Blowing up a bed using a tank is certainly a choice. The bed explodes in slow motion. First, we see the dirt raised from the ground behind the bed. Then, a ball of fire erupts, tossing pillows in...
The website has a subtle grey background. The banner image shows an elated young woman with dark hair streaked with reddish-brown, basking in the sunlight. The company’s proposition is bold: “delay...
Lead is nasty. Since the body has a tough time eliminating it, exposure to very small amounts can cause poisoning over the long term. Diagnosis of lead poisoning is challenging because of the...
So.. Dr. Oz is at it again. This time he was fawning over Haylie Pomroy's "Fast Metabolism Diet." Haylie's qualifications are not clear but she is described as a "lifestyle counsellor." Hmmm....