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The Cookie Diet

20 Mar 2017

There is no tooth fairy. There’s no Easter bunny. There’s not even a Santa Claus. There are no geese that lay golden eggs. There’s no golden fleece. And there are no simple ways to lose weight. But...

Can nuts reduce your risks of heart disease?

20 Mar 2017

One third of North Americans may have high blood cholesterol levels. This of course puts them at an increased risk for heart disease, the number one killer in North America. But cholesterol can be...

A Tangerine a Day Keeps the Heart Surgeon Away?

20 Mar 2017

“Huge doses of purified methoxylated polyflavones increase insulin sensitivity and attenuate atherosclerosis in mice” is certainly not as catchy a headline as “Tangerine a Day Keeps Heart Surgeons...

What About Mercury In Fish?

20 Mar 2017

Nutritionists recommend eating fish regularly, twice a week, because it is an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, and omega-3 fats. These omega-3 fats are nicknamed the ‘healing fats’ because...

A Diet to Lower Cholesterol

20 Mar 2017

Ask someone what is the best way to reduce the risk of heart disease and chances are they’ll say “reduce your cholesterol.” That message has been ingrained in our psyche. So it isn’t surprising...

Is there anything to raw food diet?

20 Mar 2017

There is no doubt that the way food is cooked has an impact on nutrient absorption and toxin production. Some restaurants, particularly in California, are capitalising on this idea. They point out...

The African Mango: Can Its Seeds Really Help You Lose Weight?

20 Mar 2017

Obesity is one of North America’s greatest nutritional challenges and it is now creeping into the developing world as well, thanks to the export of our dietary habits. But maybe we can import a...

Diet and twins: are they connected?

20 Mar 2017

Nope. You’re not seeing double. You’re just seeing twins. And they seem to be virtually everywhere in West Africa, especially in Igbo-Obra, a quiet farming community in Nigeria. A sign proclaiming ...

Chemistry lesson for The Food Babe… and everyone else #19: Alkaline Diets Do Not Cure Disease

17 Mar 2017

The best treatment for people prone to swallowing woo is a dose of chemistry. And one of the wooiest ideas out there is the one about alkaline diets curing disease. Gives me a headache. So let’s...


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