MForum Steering Committee members wish to celebrate the hard work we’ve all put in during the busy fall semester!
Please join us for our first event of the new Academic Year:
Come and meet our new Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic), Christopher Manfredi
Hear Registrar and Executive Director of Enrolment Services, Kathleen Massey, and Management professor, Saku Mantere, talk about breaking down silos and shattering slabs en route to successful collaboration on projects.
And say hello to your new Steering Committee members
There will also be a 50-50 draw in support of McGill’s Centraide campaign ($2 per ticket or three for $5), so the more who participate, the larger the potential winnings!
Date: Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015 Time: 4:30-7 p.m. Place: Redpath Hall
Munchies and refreshments (wine, soft drinks and water) will be served
Order of proceedings:
- Opening remarks by Curtis Sharman, Chair 5:15-5:20
- Christopher Manfredi, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) 5:20-5:25
- Saku Mantere, Professor Faculty of Management 5:25-5:30
- Kathleen Massey, Registrar and Executive Director, Enrolment Services 5:30-5:40