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What makes a stink bomb stink?

20 Mar 2017

The classic stench of rotten eggs produced by a stink bomb is produced when the ammonium sulphide in the stink bomb breaks down to hydrogen sulphide and ammonia. Commercially, this ammonium...

What is the difference between “Unscented” and “Fragrance-free” products?

20 Mar 2017

Can a fragrance-free product have a smell? Absolutely. Can an unscented product contain any compounds that have a smell? Absolutely. It’s all a matter of semantics although there are no universally...

What are Urinal Cakes?

20 Mar 2017

They may be a mystery to the ladies, but they’re very familiar to gentlemen. They’re called “urinal cakes” and are commonly seen at the bottom of urinals. Their purpose?


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