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The Microbiome and Its Myth-Making Machine

11 Aug 2023

As promising new discoveries are made in the health sciences, the telephone game begins. Scientists put their best foot forward when presenting their results. The public relations department at...

The Science of Sourdough and How a Jar of Microbes Could Help Keep Your Bread Fresher Longer

28 Jul 2020

Its catapult to popularity may have been triggered by the pandemic-induced yeast shortages, but even months later, when instant yeast is once again available at most grocery stores, sourdough’s...

What Does It Mean When a Vaccine Contains an Inactivated Virus?

27 Mar 2020

A vaccine contains an attenuated or inactivated microorganism (or part of one) so that your immune system can prepare itself for an eventual infection. The content of the vaccine must be...

Can Science Explain the New Star Wars Planet?

6 Feb 2018

Science fiction movies are usually a little more fiction than science, but you never know where you might catch a glimmer of the real world. For instance, take the bona fide space classic: Star...

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