Office of Sponsored Research Launches Searchable Research Funding Database
Are you looking for research funding? The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) is pleased to launch a new searchable database located on the Research and Innovation website. McGill’s academic and administrative staff members can access the database using their McGill email address and password. Affiliated McGill members can request access by emailing osrfunding.vprir [at]
The funding database is a central repository for research funding opportunities and nominations for prizes with instructions from the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) or the Office of Innovation and Partnerships (OIP). The database includes all opportunities announced on the OSR and OIP opportunities e-newsletters, and may be filtered by sponsor, program, deadline dates or by any keyword or research area. Archived opportunities are included in the database for one year.
Concerns or questions about the database, please contact osrfunding.vprir [at]