102 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. ADDITIONS/CHANGES TO THE AGENDA - Item #2, Business Arising from the Minutes, Guidelines for Undergraduate Research Courses, to be considered at the next Academic Committee meeting. (1) MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 1999 AC-98-92 Prof. Baines moved, seconded by Prof. Brawer, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. (2) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 504.4, Page 2, IB Proposal (AC-98-53) 602.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that at the Faculty of Science meeting of February 9, 1999, the motion concerning admission of CEGEP students who have completed the modified Health Science profile of the IB program, had been approved. The motion concerning admission of CEGEP students who have completed the modified Pure and Applied Science profile of the IB program, and who would be required to take a Biology course as a "required complementary" course within the 90 credits, was amended to specify that the "required complementary" course be either Biology 177-111 or 177- 112. Faculty had approved the amended motion. - SCTP: Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences/Chemistry Courses 195-219, 195-419, 195-619 and 180-219, 180-419, 180-619 602.2 Associate Dean Mendelson said that SCTP was concerned about the duplication in the above pairs of courses. He said that SCTP had questioned why the Faculty of Science thought it was important to do this. Associate Dean Mendelson said he had explained to SCTP the academic goals of the Faculty in fostering cooperation between departments. He said that SCTP had agreed to double-list these courses, but that SCTP may undertake a review of the general principle. (3) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-98-93 (for information) (4) AD HOC JOINT MAJOR PROGRAM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND PSYCHOLOGY AC-98-94 Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the ad hoc program for Mr. Jonathan Mitchell be approved. The motion carried. (5) AD HOC HONOURS PROGRAM IN COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AC-98-95 605.1 Prof. Panangaden pointed out that the School of Computer Science would soon be proposing that 308-251 be a prerequisite course for Computer Science 308-424 (document AC-98-95, Page 2, Complementary courses for Computer Science). 605.2 Dean Shaver said that the student should be informed of the proposed change immediately. Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. Brawer, that the ad hoc program for Ms. Pauline Hwang be approved. The motion carried. (6) COMPUTER SCIENCE New Course: 308-435B Introduction to Computer Networks AC-98-97 3 credits 606.1 Following some discussion, it was agreed that "Prof. Panangaden and Staff" would be listed as the responsible instructor (AC-98-97, Item #6). Prof. Panangaden moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. New Course: 308-547A Cryptography and Data Security AC-98-98 3 credits Prof. Panangaden moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. 308-647B Advanced Cryptography AC-98-99 4 credits Changes in course title, prerequisite and course description Prof. Panangaden moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. (7) GEOGRAPHY 183-199A FYS: People, Place and Environment AC-98-100 3 credits Changes in course title and course description Prof. Lapointe moved, seconded by Ms. Waluzyniec, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. New Course Tabled To The Next Academic Committee Meeting: 183-501A/B Modelling Environmental Systems AC-98-89(Revised) 3 credits 607.1 Following some discussion concerning the number of laboratory hours versus the credit weight for the course, and concerning the prerequisite courses, Dean Shaver recommended that further discussion of the course be tabled to a future Academic Committee meeting, when Prof. Nigel Roulet, course instructor for 183-501A/B, would be able to attend. 607.2 Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the course be tabled to the Academic Committee meeting scheduled for April 20, 1999, which Prof. Roulet would be able to attend. The motion carried. (8) COURSES OUTSIDE ARTS AND SCIENCE AC-98-101 (for information) 608.1 Associate Dean Mendelson reported that he had made changes to the list of elective courses outside the Faculties of Arts and Science (document AC-98-101) that were approved/not approved for Science students. (9) B.Sc./B.Mus. CONCURRENT DEGREES (for information) 609.1 Associate Dean Mendelson informed members that there had been a discussion concerning the possibility of creating a concurrent B.Sc./B.Mus. degree program, to be completed in four and a half years. He said he would welcome any comments or feedback. 609.2 Members raised the issue of whether there was a great interest-level in such a program and asked how many students were registered in the Minor Program in Music and in the Minor Program in Music Technology. 609.3 Dean Shaver mentioned that, currently, if a student wanted to obtain two degrees, it would take longer than four and a half years; a concurrent degree program would take less time. (10) COURSE/PROGRAM PROPOSAL/CHANGE FORMS AC-98-102A/B/C (for information) s610.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that SCTP was in the process of revising its course and program proposal/change forms. He said that document AC-98- 102B had been prepared by a committee involving SCTP, and that AC-98-102A had been prepared by Josie D'Amico. Associate Dean Mendelson suggested endorsing to SCTP document AC-98-102A because it was very neat, clean, and more easily comprehensible; members agreed with this. 610.2 Dean Shaver asked for comments from members. 610.3 It was strongly recommended that the document be condensed to one page. 610.4 Members made a number of other specific, detailed suggestions regarding the form. (The suggestions have been recorded by Josie D'Amico. Further suggestions are welcome - (11) OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. josie\academic\acmn1998fF.doc