
Why is it so difficult to fight addictions?, Dr. Salah El Mestikawy, YouTube

Why is it so difficult to fight addictions?

Dr. Salah El Mestikawy gave an interview to Viviane Lalande, a host on the Scilabus channel and reporter with Radio Canada, to explain in simple terms how additions work and what makes them so difficult to fight. Click here to watch this interview.

Published: 11 Jun 2021

Un nouveau médicament contre l'alzheimer traitera les stades précoces, Dr Serge Guthier, Radio-Canada

Un nouveau médicament contre l'alzheimer traitera les stades précoces

Pour la première fois en 20 ans, un nouveau médicament contre la maladie d'Alzheimer a été autorisé, sous conditions, par l'Agence américaine des médicaments. « C'est une nouvelle importante », explique le Dr Serge Gauthier, professeur émérite en neurologie et en psychiatrie à l'Université McGill.

Published: 11 Jun 2021

Violence familiale et sociale : les victimes indirectes de la COVID-19, Dre Cécile Rousseau, Journal Métro

(Co-authored by Cécile Rousseau) Alors que la pandémie de Covid-19 sévit depuis plus d’un an, il devient de plus en plus évident que les personnes marginalisées risquent de façon disproportionnée de contracter la maladie ou d’en mourir. Parallèlement, les dommages indirects des fermetures et du confinement de la dernière année, sans oublier les difficultés financières, l’isolement social et les problèmes de santé mentale, touchent bien plus durement les membres des communautés racisées.

Published: 11 Jun 2021

Un déconfinement graduel, pour ne pas retourner en arrière, Dr. Samuel Veissière, Radio-Canada

…Avec des indicateurs clairs, il serait plus facile d'expliquer à la population si le gouvernement doit réviser la date d'un assouplissement, croit le Dr Samuel Vessière, professeur adjoint au Département de psychiatrie de l’Université McGill.

Radio-Canada. Lire ici

Published: 20 May 2021

Comment 7500$ peuvent aider un sans-abri?, Dr. Eric Latimer, Radio-Canada

…Quelles sont les bénéfices et les limites de donner un revenu comme solution à l’itinérance? Est-ce une approche qu’on devrait généraliser et appliquer ailleurs? Le professeur au département de psychiatrie de l’Université McGill et spécialiste en économie de la santé, Éric Latimer, nous donne son analyse.

Published: 20 May 2021

Le mystère des plaques amyloïdes, Dr. Judes Poirier, La Presse

Le mystère des plaques amyloïdes

Published: 17 May 2021

Dr. Gail Myhr elected as Fellow of the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies

Dr. Gail Myhr was elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies/L’Association Canadienne des Thérapies Cognitives et Comportementales. A Fellow of CACBT-ACTCC is a member who has made a distinguished contribution to the science, practice, training and/or advocacy of cognitive and/or behavioural therapies within the Canadian context. Congratulations Dr. Myhr!

Published: 17 May 2021

Annual Undergraduate Psychiatry Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Warren Steiner, recipient of the 2021 McGill Undergraduate Psychiatry Teaching Award! This award is presented by the department to the individual that the graduating class felt had the greatest impact on their psychiatric education during medical school.

Published: 17 May 2021

New international initiative to study early-life predictors of mental health disorders

The newly established McGill–Douglas–Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry International Collaborative Initiative in Adversity and Mental Health represents the first international effort devoted to understanding the biology behind how early-life adversity can increase the risk of psychiatric disorders over the course of an individual’s life. Led by Dr. Gustavo Turecki, Scientific Director at the Douglas Research Centre and Chair of  McGill's Department of Psychiatry, and by Dr.

Published: 14 May 2021

Drs. Martin Gignac and Cécile Rousseau featured in Toronto Star

...Dr. Martin Gignac, director of pediatric psychiatry at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, said the facility doesn’t have enough resources to deal with the “wave” of mental health consultation involving children, adding that he is forced to find room for patients on the medical and surgical wards.

Published: 13 May 2021

Dr. Martin Gignac quoted in Montreal Gazette

Quebec must prioritize mental health of adolescents, pediatricians say

...Over the past few months, the psychiatric department’s eight-patient unit at the Children’s has often been over capacity, which means teenagers with acute suicidal ideation are admitted to surgical or medical units, where they require 24-hour supervision, said Dr. Martin Gignac, the hospital’s Chief of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Published: 12 May 2021

Dr. Samuel Veissière featured in Psychology Today

Why Some Fear the World Reopening

(By Samuel Paul Veissière) Imagine you’ve been single for a long time. Sure, a part of you would like to have a companion, but the thought of going on a date, telling your life story again, trying to feel comfortable with a new person—it all just fills you with dread.

Psychology Today. Read more

Published: 6 May 2021

Dr. Rob Whitley featured in Vancouver Sun

Rob Whitley and Todd Doherty: No health without mental health

Opinion: Practical approach of B.C.'s Men's Sheds is common across community-driven mental health programs — tailored toward the needs and preferences of the target population, with a focus on fun, friendship and enjoyable activities.

Vancouver Sun. Read more

Published: 3 May 2021

Dr. Monica Ruiz-Casares quoted in APTN

‘Keep families together’: Moving beyond racist notions of neglect in child welfare

…In many countries, including Canada, neglect is the most common type of maltreatment, says Monica Ruiz-Casares, an associate professor in the psychiatry department at McGill University.

But what exactly is neglect? According to Ruiz-Casares, it’s pretty subjective. “There’s no clear threshold at which so-called poor parenting crosses the line into neglect,” she says.

Published: 3 May 2021


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