Inside McGill Inside My Head

Published: 11 December 2015

« La demande était pas mal corpo au début, » says Alain Farah with a laugh. He is anything but. Farah teaches in the department of French languages and literature at McGill. He’s also the author of...

Outremont: zoning on new places of worship

Published: 8 December 2015

"The borough of Outremont has overwhelmingly adopted a controversial bylaw banning new places of worship on Bernard and Laurier avenues." (Source: CBC)

Climate change adaption: a global snapshot

Published: 9 November 2015

A McGill University-led group of researchers (TRAC3) are looking at whether progress is being made in designing initiatives and policies to reduce vulnerability to climate change across countries....

Climate change adaptation in high income countries

Published: 9 November 2015

McGill-led team developing new ways of tracking adaptation

Black women in Canada: higher risk of preterm births

Published: 9 November 2015

Similar to relative disparities in the United States, although rates lower among both racial groups in Canada

A new way to starve lung cancer?

Published: 20 October 2015

Preventing cancer cells from growing by understanding what they 'eat'.

Different types of child abuse: similar consequences

Published: 14 October 2015

Emotional abuse may be as harmful as physical abuse and neglect. This finding led by a team of researchers at McGill University complements previous imaging research showing that emotional and...

The father effect

Published: 8 October 2015

Discovery of how environmental memories may be transmitted from a man to his grandchildren

Association between low vitamin D and MS

Published: 25 August 2015

Low levels of vitamin D significantly increase the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a study led by Dr. Brent Richards of the Lady Davis Institute at the Jewish General...


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