In an age of abundance and variety in food options, are Canadians eating better than they were half a century ago? According to a recent paper by researchers at McGill University and the...
A hot, "unstable and sticky" summer awaits Quebecers, according to The Weather Network, which predicts periods of abundant heat, often followed by severe thunderstorms. This will be the "fifth...
Residential energy use represents roughly one-fifth of annual greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. A team of researchers led by McGill University has used data from 60 million individual...
The twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be hosted by the United Kingdom, in partnership with...
An inter-university collaboration led by Dr. Mark Lefsrud, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioresource Engineering, has received a $1.65 million research grant, to be distributed over six...