Wilson Weedout contains 4-chloro indole acetic acid as an active ingredient which really is quite effective against broad-leaved weeds. It is a naturally occurring plant hormone that triggers the...
First of all, let’s point out that this trial dealt with occupational exposure to glyphosate and had nothing to do with trace amounts of the chemical in our food supply. Nevertheless, the...
Scarcely a day goes by without some scary story about glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide. It is best known as the active ingredient in Monsanto’s “Roundup” which is used to kill...
The Environmental Protection Agency disregarded critics by approving Enlist Duo, a new herbicide developed by Dow AgroSciences. In fact Enlist Duo is not totally new. It is a combination of two...
Now it’s toxic strawberries from California! “Will strawberry shortcake be known for causing cancer, birth defects and miscarriages,” asks a widely circulating article on the web. Well, no. Not...