BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240922T183547EDT-3019mX493c@ DTSTAMP:20240922T223547Z DESCRIPTION:The 5th International Training Course on Neuroimaging of Epilep sy will be held virtually at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre of the Mon treal Neurological Institute-Hospital (The Neuro).\n\nThe goal of our cour se is to provide participants with an understanding of fundamentals and pr actical skills related to state-of-the-art MR imaging in epilepsy. In addi tion to offering methodological insights\, we place emphasis on clinical d ecision-making and translation to local settings.\n\nOur course is endorse d by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) as one of the activi ties for the new competency-based curriculum and provides Level 2 competen cies (also covering level 1 and 3).\n\nFor the didactic portion\, particip ants will have access to pre-recorded Zoom lectures a few weeks before the course\, in order to view them at their convenience\, thereby accommodati ng various time zones. Each day will begin with a 1-hour Question and Answ er (Q&A) period about specific lectures.\n\nThe teaching session will cons ist of case review of MRI data of epilepsy patients\, including both visua l and computer-assisted analyses. We will also have a session on diffusion MRI and resting-state and task-based fMRI\, covering pre-processing and c ase presentations.\n\nAndrea Bernasconi\, Course Director\n\nNeda Bernasco ni\, Course Director\n\nRegistration here\n\nOrganizing Committee\n\n\n And rea Bernasconi\, Course Director\n\n Neda Bernasconi\, Course Director\n\n D ebbie Rashcovsky\, Events Lead\n\n Sasha Kelly\, Conference and Events Coor dinator\n\n\n\n Virtual Platform\n\n How to participate via Zoom:\n\n You can either join a meeting via the invite link or the Meeting ID #. The meetin g ID # is the number found at the end of the invite link.\n\n If you click the link it will automatically bring you to the meeting. If you do not hav e the link and only the meeting ID go to the Zoom application and click “J oin a meeting” where it will prompt you to input your name and the Meeting ID #.\n\n Use the toolbar at the bottom of your screen to mute/unmute your self and to enable/disable your video.\n\n DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220426 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220428 SUMMARY:International Training Course on Neuroimaging of Epilepsy (Virtual) URL: e-neuroimaging-epilepsy-virtual-332247 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR