Today when a new medication is introduced, we expect it to be backed by evidence gleaned from proper research. Our gold standard is the randomized double-blind controlled trial, but surprisingly...
The wall above that photocopier located at the University of Pennsylvania may eventually feature a plaque that reads something like “it was here that Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman met in 1998...
There is no shortage of stories professing the existence of a Fountain of Youth somewhere in the world, always just out of reach. Bathing in its water was claimed to undo the damage of old age....
Somewhere, in a laboratory, there is a mini-brain growing. In fact, mini-brains are growing in many laboratories all over the world. What do they dream of? Nothing at the moment, and nothing for...
The COVID-19 pandemic helped popularize a hair-raising phrase: “do your own research.” Portrayed as a call for self-empowerment, it became the tell-tale sign of someone who didn’t trust public...
If you have an interest in scientific research, you may have heard a weird term that sounds traumatizing from a urological perspective: p-hacking. Apparently, you’ve read, some scientists use p...