Faculty Funding Opportunity for SBNH Conference Presentations

The SBNH Advisory Committee of the McGill Nursing Collaborative is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for ISoN Faculty seeking support for SBNH Conference Presentations. Eligible presentations will explicitly use Strength-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) as their guiding philosophy or framework or an aspect of SBNH (e.g., SBNH Value Wheel, SBNH Spiraling Process, SBNH Pillars). Support will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis while funds remain.


The committee invites ISoN Faculty to consult the following funding criteria and instructions for submitting a funding request.

Criteria for Financial Support for SBNH Conference Presentations



  • Applicant must have an accepted abstract at a local, national, or international conference
  • Presentation formats: oral, poster and or workshop.
  • Presentation explicitly use Strength-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) as its guiding philosophy or framework or an aspect of SBNH (e.g., SBNH Value Wheel, SBNH Spiraling Process, SBNH Pillars).
  • SBNH abstract has received prior vetting by the SBNH Advisory Committee or two of its members.
  • Eligible applicant: ISoN faculty, i.e., CAS, TT, and Tenured
  • Request for support shall not exceed the cost of the registration, travel, living expenses (i.e., accommodation, meals).
  • Support for one conference per fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st)


  • The presenter (s) needs to submit his/her abstract to the SBNH Advisory committee prior to submitting to the Call For Abstracts to ensure the integrity of how SBNH is being presented.

Once abstract has been accepted the request for support should:

  • Forward application for financial support to the ISoN Collaborative Coordinator Gib Primeau (gilbert.primeau [at] mail.mcgill.ca )
  • Materials accompanying request for support:
    • Description of the conference, venue and goals of the activity
    • Accepted abstract
    • Letter of Acceptance from conference scientific committee
    • Self-assessment SBNH
    • Other requests for funding and amounts received

Fees being requested for reimbursement:

  • Maximum funding allocated [Canadian funds]:
  • Local conference: $250.00
  • National conference: $ 500.00
  • International conference: $1000

Accepted presentations will:

  • Explicitly acknowledge the support of the McGill Nursing Collaborative
  • One-time use of the SBNH Logo. Requests for use of SBNH logo to Tina Gelsomini, Project Officer (SBN.nursing [at] mcgill.ca)
  • Put on the title page the three logos: McGill Nursing Collaborative, SBNH, McGill University

Procedures for Reimbursement

  • Once the committee has approved an applicant to receive reimbursement, his/her name, email address, and how much money has been awarded will be forwarded to Gib Primeau, ISoN Collaborative Coordinator.
  • Gib will contact the recipient and give them the FOAPAL information. The recipient will be responsible for completing their request for reimbursement and gathering the appropriate documentation. If they have questions, they can contact Daniel Baril at:
    aec11-finance.med [at] mcgill.ca
  • The recipient will deliver their signed expense report, receipts and documentation and submit to Gib Primeau who will submit them to Dr. Carmen Loiselle, ISoN, Associate Director of Research for approval and who will then send the completed expense report to Finance.
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