Publications 2014-2015

Recent Publications

Bold: CPD faculty member

Underline: CPD trainee or student member

Aaronson D, Lange F, Mazumder B. 2014. Fertility transitions along the extensive and intensive margins, American Economic Review. 104(11): 3701-24. DOI: 10.1257/aer.104.11.3701.

Alarcón AM, Muñoz S, Kaufman JS, Martínez C, Riedemann P, Kaliski S. 2015. Contribution of ethnic group and socioeconomic status to degree of disability in rheumatoid arthritis in Chilean patients, Rheumatology International 35(4):685-9. DOI: 10.1007/s00296-014-3123-y. PMID: 25178741.

Atabay E, Moreno G, Nandi A, Kranz G, Vincent I, Assi T-M, Winfrey EMV, Earle A, Raub A, Heymann J. 2015. Facilitating working mothers’ ability to breastfeed: global trends in guaranteeing breastfeeding breaks at work, 1995-2014, Journal of Human Lactation 31:81-8.  DOI: 10.1177/0890334414554806.

Baker A, Brauner-Otto SR. 2015. My friend is gay, but… the effects of social contact on Christian Evangelicals’ beliefs about gays and lesbians, Review of Religious Research. 57(2): 239-268. DOI 10.1007/s13644-014-0184-z

Banack HR, Kaufman JS. 2015. Does selection bias explain the obseity paradox among individuals with cardiovascular disease? Annals of Epidemiology. 25(5):342–349. DOI:10.1016/j.annepidem.2015.02.008.

Barthold D, Nandi A, Mendoza Rodríguez JM, Heymann J. 2014. Are countries equally efficient at improving longevity for men and women? American Journal of Public Health. 104:2163-9. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301494.

Baumgartner J, Zhang Y, Schauerd JJ, Huang W, Wang Y, Ezzatie M. 2015. Highway proximity and black carbon from cookstoves as a risk factor for higher blood pressure in rural China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(36): 13229-13234. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1317176111.

Beydoun MA, Fanelli-Kuczmarski MT, Kitner-Triolo MH, Beydoun HA, Kaufman JS, Mason MA, Evans MK, Zonderman AB. 2015. Dietary Antioxidant Intake and Its Association with Cognitive Function in an Ethnically Diverse Sample of US Adults, Psychosomatic Medicine. 77(1):68-82. DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000129. PMID: 25478706.

Bourque M, Quesnel-Vallée A. 2014. Intégrer les soins de santé et les services sociaux du Québec : la réforme Couillard de 2003, Health Reform Observer - Observatoire des Réformes de Santé. 2(2): 1-9. DOI: 10.13162/hro-ors.02.02.01.

Brauner-Otto SR. 2014. Environmental quality and fertility: the effects of plant density, species richness, and plant diversity on fertility limitation, Population and Environment. 36(1): 1-31. DOI:  10.1007/s11111-013-0199-3.

Brauner-Otto SR. 2015. Health services, attitudes, and fertility limitation, International Journal of Sociology 45(1): 24-43. DOI:10.1080/00207659.2015.1004976.

Breau S, Kogler D, Bolton KC. 2014. On the relationship between innovation and wage inequality: new evidence from Canadian cities, Economic Geography. 90(4):351-373. DOI: 10.1111/ecge.12056.

Breau S. 2015. Rising inequality in Canada: a regional perspective, Applied Geography.61: 58-69. DOI:10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.11.010.

Brown K, Nevitte A, Szeto B, Nandi A. 2015. Growing social inequality in the prevalence of type-2 diabetes in Canada, 2004-2012, Canadian Journal of Public Health. 106:e132-9. DOI: 10.17269/cjph.106.4769.

Carter R, Quesnel-Vallée A. 2014. Expanding pharmacist services in Québec: A health reform analysis of Bill 41 and its implications for equity in financing care, Health Reform Observer - Observatoire des Réformes de Santé. 2(2): 1-11. DOI: http: 10.13162/hro-ors.v2i2.67.

Castillo-Carniglia A, Kaufman JS, Pino P. 2015. Geographical distribution of alcohol-attributable mortality in Chile: A Bayesian spatial analysis, Addictive Behaviors 2015. 42:207-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.11.025. PMID: 25482366.

Chemin M, Mbiekop F. 2015. Addressing child sex tourism: The Indian case, European Journal of Political Economy. 38:169-180. DOI:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2015.02.005.

Choi J-Y, Baumgartner J, Harnden S, Alexander BH, Town RJ, D'Souza G, Ramachandran G. 2015. Increased risk of respiratory illness associated with kerosene fuel use among women and children in urban Bangalore, India, Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 72: 114-122. doi:10.1136/oemed-2014-102472.

Clark S, Cotton C, Marteleto LJ. 2015. Family ties and young fathers' engagement in Cape Town, South Africa, Journal of Marriage and Family. 77(2):575–589. DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12179.

Cole M, McCuskera J, Yaffe M, Strumpf EC, Sewitch M, Sussman T, Ciampi A, Belzile E. 2015. Supported depression self-care may prevent major depression in community-dwelling older adults with chronic physical conditions and co-morbid depressive symptoms, International Psychogeriatrics. 27(6): 1049-1050. DOI:  10.1017/S1041610215000204.

de Clercqa B, Pfoertnerb T-K, Elgar FJ, Hubleta A, Maesa L. 2014. Social capital and adolescent smoking in schools and communities: A cross-classified multilevel analysis, Social Science and Medicine. 119: 81–87. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.08.018.

Das A, Nairn S. 2014. Conservative Christianity, partnership, hormones and sex in late life, Archives of Sexual Behavior. 43:1403-1415. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-014-0273-7.

de Loozea M, Janssenb I, Elgar FJ, Craig W, Pickett W. 2015. Neighbourhood crime and adolescent cannabis use in Canadian adolescents, Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 146: 68–74. DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.11.005.

Elbejjani M, Fuhrer R, Abrahamowicz M, Mazoyer B, Crivello F, Tzourio C, Dufouil C. 2015. Depression, depressive symptoms, and rate of hippocampal atrophy in a longitudinal cohort of older men and women, Psychological Medicine 45(09):1931-1944 DOI:  10.1017/S0033291714003055.

Elgar FJ, Napoletano A, Saul G, Dirks MA, Craig W, Poteat VP, Holt M, Koenig BW. 2014. Cyberbullying victimization and mental health in adolescents and the moderating role of family dinners, JAMA Pediatrics. 168(11):1015-1022. DOI:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.1223.

Elgar FJ, Pförtner T-K, Moor I, De Clercq B, Stevens GWJM, Currie C. 2015. Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health 2002–2010: a time-series analysis of 34 countries participating in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, The Lancet. 385(9982):2088-2095. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61460-4

Elo IT, Vang ZM, Culhane JF. 2014. Variation in birth outcomes by mother's country of birth among non-Hispanic black women in the United States, Maternal and Child Health Journal 18: 2371-2381. DOI 10.1007/s10995-014-1477-0.

Falconer J, Quesnel-Vallée A. 2014. Les disparités d’accès aux soins de santé parmi la minorité de langue officielle au Québec, Recherches Sociographiques. 55(3): 511-529. DOI : 10.7202/1028377ar.

Fell DB, Platt RW, Lanes A, Wilson K, Kaufman JS, Basso O, Buckeridge D. 2015. Fetal death and preterm birth associated with maternal influenza vaccination: Systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 122(1):17-26.  DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12977. PMID: 25040307.

Frenz P, Delgado I, Harper S, Kaufman JS. 2014. Achieving effective universal health coverage with equity: evidence from Chile, Health Policy and Planning. 29(6):717-731. DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czt054.

Fujimura JH, Bolnick DA, Rajagopalan R, Kaufman JS, Lewontin RC, Duster T, Ossorio P, Marks J. 2014. Clines without classes: How to make sense of human variation, Sociological Theory. 32(3) 208–227. DOI: 10.1177/0735275114551611.

Gariepy G, Kaufman JS, Blair A, Kestens Y, Schmidt N. 2015. Place and health in diabetes: the neighbourhood environment and risk of depression in adults with Type 2 diabetes, Diabetic Medicine. 32(7):944–950. doi: 10.1111/dme.12650.

Gariepy G, Thombs BD, Kestens Y, Kaufman JS, Blair A, Schmitz N. 2015. The neighbourhood built environment and trajectories of depression symptom episodes in adults: A latent class growth analysis, PLoS ONE 10(7): e0133603. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0133603.

Haan M, Yu Z. 2015. Cohort progress toward household formation and homeownership: A comparison of immigrant racialized minority groups in Canada and the United States. In C Teixeira and W Li The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities. (69-97). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Haan M, Walsh D, Neis B. 2014. At the crossroads: Geography, gender and occupational sector in employment-related geographical mobility, Canadian Studies in Population 41, no. 3–4 (2014): 6–21.

Hajizadeh M, Alam N, Nandi A. 2014. Social inequalities in the utilization of maternal care in Bangladesh: have they widened or narrowed in recent years? International Journal for Equity in Health 13:120. DOI:10.1186/s12939-014-0120-4.

Hajizadeh M, Heymann J, Strumpf E, Harper S, Nandi A. 2015. Paid maternity leave and childhood vaccination uptake: Longitudinal evidence from 20 low-and-middle-income countries, Social Science & Medicine140:104-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.008.

Hajizadeh M, Nandi A, Heymann J. 2014. Social inequality in infant mortality: what explains variation across developing countries? Social Science & Medicine 2014;101:36-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.11.019.

Hamplová DLe Bourdais C, Lapierre-Adamcyk É. 2014. Is the cohabitation-marriage gap in money pooling universal? Journal of Marriage and Family, 76 (5): 983-997. DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12138.

Hamplová D, Simonová N. 2014. Adult learning in the Czech Republic: A youth- and female-oriented system? In H-P Blossfeld, E Kilpi-Jakonen, D Vono de Vilhena, S Buchholz, O Friedrich  Adult Learning in Modern Societies: An International Comparison from a Life-course Perspective, (pp. 283-304). Cheltonham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hamra GB, Kaufman JS, Vahratian A. 2015. Model averaging for improving inference from causal diagrams, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12: 9391-9407.  DOI:  10.3390/ijerph120809391.

Han C-K, Rothwell DW. 2014. Savings and family functioning since the 2008 recession: An exploratory study in Singapore, International Social Work. 57(6): 630–644. DOI: 10.1177/0020872812444482.

Harper S, Charters TJ, Strumpf EC, Galea S, Nandi A. 2015. Economic downturns and suicide mortality in the United States, 1980-2010: observational study, International Journal of Epidemiology. 44:956-66. DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyv009.

Hertrich V, Lardoux S. 2014. Âge à l’entrée en union des femmes en Afrique. Les données des enquêtes et des recensements sont-elles comparables? Population-F. 69 (3): 399-432. DOI : 10.3917/popu.1403.0399.

Hornstein A. Kudlyak M, Lange F. 2014. Measuring resource utilization in the labor market, Economic Quarterly. 100(1): 1-21.

Huang W, Baumgartner J, Zhang, Y, Wang Y, Schauer JJ. 2015. Source apportionment of air pollution exposures of rural Chinese women cooking with biomass fuels, Atmospheric Environment. 104: 79-87. DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.12.066.

Hutcheon JA,  Strumpf EC, Harper S, Biesbrecht E. 2015. Maternal and neonatal outcomes after implementation of a hospital policy to limit low-risk planned caesarean deliveries before 39 weeks of gestation: an interrupted time-series analysis, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 122(9):1200-1206. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13396.

Ionescu-Ittu R, Glymour MM, Kaufman JS. 2015. A difference-in-differences approach to estimate the effect of income-supplementation on food insecurity, Preventive Medicine 70:108-16.  DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12977. PMID: 25475685.

Jurgens D, Finethy T, Armstrong C, Ruths D. 2015. Everyone’s invited: A new paradigm for evaluation on non-transferable datasets, International Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference on Web and Social Media Workshop on Standards and Practices in Large-Scale Social Media Research.

Jurgens D, Finethy T, McCorriston J, Xu YT, Ruths D. 2015. Geolocation prediction in Twitter using social networks: A critical analysis and review of current practice, International Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)  Conference on Web and Social Media Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media.

Jurgens D, McCorriston J, Ruths D. 2015. An analysis of exercising behavior in online populations, Proceedings of the Ninth International Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference on Web and Social Media.

Kahn LB, Lange F. 2014. Employer learning, productivity, and the earnings distribution: Evidence from performance measures, Review of Economic Studies 81: 1575-1613. DOI: 10.1093/restud/rdu021.

Kaufman JS, Dolman L, Rushani D, Cooper RS. 2015. The contribution of genomic research to explaining racial disparities in cardiovascular disease: A systematic review, American Journal of Epidemiology. 181(7):464-72. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwu319. PMID: 25731887.

Lajous M, Banack HR, Kaufman JS, Hernán MA. 2015. Should patients with chronic disease be told to gain weight? The obesity paradox and selection bias, American Journal of Medicine 128(4): 334-336. DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.10.043. PMID: 25460531.

Lal S, Dell'Elce J, Tucci N,  Fuhrer R, Tamblyn R, Malla A. 2015. Preferences of young adults with first-episode psychosis for receiving specialized mental health services using technology: A survey study, JMIR Mental Health 2(2):e18. DOI: 10.2196/mental.4400.

Le Bourdais C, Lapierre-Adamcyk É. 2015.  « Portrait sociodémographique des changements familiaux au Québec », dans Comité consultatif sur le droit de la famille, A. Roy (prés.), Pour un droit de la famille adapté aux nouvelles réalités conjugales et familiales, Montréal, Éditions Thémis, p. 35-73.

Le Bourdais C, Lapierre-Adamcyk É. 2015. Who is in, who is out of (step)families? The impact of respondents’ gender and residential status, Zeitschrift für Familienforschung (Journal of Family Research), 10: 257-280.

Liu Q, Baumgartner J, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Sun Y, Zhang M. 2014. Oxidative potential and inflammatory impacts of source apportioned ambient air pollution in Beijing, Environmental Science and Technology 48(21): 12920-12929.  DOI: 10.1021/es5029876.

Loucks EB, Gilman SE, Howe C, Kawachi I, Kubzansky LD, Rudd RE, Martin LT, Nandi A, Wilhelm A, Buka SL. 2015. Education and coronary heart disease risk: potential mechanisms such as literacy, perceived constraint and depressive symptoms, Health Behavior and Education. 42:370-9. DOI: 10.1177/1090198114560020.

Luthra RR, Soehl T. 2015. From parent to child? Transmission of educational attainment within immigrant families: Methodological considerations, Methodology. 52(2):543-567. DOI 10.1007/s13524-015-0376-3.

Maswikwa B, Richter L, Desmond C, Kaufman JS, Nandi A. 2015. Minimum marriage age laws, child marriage rates and adolescent birth, International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 41:58-68. DOI: 10.1363/4105815.

McCusker J, Cole MG, Yaffe M, Strumpf EC, Sewitch M, Sussman T, Ciampi A, Lavoiej K, Platt RW, Belzile E. 2015. A randomized trial of a depression self-care toolkit with or without lay telephone coaching for primary care patients with chronic physical conditions, General Hospital Psychiatry. 37(3):257–265. DOI:10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2015.03.007.

McKinnon B, Harper S, Kaufman JS. 2015. Who benefits from removing user fees for facility-based delivery services? Evidence on socioeconomic differences from Ghana, Senegal and Sierra Leone, Social Science and Medicine. 135: 117–123. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.05.003.

McKinnon B, Harper S, Kaufman JS, Bergevin Y. 2015. Removing user fees for facility-based delivery services: a difference-in-differences evaluation from ten sub-Saharan African countries, Health Policy and Planning. 30: 432–441. DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czu027.

Moor I, Richter M, Ravens-Sieberer U, Ottová-Jordan V, Elgar FJ, Pförtner T-K. 2015. Trends in social inequalities in adolescent health complaints from 1994 to 2010 in Europe, North America and Israel: The HBSC study, European Journal of Public Health, 25 (S2): 57–60. DOI:10.1093/eurpub/ckv028.

Naimi AI, Kaufman J. 2015. Counterfactual theory in social epidemiology: Reconciling analysis and action for the social determinants of health, Current Epidemiology Reports. 2(1):52-60. 0. DOI 10.1007/s40471-014-0030-4.

Naimi AI, Moodie EEM, Auger N, Kaufman JS. 2014. Semiparametric adjusted exposure-response curves, Epidemiology. 25(6):919-22. DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000158. PMID: 25137220.

Nandi A, Harper S. 2015. How consequential Is social epidemiology? A review of recent evidence, Current Epidemiology Reports. 2(2):61-70. DOI: 10.1007/s40471-014-0031-3.

Nazif-Muñoz JI, Quesnel-Vallée A, van den Berg A. 2015. Did Chile's traffic law reform push police enforcement? Understanding Chile's traffic fatalities and injuries reduction, Injury Prevention. 21(3):159-65. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2014-041358.

Nazif-Muñoz JI, Quesnel-Vallée A, van den Berg A. 2014. Explaining Chile's traffic fatality and injury reduction for 2000–2012, Traffic Injury Prevention. 15(1): S56-S63. Suppl 1:S56-63. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.939270.

Nyante SJ, Gammon MD, Kaufman JS, Bensen JT, Lin DY, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Hu Y, He Q, Luo J, Millikan RC. 2015. Genetic variation in estrogen and progesterone pathway genes and breast cancer risk: an exploration of tumor subtype-specific effects, Cancer Causes Control. 26(1):121-31. DOI: 10.1007/s10552-014-0491-2 PMID: 25421376.

Parekh D, Ruths D, Ruths J. 2014. Reachability-based robustness of network controllability under node and edge attacks, SITIS Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications.

Pearce LD, Brauner-Otto SR, Ji Y. 2015. Explaining religious differentials in family size preferences: Evidence from Nepal in 1996, Population Studies, 65(1): 23-37.  DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2014.995695.

Pfoertner T-K, Rathmann K, Elgar FJ, de Looze M, Hofmann F, Ottova-Jordan V, Ravens-Sieberer U, Bosakova L, Currie C, Richter M. 2014. Adolescents’ psychological health complaints and the economic recession in late 2007: a multilevel study in 31 countries, European Journal of Public Health. 24(6):961-7. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/cku056.

Proulx C, Le Bourdais C. 2014. The impact of providing care on the risk of leaving employment in Canada, Canadian Journal on Aging. 33 (4): 488-503 DOI: 10.1017/S0714980814000452.

Quamruzzaman A, Mendoza Rodríguez JM, Heymann J, Kaufman JS, Nandi A. 2014. Are tuition-free primary education policies associated with lower infant and neonatal mortality in low-and-middle-income countries? Social Science & Medicine. 120:153-9. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.09.016.

Rathmanna K, Ottovac V, Hurrelmannd K, de Loozee M, Levinf K, Molchog M, Elgar FJ, Gabhainng SN, van Dijki JP, Richtera M. 2015. Macro-level determinants of young people's subjective health and health inequalities: A multilevel analysis in 27 welfare states, Maturitas. 80(4): 414–420. DOI:10.1016/j.maturitas.2015.01.008.

Riddell CA, Kaufman JS, Hutcheon JA, Strumpf EC, Teunissen PW, Abenhaim HA. 2014. Effect of uterine rupture on a hospital's future rate of vaginal birth after caesarean delivery, Obstetrics & Gynecology. 124(6):1175-1181. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000545. PMID: 25415169.

Roelfs DJ, Shor E, Blank A, Schwartz JE. 2015. Misery loves company? Aggregate unemployment rates and the unemployment-mortality association, Annals of Epidemiology, 25:312-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2015.02.005.

Rumball-Smith J, Nandi A, Kaufman JS. 2014. Working and hypertension: Gaps in employment not associated with increased risk in 13 European countries, a retrospective cohort study, BMC Public Health 14:536. DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-14-536.

Ruths D, Pfeffer J. 2014. Social media for large studies of behavior, Science. 346 (6213):1063-1064. DOI: 10.1126/science.346.6213.1063.

Shana M, Yanga X, Ezzatib M, Chaturvedic N, Coady E, Hughes A, Shie Y, Yangf M, Zhangg Y, Baumgartner J. 2014. A feasibility study of the association of exposure to biomass smoke with vascular function, inflammation, and cellular aging, Environmental Research. 135: 165-172. DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2014.09.006.

Shah L, Choi HW, Berrang-Ford L, Henostroza G, Krapp F, Zamudio C, Heymann SJ, Kaufman JS, Ciampi A, Seas C, Gotuzzo E, Brewer TF. 2014. Geographic predictors of primary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases in an endemic area of Lima, Peru, The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 18(11):1307-14. DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.14.0011. PMID: 25299862.

Shah L, Rojas M, Mori O, Zamudio C, Kaufman JS, Otero L, Gotuzzo E, Seas C, Brewer TF. 2015. Implementation of a stepped-wedge cluster randomized design in routine public health practice: design and application for a tuberculosis (TB) household contact study in a high burden area of Lima, Peru, BMC Public Health. 15(1):587. DOI:10.1186/s12889-015-1883-2.

Shor E, Roelfs, DJ. 2015. Social contact frequency and all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis and meta-regression, Social Science & Medicine.128:76–86. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.01.010.

Shor E, van de Rijt A, Ward C, Askar A, Skiena A. 2014. Is there a political bias? A computational analysis of female subjects’ coverage in liberal and conservative newspapers, Social Science Quarterly 95:1213-1229. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12091.

Sia D, Onadja Y, Nandi A, Foro A, Brewer T. 2014. What lies behind gender inequalities in HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from Kenya, Lesotho, and Tanzania, Health Policy and Planning 29:938-49. DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czt075.

Simco R, McCusker J, Sewitch M, Cole MG, Yaffe M, Lavoie KL, Sussman T, Strumpf EC, Ciampi A, Belzile E. 2015. Adherence to a telephone-supported depression self-care intervention for adults with chronic physical illnesses, Sage Open. 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/2158244015572486.

Smith LM, Kaufman JS, Strumpf EC, Lévesque LE. 2015. Effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on clinical indicators of sexual behaviour among adolescent girls: the Ontario Grade 8 HPV Vaccine Cohort Study, Canadian Medical Association Journal. 187(2):E74-81. DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.140900. PMID: 25487660.

Smith L, Strumpf EC, Kaufman JS, Lofters A, Schwandt M, Lévesque LE. 2015. The early benefits of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination on cervical dysplasia and anogenital warts, Pediatrics 135(5):e1131 -e1140 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-2961.

White J, Shelton K, Elgar FJ. 2014. Prospective associations between the family environment, family cohesion, and psychiatric symptoms among adolescent girls, Child Psychiatry & Human Development. 45(5): 544-554. DOI 10.1007/s10578-013-0423-5.

Vang ZM, Eckstein SB. 2015. Toward an improved understanding of immigrant adaptation and transnational engagement: The case of Cuban émigrés in the United States, Comparative Migration Studies 3(6): 1-20. DOI: 10.1186/s40878-015-0007-6.

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