Lan Xiong, MD, PhD
Dr. Lan Xiong obtained her MD from Peking University, and finished her residency in pediatrics and pediatric neurology at the Peking University First Hospital. She then completed her PhD in neuroscience at McGill University, focusing on genetic studies of partial epilepsy. She received her postdoctoral training in neurogenetics and neurogenomics at the McGill Centre for Research in Neuroscience and at the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM).
Dr. Xiong’s research centers around the gene discovery for some psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders and the relevant underlying genetic mechanisms, applying various statistical methods and genetic technologies. She is particularly interested in the polygenicity mechanism and potential epigenetic partitioning of heritability of some psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders by using special family cohorts and some isolated consanguineous populations. She has also been actively involved in fostering The Neuro/McGill’s collaborations and partnerships with several major institutions and companies in China.