Surprisingly, in any single location, there are typically more earthworms and more earthworm species found in temperate regions than in the tropics, according to a study published this week in...
Researchers from McGill University project that as the permafrost continues to degrade, the climate in various regions of the Arctic could potentially change abruptly, in the relatively near future...
Australia continues to burn after more than a month of raging bushfires, and it doesn't appear the smoke-filled skies will be clearing any time soon. More than five million hectares have burned, 19...
Spending on advertising by major oil corporations has reached an all-time high over the past decade. In a recent paper in Climatic Change, researchers from McGill, Brown and Rutgers Universities...
The Dutch high court has just upheld a decision that obliges the Dutch government to reduce its carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2020 to protect the human rights of its citizens. (New York Times...
Old habits are hard to break. A McGill-led study of replacement of traditional wood and coal burning stoves with clean energy in China suggests that, without a better understanding of the reasons...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to unveil his new cabinet Wednesday, with significant changes expected to important portfolios such as foreign affairs, environment and climate change, and...
“After a slow start, tornado season in the United States has suddenly become supercharged, with 500 twisters touching down over the past month and 12 consecutive days with eight or more of the...