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The History of Clinical Trials

15 Mar 2024

Today when a new medication is introduced, we expect it to be backed by evidence gleaned from proper research. Our gold standard is the randomized double-blind controlled trial, but surprisingly...

The Nobel Prize Committee Sends a Message! Messenger RNA Research Merits Science’s Highest Honour!

4 Oct 2023

The wall above that photocopier located at the University of Pennsylvania may eventually feature a plaque that reads something like “it was here that Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman met in 1998...

If You’re Getting Old, You Can Blame Klotho

29 Sep 2023

There is no shortage of stories professing the existence of a Fountain of Youth somewhere in the world, always just out of reach. Bathing in its water was claimed to undo the damage of old age....

The Evidence Shows Masks Work

18 Nov 2022

This article was originally posted in the Montreal Gazette....

The “Mini-Organs” Being Grown in Laboratories

21 Oct 2022

Somewhere, in a laboratory, there is a mini-brain growing. In fact, mini-brains are growing in many laboratories all over the world. What do they dream of? Nothing at the moment, and nothing for...

Doing Your Own Research a Little Bit Better

14 Apr 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic helped popularize a hair-raising phrase: “do your own research.” Portrayed as a call for self-empowerment, it became the tell-tale sign of someone who didn’t trust public...

Puppies Can Help Explain How Scientists Get Things Wrong

1 Apr 2022

If you have an interest in scientific research, you may have heard a weird term that sounds traumatizing from a urological perspective: p-hacking. Apparently, you’ve read, some scientists use p...


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