Collaborative Chair (ISoN)
Heather Hart (RN, MScA) is an Assistant Professor at the Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University. She teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate programs with a particular interest in advancing family nursing and strengths-based nursing and healthcare. Her clinical background is in palliative care and gerontology.
The Collaborative would like to thank Drs. Nancy Feeley and Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay for their invaluable leadership and dedication as ISoN Chairs and members of the Coordination Committee over the last several years.
Left to right: Alain Biron, Catherine Oliver, Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay, Caroline Phaneuf, Christina Clausen, Annie Chevrier, Jessica Emed
- Provide guidance on strategic directions and decision-making, recommend priorities to the Executive Committee
- Operationalize the goals and objectives of the Collaborative, as identified by the Executive committee.
- Establish work groups as needed and ensure appropriate involvement of stakeholders to accomplish each initiative
- Provide timelines for work completion, reports on progress, and ensure measurement of end points is occurring.
- Regularly review progress from each site.
Ingram School of Nursing (ISoN) contacts:
- heather.hart [at] (Heather Hart, )ISoN Chair for the McGill Collaborative
- gilbert.primeau [at] (Gib Primeau), ISoN Collaborative Coordinator
ISoN Collaborative committee members:
- heather.hart [at] (Heather Hart)
- Rosetta Antonacci
- Françoise Filion
- Andraea Van Hulst
- Christine Maheu
McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) contact: alain.biron [at] (Alain Biron)
MUHC steering committee members:
- Alain Biron
- Nancy Turner
Jewish General Hospital (JGH) contacts: cclausen [at] (Christina Clausen)
JGH steering committee members:
- Christina Clausen
- Chantal Bastien