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Shingrix vs. Zostavax: How do Various Shingles Vaccines Stack Up?

6 Mar 2018

It’s important to understand what shingles is. Shingles is essentially a reactivation of chickenpox. Chickenpox is a bit of a misnomer. The “pox” ending refers to its blistering rash. For much of...

H3N2 Influenza: Why Is It Called H3N2?

10 Jan 2018

It may seem as if flu viruses get chosen based on a sluggish and never-ending game of bingo....


20 May 2017

Ali Maow of Somalia has the distinction of being the world’s last recorded victim of smallpox, a disease he acquired in 1977.  For the first time ever, through a program of vaccination and...

Not all facts are created equal

20 Mar 2017

I often ask myself questions. “Is that a fact?” is perhaps the one that crops up most frequently. That’s because no day goes by without someone soliciting my opinion about an item they have come...

What's the truth behind Gardasil?

20 Mar 2017

The more you get involved with science, especially when it comes to matters of health, the more you realize how hard it is to “know” anything. Basically we end up making educated guesses based on...

Academic Freedom

20 Mar 2017

Academic freedom is sacrocent in institutions of higher learning. According to standards adopted by Canadian universities, academic freedom includes the right to freely communicate knowledge and...

Snorting Things to Survive Smallpox?

20 Mar 2017

A powder made from the scabs of pustules on the skin of people who had survived smallpox. The eradication of this horrific disease, which is thought to have first appeared around 10,000 B.C., is...

Jenny McCarthy’s Charisma Masks Her Kookiness

20 Mar 2017

About one thing there is no doubt. Jenny McCarthy is a very pretty lady. After all she rose to fame as a Playboy Playmate. She has also had a fling with modelling, TV and movies. And she is...


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