AC-98-20 FACULTY OF SCIENCE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, September 23, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the Arts Council Room (160). PRESENT: Dean Shaver (Chair), Associate Dean Mendelson (Vice- Chair), Professors Baines, Brawer, Drury, Franklin, Gleason (in the absence of Prof. Kakkar), GrÅtter, Lapointe, Panangaden, Pasztor, Silvius, Wechsler, Yau; Ms. H. Waluzyniec; J. D'Amico. REGRETS: Professor Paquette; Associate Dean Norris; D. Cowan. GUEST: Professor J. Fyles DOCUMENTS: AC-97-163 AC-98-1 to AC-98-19 Dean Shaver called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. Dean Shaver welcomed the new Associate Dean, Professor Morton Mendelson, to the Academic Committee meeting. ADDITIONS/CHANGES TO THE AGENDA - McGill School of Environment, item #11, to be considered as the first item of the Agenda. (11) McGILL SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT (MSE) - Prof. J. Fyles 111.1 Dean Shaver welcomed Prof. J. Fyles, Associate Director of the McGill School of Environment, who was present to answer questions concerning the MSE domains, as well as the new course 170-451B. 111.2 The following three domains were approved by the Academic Committee with minor modifications to be incorporated into revised versions of the documents. - Water Environments and Ecosystems Domain AC-98- 8 Prof. Lapointe moved, seconded by Prof. Pasztor, that the domain be approved. The motion carried. - Atmospheric Environment and Air Quality Domain AC-98- 9 Prof. Yau moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the domain be approved. The motion carried. - Environmetrics Domain AC-98- 10 Prof. Pasztor moved, seconded by Prof. Drury, that the domain be approved. The motion carried. New Course 170-451B Research in Panama AC-98-11 6 credits Prof. Yau moved, seconded by Prof. Franklin, that the course be adopted. The motion carried. 111.3 Dean Shaver thanked Prof. Fyles for attending the meeting and for presenting the MSE domains and course. (1) MINUTES OF APRIL 28, 1998 AC-97- 163 Prof. Wechsler moved, seconded by Prof. Brawer, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. (2) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - Minute 801.5,801.6, Page 4, Leo Yaffe Award Committee 102.1 The above item was postponed to the next Academic Committee meeting, October 20,1998. (3) REPORT ON MINOR COURSE CHANGES AC-98- 1 (for information) (4) SCTP(FORMERLY NRCP) AND COURSE/PROGRAM APPROVAL PROCESS AC-98-2 104.1 Dean Shaver clarified approval procedures for 500-, 600- and 700-level courses (Page 3, Document AC-98-2). He said that it was his understanding that the Faculty of Science approves 500-, 600- and 700-level courses prior to submission to SCTP or to Graduate Faculty. 104.2 In response to a question, Dean Shaver said he thought the document on SCTP and the course and program approval process would be circulated to the various undergraduate coordinators; however, he would look into the situation. (REFERRED BACK TO THE SCHOOL) (5) MINOR IN HUMAN NUTRITION AC-98-3 105.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said he questioned whether some of the courses (342-234B and 342-323) listed in document AC-98-3 could be replaced by other courses offered by the Faculty of Science, and whether appropriate consultation with other units had taken place. 105.2 A member expressed concern that the complementary courses listed (Page 2, document AC-98-3) ranged from the 200- to the 500-level. 105.3 Another member asked whether there was a prerequisite course for Biochemistry II, 342-234B, and, if so, how would this change the credits required for the Minor. 105.4 Prof. Silvius moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the Minor in Human Nutrition be approved. 105.5 Prof. GrÅtter proposed, seconded by Prof. Silvius, a friendly amendment that the proposal for the Minor in Human Nutrition be referred back to the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition before being approved. The amendment carried. (6) AD HOC MAJOR PROGRAM IN BIOLOGY & MATHEMATICS FOR TEACHERS AC-98-4 Prof. Drury moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the ad hoc Major program for Ms. Patricia MacDonald-Elliot be approved. The motion carried. (7) EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (REFERRED BACK TO THE DEPARTMENT) 516-512C Recent Progress in AIDS Research AC-98- 5 6 credits Change from D session to C. 107.1 Associate Dean Mendelson expressed concern that an eight-day course should be worth six credits, and that students would have difficulty in learning all the material over a period of eight days. He also said that the justification for the proposed change was rather weak. 107.2 Some concerns raised by Academic Committee members were that: (1) no prerequisite courses were listed, such as basic biology, basic molecular biology, or neurology; (2) the intense immersion in this type of topic would be more appropriate for graduate students, who would perhaps have sufficient background already; (3) it would be difficult for students to absorb all the information in such a short time. 107.3 Other points raised were whether there would be an examination in the course, and whether the extensive reference list mentioned in the document could be provided to the Academic Committee. Also, the document stated that the reference list would be given to students a month prior to the start of the course, indicating that work would have to be done before the course started. 107.4 It was suggested that perhaps this course would be better suited to the 600 level. Prof. Silvius moved, seconded by Prof. Gleason, that the changes be approved. The motion was defeated. 107.5 Dean Shaver said the concerns and recommendations raised by the Academic Committee would be passed on to the Department of Experimental Medicine. (NEW COURSE REFERRED BACK TO THE DEPARTMENT) 516-513A Gender, Race and Science AC-98-6 3 credits 107.6 Associate Dean Mendelson said there seemed to be a number of philosophical and scientific topics in the above course description that were lumped together loosely under the theme of Feminist Science. He said he wasn't convinced by the course description that the topics formed a coherent whole. He also said the course may overlap with issues dealt with in the History and Philosophy of Science Minor Concentration in the Faculty of Arts, as well as overlapping with courses taught by various departments. He said there should be a better explanation of what is actually going to be dealt with in this course. It should be explained whether other relevant departments have been consulted, and there should be better justification for the choice of topics and for the coherence of the topics. 107.7 A member said he was disturbed by the lack of consultation with the Faculty of Arts, especially with the Department of Philosophy. 107.8 Dean Shaver said the Academic Committee was not in a position to comment on whether or not this course overlaps with courses in the Departments of Biology, History, and Philosophy. 107.9 A few members who also serve on the Biomedical Sciences Curriculum Review & Planning Committee (BSCRPC) said they had already reviewed the course proposal, but that the version before the Academic Committee was not the same as the one submitted to the BSCRPC, and perhaps the appropriate consultations had not been forwarded. 107.10 It was strongly suggested that: (1) the same documentation submitted to the BSCRPC should be submitted to the Academic Committee, and (2) appropriate consultation reports with the Departments of Biology, History, Philosophy, Psychology and Social Studies of Medicine, and with the History and Philosophy of Science Committee, should be provided, to be considered at a future Academic Committee meeting. Prof. Silvius moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the above course be approved. The motion was defeated. (8) CHEMISTRY New Course 180-6XXD Seminars in Chemistry AC-98- 13 1 credit 108.1 Addition to document AC-98-13: This course will be graded according to a Pass/Fail system. 108.2 Concerns raised were that: (1) the proposed course would change the number of required credits in the graduate program in the Department of Chemistry, and (2) the aim of such a course was to make seminar attendance compulsory for graduate students. 108.3 A member pointed out that graduate students would presumably obtain only one credit once for a course that would be required every year. Prof. Gleason moved, seconded by Prof. Pasztor, that the above course be approved. The motion carried. 108.4 Dean Shaver added that the Department of Chemistry had tried a number of different ways to encourage attendance at seminars. Nothing had been successful, and this was another attempt. (9) PSYCHOLOGY 204-797A/B Teaching Methods in Psychology I AC-98-14 3 credits Change in course number from 204-697A/B. 204-798A/B Teaching Methods in Psychology II AC-98-15 3 credits Change in course number from 204-698A/B. Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. GrÅtter, that the above changes be approved. The motion carried. - MSc in Psychology AC-98-16 Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. Yau, that the changes be approved. The motion carried. 204-690H Master's Research I AC-98-17 15 credits Change in credit weight from 12. Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Associate Dean Mendelson, that the change be approved. The motion carried. (10) SECOND PROGRAMS - Arts Minor Concentrations (for information) AC-98- 7 110.1 Associate Dean Mendelson said that at the May 26, 1998, Faculty of Science meeting, the principle was adopted that Science students could take Arts Minor Concentrations, subject to approval of the Associate Dean of Science on a case-by-case basis. Associate Dean Mendelson said he would like to give a blanket approval to Science students to take Arts Minor Concentrations that had been approved for Science students by the relevant departments in the Faculty of Arts, with the exception of certain Minors that the Associate Dean has deemed inappropriate for Science students (document AC-98-7). Where Science Minors exist, Science students should take these. - Arts Major Concentrations (for information) AC-98- 18 110.2 Again with reference to the Faculty of Science Meeting of May 26, 1998, Associate Dean Mendelson said that concerning Arts Major Concentrations, the same blanket approval as for Arts Minor Concentrations (above) would apply. All Arts Major Concentrations are available to Science students, with the exception that where Science Majors exist, Science students should take these. - GPA Requirement AC-98-19 110.3 Associate Dean Mendelson outlined document AC-98-19. Prof. Franklin moved, seconded by Prof. Wechsler, that the new procedure be adopted. The motion carried. (12) CHANGE IN DEGREE APPELLATION FROM B.N. TO B.Sc.(N) AC-98- 12 (for information) 112.1 Dean Shaver informed the Academic Committee that this change in degree appellation had been withdrawn by the School of Nursing. However, he thought it was important to inform the Academic Committee that this change had been proposed, since the issue may arise again in the future. The issue had previously been raised at a Faculty of Science meeting, where concerns about it were expressed. (13) USE OF EVIDENCE FROM HARPP-HOGAN PROGRAM IN DISCIPLINARY CASES 113.1 There was a long discussion concerning the use of the Harpp-Hogan program for detection of cheating in multiple-choice exams. This program examines correlations between exam answers for all pairs of students and identifies pairs whose answers agree at a highly significant level. Senate had considered the issue a number of years ago and concluded that the Harpp-Hogan program could not by itself be used as evidence of cheating. 113.2 This issue will be re-examined in the coming academic year. (14) OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. academic\acmn1998sf.doc